Renata Renata Antonic
Splash Creative Services
1554 Westover Road, North Vancouver, BC, V7J 1X5

Business operating in Lynn Valley since:  2000

What do customers like about your business?  Fast, efficient, highly affordable, creative, flexible, professional

What do you like about your customers?  I love to be able to turn their ideas into reality. Oftentimes the customer knows exactly what they want, they just don’t have the expertise. That’s where I come in.

Here’s a tip from the business (a recipe, home handyman tip, life lesson, etc):  First impressions are always important. How you present yourself, whether it be in person or in print, can make all the difference.

Some of your hobbies: Golf, hiking, travel, reading, fitness

Your previous ventures or accomplishments: My work life started in administration, and actually remained there for quite a long time. It was probably about 15 years ago that I realized that I had a real interest in graphic design and writing, and decided to steer my career in that direction. I love the creative side of business. With experience in firms of all kinds – architectural, gaming, real estate, online marketing, and more, I build upon the skills I’ve learned and use them in my design business to help not only the business itself, but my clients.

Community Involvement:  When my daughter danced at RNB, I volunteered many hours, helping them with some of the graphic and marketing needs (i.e. programs, ads, etc.) as well as with sewing and photography. I have assisted with the Lynn Valley Days Parade.

Tell us something we don’t know about you:  I recently wrote some lyrics to a song – my first foray into the songwriting world. Although my voice could scare off a cat, a good friend put the words to music, and gave it life. You can listen here:

Future plans and possibilities: I would love for “Splash Creative Services” to be the name on the tips of everyone’s tongue when they are looking for help with marketing materials.

What has the business taught you:  Perseverance, tenacity, patience, listen to the client.

One of your favourite quotations: “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”

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