Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – September 2016


September 2016 Sales Recap

Here is the latest on the Lynn Valley market for September 2016.

Single Family Homes:

  • There were 9 detached homes sold in September with an average sale price of $1,585,333 (median = $1,503,000)
  • The average sale price achieved was less than list price by 0.38%
  • Detached homes that sold in September took an average of 11 days to sell (median = 9)

Detached Sales 2016 capture

Apartments and Townhouses:

  • There were 7 attached homes sold in September with an average sale price of $602,128  (median = $620,000)
  • The average sale price achieved was less than list price by 1.01%
  • Attached homes that sold in September took an average of 21 days to sell (median = 7 days)

Attached Sales capture Sept 2016




Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – October 2016


October 2016 Sales Recap

Here is the latest on the Lynn Valley market for October 2016.

Single Family Homes:

  • There were 11 detached homes sold in October with an average sale price of $1,464,939 (median = $1,450,000)
  • The average sale price achieved was less than list price by 4.47%
  • Detached homes that sold in October took an average of 57 days to sell (median = 45)

October Detached Sales Chart

Apartments and Townhouses:

  • There were 6 attached homes sold in October with an average sale price of $717,500  (median = $617,500)
  • The average sale price achieved was more than list price by 1.14%
  • Attached homes that sold in October took an average of 9 days to sell (median = 6 days)

October Attaches Sales Chart




Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – August 2016


August 2016 Sales Recap

Here is the latest on the Lynn Valley market for August 2016.

Single Family Homes:

  • There were 18 detached homes sold in August with an average sale price of $1,523,555 (median = $1,465,000)
  • The average sale price achieved was less than list price by 2.38%
  • Detached homes that sold in August took an average of 22 days to sell (median = 14)

August detached capture


Apartments and Townhouses:

  • There were 7 attached homes sold in August with an average sale price of $810,528  (median = $604,900)
  • The average sale price achieved was above list price by 0.66%
  • Attached homes that sold in August took an average of 24 days to sell (median = 16 days)

August attached capture



Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – July 2016


July 2016 Sales Recap

Here is the latest on the Lynn Valley market for July 2016.

Single Family Homes:

  • There were 10 detached homes sold in July with an average sale price of $1,442,700 (median = $1,425,000)
  • The average sale price achieved was more than list price by 4.37%
  • Detached homes that sold in July took an average of 11 days to sell (median = 11)



Apartments and Townhouses:

  • There were 9 attached homes sold in July with an average sale price of $566,378  (median = $579,900)
  • The average sale price achieved was above list price by 2.77%
  • Attached homes that sold in July took an average of 10 days to sell (median = 8 days)




Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – June 2016


June 2016 Sales Recap

Keep reading to find out more about the Lynn Valley market for June 2016.

Single Family Homes:

  • There were 27 detached homes sold in June with an average sale price of $1,648,847 (median = $1,600,000).
  • The average sale price achieved was more than list price by 4.93%.
  • Detached homes that sold in June took an average of 12 days to sell (median = 9).

Download the PDF for LynnValleyLife June Detached Home Sales here


Apartments and Townhouses:

  • There were 12 attached homes sold in June with an average sale price of $718,908  (median = $667,500).
  • The average sale price achieved was above list price by 10.23%.
  • Attached homes that sold in June took an average of 11 days to sell (median = 8 days).




Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – May 2016


May 2016 Sales Recap

Keep reading to find out more about the Lynn Valley market for May 2016.

Single Family Homes:

  • There were 18 detached homes sold in May with an average sale price of $1,824,150 (median = $1,685,100).
  • The average sale price achieved was more than list price by 9.99%.
  • Detached homes that sold in May took an average of 21 days to sell (median = 7).

  Detached Home Sales May 2016


Apartments and Townhouses:

  • There were 8 attached homes sold in May with an average sale price of $616,312  (median = $623,500).
  • The average sale price achieved was above list price by 6.99%.
  • Attached homes that sold in May took an average of 8 days to sell (median = 8 days).

 Attached Home Sales May 2016




Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – April 2016



April 2016 Sales Recap

Keep reading to find out more about the Lynn Valley market for April 2016.

Single Family Homes:

  • There were 25 detached homes sold in April with an average sale price of $1,520,474 (median = $1,535,000).
  • The average sale price achieved was more than list price by 9.33%.
  • Detached homes that sold in April took an average of 8 days to sell (median = 8).


 Detached Sales April


Apartments and Townhouses:

  • There were 13 attached homes sold in April with an average sale price of $641,470  (median = $570,000).
  • The average sale price achieved was above list price by 11.00%.
  • Attached homes that sold in April took an average of 16 days to sell (median = 7 days).

 Attached sales April



Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – March 2016


March 2016 Sales Recap

Keep reading to find out more about the Lynn Valley market for March 2016.

Single Family Homes:

  • There were 39 detached homes sold in March with an average sale price of $1,550,926 (median = $1,530,000).
  • The average sale price achieved was more than list price by 4.43%.
  • Detached homes that sold in March took an average of 12 days to sell (median = 9).

Download the PDF for LynnValleyLife March Detached Home Sales here


Apartments and Townhouses:

  • There were 16 attached homes sold in March with an average sale price of $620,681  (median = $590,500).
  • The average sale price achieved was just above list price by 7.90%.
  • Attached homes that sold in March took an average of 11 days to sell (median = 8 days).

 Attached Capture_March




Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – February 2016


February 2016 Sales Recap

Keep reading to find out more about the Lynn Valley market for February 2016.

Single Family Homes:

  • There were 21 detached homes sold in February with an average sale price of $1,482,195 (median = $1,525,000).
  • The average sale price achieved was more than list price by 8.87%.
  • Detached homes that sold in February took an average of 16 days to sell (median = 8).

 Detached capture


Apartments and Townhouses:

  • There were 13 attached homes sold in February with an average sale price of $486,850  (median = $418,000).
  • The average sale price achieved was just above list price by 3.24%.
  • Attached homes that sold in February took an average of 43 days to sell (median = 7 days).

 Attached capture



Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – January 2016

January 2016 Sales Recap

The market in Lynn Valley started the year with another sizzling month for real estate sales.  To give you a little perspective, here is a comparative summary of the Lynn Valley market between January 2015 and January 2016:

Single Family Homes

  • The average sale price of a detached home in Lynn Valley has increased by 35.12% compared with January 2015
  • The total sales price of detached homes in Lynn Valley has increased by 12.6% compared with January  2015
  • The number of detached homes sold is fairly comparable with just 3 less homes being sold in January 2016 compared to January 2015.

Apartments and Townhouses

  • The average sale price of an attached home in Lynn Valley has decreased by 17.32% compared with January  2015
  • The total sales price of attached homes in Lynn Valley has decreased by 17.79% compared with January  2015
  • Exactly 8 attached homes were sold in both January 2015 and 2016.

Keep reading to find out more about the Lynn Valley market specifically for January 2016.

Single Family Homes:

  • There were 15 detached homes sold in January with an average sale price of $1,593,133 (median = $1,525,000).
  • The average sale price achieved was more than list price by 7.59%.
  • Detached homes that sold in January took an average of 16 days to sell (median = 7).


Capture Detached Sales Jan 2016

 Apartments and Townhouses:

  • There were 8 attached homes sold in January with an average sale price of $525,481  (median = $477,500).
  • The average sale price achieved was just above list price by 1.19%.
  • Attached homes that sold in January took an average of 18 days to sell (median = 9 days).

 Attached Sales Jan 2016
