Learn about Argyle school redevelopment plan

The Lynn Valley Community Association is hosting an evening information session for local residents wanting to know more about the planned redevelopment of Argyle Secondary School.

The event will be held on Thursday, April 17 at 7 p.m. at the LV rec centre at the corner of Frederick and Mountain Hwy. All are welcome to attend.

In attendance will be provincial MLA Jane Thornthwaite,  Superintendent of Schools John Lewis, school trustees Franci Stratton and Lisa Bayne, DNV Councillor Robin Hicks, and federal MP Andrew Saxton.

Bring your questions and comments!


LV Elementary band hits new heights

Congratulations to the Lynn Valley Elementary Concert Band, and Jazz Band on a busy and successful year – it could even be described as “out of this world,” as you’ll read below!

The Concert Band achieved a gold award at the Kiwanis Concert Band Festival in Richmond, and gave a first class performance at the District Band and Strings Festival.

This year Lynn Valley had a large number of students accepted to the North Vancouver Honour Band. They had the incredible opportunity of being invited to play along with Chris Hadfield, Commander of the International Space Station, at Music Monday celebrations at Science World.

The Lynn Valley Jazz Band won the Most Inspiring Jazz Ensemble award at the Kiwanis Jazz Festival at Capilano University. One of the school’s band members also won Most Outstanding Soloist for the second year in a row at that festival.

The Jazz Band has been invited to play at the TD Vancouver International Jazz Festival on Saturday June 22nd 1pm at Robson Square.  This is a free venue and open to everyone. Please come down and cheer on this incredible band!

– Submitted by Lynn Valley Elementary School

Cousteau name graces LV French school

Last month, the The French International School of Vancouver (located in Lynn Valley’s former Fromme Elementary building) honoured the legacy of visionary Jacques-Yves Cousteau — the most celebrated French defender of marine ecology— by renaming itself The French International School Cousteau. The school has pledged to make environmental awareness a significant part of its ethos and curriculum.

The French International School Cousteau became the first French International School in the world to be granted official permission by the Cousteau Society to bear its name. An annex school, named Calypso in memory of Cousteau’s infamous ship, will also open its door in September 2013. Located in the South Granville area, this annex will offer a preschool program.

The French International School Cousteau has pledged to honor Cousteau’s passion for, and committment to, marine ecology through a partnership with the world-renowned Cousteau Society and Vancouver Aquarium, that will make marine ecology a major part of the school’s day-to-day curriculum. The French International School Cousteau will teach students the Cousteau philosophy— “To Know, To Love, To Protect.”

The Science and Environment Director of the Cousteau Society,  Tarik Chekchak, was on hand as an honoured guest at the March 14 inauguration at the Lynn Valley School. For more information about the rededication of the school, read their press release. To learn more about the school, visit its website here, or attend the school’s Open House on Tuesday, April 9, from 10 a.m. to noon.

LynnValleyLife would like to congratulate the French International School Cousteau on its rechristening. We’re glad to have you in the neighbourhood!

School registration deadline approaches

It’s time to think about September school entry, Moms and Dads! The North Vancouver School District Registration deadlines are here

You have until March 8 to ensure your child has priority for placement in their school of choice for September 2013. Look sharp – not long til the school bell rings!

(P.S. The bell shown was rung five times daily for 43 years at Lynn Valley Elementary. It’s now in the school lobby, along with an account of its interesting history!)

Register schoolkids before Dec. 21!

Here’s an important tip for parents of kids entering school in September 2013 – be sure to do it before Dec. 21st!

As long as a child is registered for a school before this date, he or she cannot be denied a placement in the school. However, if a child registers AFTER Dec 21 (even if they move into a house across the street from the school), the North Vancouver School District can redirect them to another school that has more open spaces.

Here are some other quick facts for new scholars:

A parent/guardian can register their child for kindergarten if, on or before
December 31st of that school year that child will have reached the age of five years. For example, for the 2013-2014 school year, the student must turn five prior to December 31, 2013.

Here’s where to register:

Central Registration Office
2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver
Hours of operation:
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Mon to Fri)

When to register:

Nov. 5 to Dec. 21, 2012

What to bring:

* Completed registration form (available at www.nvsd44.bc.ca)
* Proof of age and legal name (birth certificate or passport)
* Proof of residence (BC Hydro bill, purchase agreement, or tenancy
* If not born in Canada – Passport and Permanent Residence card or Canadian
Citizenship card

Please bring original documents. Staff at the Central Registration office
will make copies. All registration forms and related documents must be submitted in person to the Central Registration office.

Thanks, Cindy Lanctot, for all the info! For more school news and links to our Lynn Valley neighbourhood school websites, have a look at our Schools page.


CBC Almanac broadcasts live from Argyle

Listen up, Lynn Valley! CBC Radio will be broadcasting live from Argyle tomorrow (Wednesday) from noon to 1 p.m. Tune in to AM 690 to hear the Almanac show’s forum on the topic “What don’t adults get about bullying?” Gloria Macarenko from CBC TV will also be there so you’ll potentially see excerpts later on the 6pm news.

People have plenty of questions about the tragic incidents of bullying that hit the headlines. Chief among them is usually “How could anyone be so cruel?” Perhaps this local forum will help adults understand the psychology of bullying from a teen’s perspective.

FM listeners can turn to 88.1 on their dial. For full details, visit CBC Almanac.

Argyle Piper football victory recounted

Three hundred fans came out on Saturday afternoon to support the Argyle Pipers Senior Football team at their first home game in 31 years. All this Piper pride paid off as the boys in green racked up their first victory in the season, with a score of 36-0 against Eric Hamber Secondary of Vancouver.Here is a post-game wrap-up from co-coach Dave Heskin. Thanks to parent Doug Yip for the photos!

Personally my favourite part of the game was meeting Dave Backie, Argyle’s coach from 1981, who was so happy to be a part of our event. [Ed. note: The Backies are long-time Hoskins Road residents.]

It was also really exciting to see our Grade 12 running back [Stuart Bourne] score our first points of the season in the AA football ranks.

The success of this event was a testament to the hard work by our parent volunteers, staff supporters (teachers and administrators), coaches and especially the players, who really deserved this win.  We have been challenging them to get better as players and as a team each week, and the hard work paid off.

The timing is great as the team now heads into the final third of the season, with two big games against cross-town rivals Windsor and Carson Graham (on the next two consecutive Fridays at their fields). Then they round out the season vs. the #1 provincially ranked John Barsby of Nanaimo on their home field.

Thanks again, Lynn Valley, for all your support!

– Coach Dave Heskin

Argyle Pipers football team re-christens home field

Update, October 13, 2012: Congratulations, Pipers! News just in that this game ended in a  victory for the Pipers, with a score of 36-0 over Eric Hamber. 

For the first time in 31 years, Lynn Valley football fans will have the chance to watch a home game on the Argyle School field, at a 1:30 p.m. kick-off against Eric Hamber School.

The Argyle Pipers football teams – dormant since the early 1980s – made a long sought-after comeback last year, thanks to the persistent efforts of gym teacher Milan Boljuncic (now co-head coach, along with Dave Heskin), private donors, and passionate parents such as Shane Sheehan, a Piper MVP in the ’70s (his son, Grady, is a Grade 12 player on this year’s team).

It’s not easy getting a team rebuilt, virtually from scratch. The boys had to be kitted out, and the helmets alone were $300 each. Necessary items were purchased with the help of generous donors and fundraising efforts by the players and coaches. (LynnValleyLife is proud to join the team as a new sponsor, and is looking forward to cheering on the players this Sunday!)  Another stumbling block was that the grass field needed upgrading to be able to accommodate a football game, which is why no home games were possible last year.

And while the old Piper magic has come back strong, to judge by the enthusiasm of its players and fan base, the scoreboard has yet to reflect the football team’s rebirth. So far, the seniors have yet to score in any of the four games played this season.

But the team’s spirit remains strong and everyone realizes that Rome wasn’t built in a day. This year will provide an extra challenge for the players,  in that the Pipers have now been moved up a division, into AA, after just one year spent at a lower tier. As many players on the team are rookies, there will be a lot of “learning by doing”.

To judge by the eagerness on the faces of both the players and their supporters, though, they are more than equal to the challenge. You can help them make the play by coming out on Saturday to cheer them on – and coming back to the field the next day to test drive a Ford vehicle. For every driver who comes out for a  buzz around the block, they’ll donate $20 to Argyle School! All details are here.

In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed for some crisp fall weather for Saturday’s game, and come enjoy some good family fun! Kick off is 1:30 p.m., but fans are encouraged to come at 1 to start some spirit-building!

Grade 9 and 10 students are on the Junior Varsity team, and play on Wednesdays. The Grade 11 and 12 Varsity team plays on Fridays and Saturdays. Season schedules for both can be found here (search under AA Varsity).

Lynn Valley students carry Terry’s torch

If you see students running from their schools en masse this week, don’t worry, it isn’t a fire – they’re just taking part in the annual Terry Fox School Run.

Janet Dunkin, French teacher and organizer of Argyle’s run on Thursday, Sept. 27th, says the high school has been participating in the event for at least 25 years. The whole school will run in the blocks around Argyle at about 12:40 that day, with traffic-directing support from the RCMP and Parent Advisory Council, and the senior PE classes acting as race marshalls.

Ms. Dunkin is a driving force behind the school’s involvement, due in part, she says, to her own family’s experiences with the merciless disease. Both of her daughters, Colleen and Katharine, had malignant brain tumours as infants. While they both survived that harsh beginning, Katharine passed away in 2003 when she was a 16-year-old Argyle student, from a cancer that was linked to her earlier treatment.

Many of us know people both within and without the school community who are currently battling the illness; there are no shortage of reasons to show your support this week. Argyle is hoping to raise $3,000 for the Terry Fox Foundation, and students will be collecting pledges until early October. If you don’t know a local elementary or secondary student who can collect your donation, please consider pledging to one of our local schools’ campaigns via the Terry Fox Foundation School Run website.

And if you’re out driving on Thursday, watch out for kids running where and when you least expect them!