Cheryl, Olivia and Tim Green with LVLife realtor Kelly Gardiner
The annual Lynn Valley Walk of Trees lighting ceremony is always a festive event, and this year was no exception as a sunny afternoon and snow-capped mountains brought the crowds out to Lynn Valley Village on December 3.
New this year was a candlelit lantern parade that wound through the dark Christmas tree forest while we were serenaded by Lynn Valley’s Bobbi Smith leading Silent Night. The Christmas tree countdown took place shortly after, with Mayor Richard Walton and MLA Jane Thornthwaite pushing the big red button that lit up the trees that have been decorated by community businesses and organizations. Thanks to these sponsors, Lynn Valley Community Association Gillian Konst was them able to present the Harvest Foundation with a cheque for $2,750.
An extra-special highlight for us was being on hand to present the LynnValleyLife Good Neighbour Award to a local citizen who contributes time and energy to their community all year ’round.
This year’s winner of the plaque and Black Bear Pub gift certificate is a real friend to many in the community – whether they know it or not! For as long as we have known Tim Green, he has always been found behind the scenes, making sure community events run smoothly for his fellow organizers and for all the Lynn Valley residents who come out to enjoy themselves at Lynn Valley Days, the annual toy sale, and more.
Tim is a volunteer extraordinaire and a genuinely nice guy, and we are delighted that he was put forward for this award by the Lynn Valley Services Society (LVSS) and the Lynn Valley Community Association (LVCA) for this recognition. His nomination letters speak for themselves, so we wanted to print them in their entirety, below. We hope they get you into the spirit of the season… and that you visit the Christmas Tree Walk in Lynn Valley Village soon!
Dear LynnValleyLife,
We would like to nominate Tim Green for this year’s Good Neighbour Award. He is our “Silent Hero”.
Quietly, behind the scene, seeking no recognition, Tim has assisted and supported the LVSS at Mollie Nye House for many years. Each week he drops by to bring out our garbage bins for collection and returns to make sure everything is put away. This is a chore that would be difficult for us to manage without Tim.
This summer LVSS held a Heritage Fair which was a free community event in recognition of Canada 150. As a not-for-profit we were pressed to find cost-effective solutions to the many issues that came our way. When we realized that on-site security would be needed the night before the fair we reached out to Tim to see if he knew of any individuals or firms that might provide the service for a low cost. Without hesitation Tim volunteered his services and made sure our fair site was secure throughout the night.
Tim cares for Lynn Valley very much and serves as a volunteer for Citizen’s Crime Watch (CCW) on the North Shore. In January of this year, Tim was driving past Mollie Nye House and noticed suspicious activity. The motto of the CCW is to “Observe, Record and Report” and while he was not on duty that evening Tim monitored the activities, stayed onsite and contacted CCW who in turn contacted the RCMP. Tim’s quick actions stabilized a situation that could have been much worse and minimized the damage to Mollie Nye House. This is another example of Tim’s dedication to our community and why we know he is our “Silent Hero”.
Ginny Phillips
Board Chair
Lynn Valley Services Society
Dear LynnValleyLife:
Lynn Valley Community Association are pleased to support the nomination of Tim Green for your Good Neighbour Award. Tim is a longtime member of LVCA and served on the board for several years, keeping meticulous records of our membership database.
He and his wife Cheryl organized the Kids Toy Sale for many years. You can always count on Tim to help with setting up events, especially our Annual Parade of Trees. For the past nine years he has stopped by the Mollie Nye House early in the morning to put out the garbage and later in the day to bring the cans back in. Tim also helps out at Lynn Valley Days, making the parade route safe and marshalling traffic for the parade.
Tim always has the right tools, shows up rain or shine and it would be hard to find a more committed volunteer. Yet he does all this in the quietest possible way.
Thank you.
Gillian Konst
Lynn Valley Community Association