Westlynn Meats serves local “foodies”

By staff writer

The Dos Santos family has been selling meats and seafood at Lynn Valley Mall for 15 years now. There’s a reason for their popularity. “It’s all about the customers,” says Mike dos Santos, wrapping a bag of pork chops for a customer and handing it over. “We always listen to what the customers have to say and are attentive to their questions and requests. If somebody wants a special item, we get it for them.”

The other key element to their longevity comes as a bit of a surprise. Evidently there are a lot of “foodies” in Lynn Valley, who are very particular about what they order, and when. Fresh and local are two other key pieces to the puzzle. Seasonal might be another.


How to buy a bike, what kind, and where

Rick Loader

~ Rick Loader

What are the most important components of buying a bike?  Well, they aren’t the brakes, that’s for sure.  According to Lynn Valley Bikes co-owner Rick Loader, it’s picking the right size. To do that, first you must identify the purpose.  What will the bike be used for?  Riding to school? Mountain biking?  Commuting to work?

Located at the junction of Mountain Highway and Lynn Valley Road, Lynn Valley Bikes is the closest shop to the mountains and the North Shore’s vast array of mountain biking trails, so naturally they sell more mountain bikes than other models, but Loader says you shouldn’t buy a mountain bike to ride on the street. Maybe a “hybrid” model with fatter tyres than a street bike but still good on trails and pavement is your best bet. Let trained staff suggest an apprpriate model for your needs, and – whatever you do – don’t buy a bike that your child will “grow into.” Buying a big too big is a recipe for failure.


Hot-weather tips for local lawns

New “Phase Two” water restrictions were announced today, so this article on hot-weather lawn care is just in time! Check out the water sprinkling rules here – and take note of the following advice from Matt and Rob Boyd of Endless Summer landscapers (you can find more of their articles for LynnValleyLife by clicking on the link!)

If spring lawn care is about getting your lawn healthy and green, summer lawn care is about KEEPING it healthy while temperatures soar and rainfall becomes a fleeting memory. It’s also about maintaining a lawn that can withstand all the barbecues, games, parties, and running feet that summer has to offer. Here are some tips for keeping your lawn in shape over those long, hot days of summer.


Divide your perennials to keep them perky

Spring is well upon us, so it’s time to tune into the local experts for some garden tips.  Here is some advice on keeping your perennials looking perfect, from Matt and Rob Boyd of Endless Summer landscapers.

Many perennial plants grow in an ever-widening clump. After several seasons of growing, these perennials will begin to die out in the center and look more like a ring than a clump.


Shop local – with online convenience!

From the desk of Peggy Trendell-Jensen, editor:

Oftentimes the convenience of online shopping translates to an unfortunate flagging of support for the bricks-and-mortar shops that are so much the heart of a healthy community. Fortunately, Save-on-Food’s new online shopping service doesn’t put us in that moral dilemma – we can support this Lynn Valley Day Diamond Sponsor while still kicking back with our laptop on the couch!


Lynn Valley Mall redevelopment gets seven thumbs up

After years of extensive public consultation and study, in the end it took North Vancouver District’s seven councillors less than an hour to unanimously approve four bylaws that will allow Bosa Development’s Lynn Valley Mall development to proceed.

YesA special council meeting was held on the evening of Tuesday, June 10 with only one order of business: to vote for or against the redevelopment project, which includes a complete overhaul of the mall, mixed residential-retail usage, two 12-storey buildings, a new High Street connecting Lynn Valley Road and 27th Street, and a variety of public amenities.


Warm-weather watering wisdom from the pros

The sun is out, and your garden needs you! Here are some warm-weather tips from Matt and Rob Boyd of Endless Summer landscapers, with some especially good advice about watering plants properly!

These are just a few gardening tips for you to consider here in late May/June. Many people seem to think that just because all the plants have been put into their places for the summer and your perennials are blooming, or past bloom, there is no more work to be done. The garden is full of multi-colored flowers, so there must be little or nothing to do. Right? No, there is always work that may be done.


Got a wall? Here’s a workout!

This just in from D’Alton McCarthy, the local trainer behind Body by D’Alt.



These two exercises, used on a wall, can give you a great and safe work out in under five minutes – one that’s good for beginners, but gives more fit folks a challenge, too.

If you are a healthy beginner, start with a five-second invisible chair (also known as a chair sit) followed by a wall push up. I have included pictures of the correct form and optimum positioning.

Here's the advanced position - beginners can choose a more shallow squat.

Here’s the advanced position – beginners can choose a more shallow squat.

Follow this up with a 10-second invisible chair and two wall push ups…then a 15-second chair sit and three wall push ups…then a 20-second chair sit and four wall push ups …then a 25-second chair sit and five wall push ups, ending with a 30-second chair sit and six wall push ups.

Starting position for wall push up.

Starting position for wall push up.

Slowly move towards wall, then return to start position.

Slowly move towards wall, then return to start position.

If you are new to exercise, start with the first three to four rounds.

The most important thing to remember is that you are better off doing less with proper form than doing too much with bad form.

In the following month add one more round, or opt for the more challenging position.

Good luck!

– D’Alton McCarthy