Market Analysis

Go to any dinner party, and the one topic of conversation that never fails to come up is the real estate market. We’ll help you stay informed for your next dinner party or social engagement. Check back here often as we’ll provide the relevant statistics on the Lynn Valley housing market on a monthly basis.

Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – September 2022
/ Market Analysis

Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – September 2022

September 2022 Sales Recap Single Family Homes: There were 9 detached homes sold in September with an average sale price ...
Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – August 2022
/ Market Analysis

Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – August 2022

August 2022 Sales Recap Single Family Homes: There were 3 detached homes sold in August with an average sale price ...
Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – July 2022
/ Market Analysis

Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – July 2022

July 2022 Sales Recap Single Family Homes: There were 6 detached homes sold in July with an average sale price ...
Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – June 2022
/ Market Analysis

Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – June 2022

June 2022 Sales Recap Single Family Homes: There were 16 detached homes sold in June with an average sale price ...
Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – May 2022
/ Market Analysis

Lynn Valley Real Estate Market Analysis – May 2022

May 2022 Sales Recap Single Family Homes: There were 17 detached homes sold in May with an average sale price ...

**LynnValleyLife has made every effort to obtain the information regarding the market sales from sources deemed reliable. However, we cannot guarantee the complete accuracy as month end sales may not have been processed at the time of this analysis. Please note that the information and statistics displayed on this site are for information purposes only and may be subject to change. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.