Raising voices to raise money

Have you ever dreamed about singing in a gospel choir? If movies like Sister Act get you up and dancing, guess what – now’s your chance to give spirited choral singing a try, and help Argyle Music students at the same time.

Voices together

Argyle Secondary School choir teacher Will Clements has teamed up with St. Clement’s Anglican Church, BC Choral Federation vice-president Kevin Zakresky, and Universal Gospel Choir director Lonnie Delisle to plan a day of choral collaboration for singers and listeners alike.

On Saturday, March 8, at 11:30, singers of all ages and abilities will work with Universal Gospel Choir director Lonnie Delisle, putting heart and soul into learning some tunes together. An afternoon concert will follow at 3:30 p.m., featuring not just the workshop singers, but performances from excellent Lower Mainland choirs including Maddalena’s Descant, Pacific Spirit Choir, the Argyle Chamber Choir, and the Universal Gospel Choir.

Supporting students

Clement, who leads Argyle’s vocal jazz and concert choirs as well as its chamber choir, describes the event as “the perfect everything coming all together.” He is “really excited” to be working collaboratively with St. Clement’s and local choir directors to host an event that will bring the choral community together.

As an added bonus, the workshop and concert will take place in Argyle’s atrium, a light-filled space with marvellous acoustics that Clement likens to a cathedral. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to visit the near-new school, here is your chance to do so.

Argyle Music has deep roots in the Lynn Valley community, with both band and choir programs proving a high-school highlight for many students throughout the decades. Will was happy to report that popular former choir teachers Janet Warren and Francis Roberts are still involved in the Argyle Music “family,” and he had hosted them both for tea just the week before his conversation with LynnValleyLife. Warren is a faculty advisor for new music teachers and drops by in that capacity, while Roberts often works as a teacher-on-call if Clement is absent.

Clement promises the workshop will be “very fun and engaging,” and anyone who comes to the concert is definitely in for a treat. All money raised will support the Argyle Music travel bursary fund, so that cost doesn’t stand in the way of students being able to attend music trips and retreats. 


Details for the events, and links to purchase tickets for the workshop or concert, can be found at www.stclementschurch.ca or www.argylemusic.ca.

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Insight from Argyle into Alpha

With technology and life evolving at a seemingly ever-faster pace, language is changing more rapidly than ever. Argyle staff member Andy Thompson has recently released a book giving insight into the vernacular of younger generations. Generation Alpha Dictionary: A Guide to the Language of Tomorrow offers clarity on new terms and an opportunity for generations to come together. 

Times are a-changing

For more than 20 years Andy Thompson has been working with Lower Mainland youth in group homes and schools. It has given him a first-hand look at generations of children and teens. As an actor and playwright, Thompson is well-versed in the creativity of language and how it can be used to unite a group of people. Slang is one way generations pull together. 

“It can be like a secret code,” he said.”It can be frustrating for parents who don’t understand what their kids are saying but it is also an opportunity for new forms of dialogue.”

Thompson’s day-to-day work with young people made him take notice of a particular shift in the youngest of teens – Generational Alpha, which is typically defined as children born 2010-2024). 

“Memes spread around the world in a heartbeat and suddenly you have language that used to take years or generations to become universally new or novel, and it’s now happening so fast because of modern technology,” said Thompson. “This generation is influenced by technology, the internet and social media unlike any before and in a much more profound way than Gen Z was influenced by these technologies.”

When the ‘teacher’ becomes the ‘student’

Youth have always had slang and frequently a few select words make it into common usage. But Thompson thinks Gen Alpha and its influence feel different.  

“One of the disconnects that I have learned is that Gen Alpha kids love that older people don’t know this language,” he said. “It’s proprietary to them.

“I started hearing these terms and I was instantly annoyed because kids were laughing at me and I didn’t know what they were saying. I thought it was a secret code amongst a small group of friends so I didn’t give it much thought.”

He began to notice that separate and distinct groups of kids were using common terms and then hearing the occasional word pop up online. 

“There was a terming point in September – and I remember it – I was at Argyle in the Choices room and I decided I was going to be more open-minded. I was going to try to understand it. I opened my mind and I thought I wanted to learn.”

Harnessing the collective energy of all the teens around him Thompson began the task of recording and defining the terms heard to better understand and connect with the kids he works with. 

“I have had kids scold me for using these terms because I am too old – it’s like the reverse thought police – with children policing these older people that shouldn’t be saying it.”

 More common were students eager to add to the list. 

“Kids were eager to teach me about this strange vernacular and I started writing it down for myself,” said Thompson/ “The more kids who found I was doing this, then others would come and tell me.”

Open dialogue

Thompson as a professional, and as a parent himself, knows the challenges of parents and teens communicating. As a support worker for kids who have a variety of challenges, he is looking for ways to bridge the divide and make meaningful connections. Initially, he thought the list might be a fun staff guide to his Argyle colleagues – partially amusing and partially useful as more Gen Alphas enter the halls.

”The list was growing and growing and my wife said ‘I think you might have something here that is more than a joke gift. It’s worth publishing.’”

Thompson embraced the idea and got to work on what is now  Generation Alpha Dictionary: A Guide to the Language of Tomorrow. A collection of over 200 terms and phrases. 

“I included a workbook because I think a lot of the words have come from kids creatively playing with language. Like turning verbs into adjectives,” he said. “I want to encourage kids and parents to play around with a language and perhaps come up with their own.”

It has been just a couple of months since publication and Thompson is proud of the feedback he is getting. From educators using as a tool in their classrooms to engage kids who are disengaged to parents who feel disconnected.  

“I have had multiple stories from parents who were struggling to talk to their kids, who now can – that was my hope for the book.”

Generation Alpha Dictionary is available online

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Cheering for the world championships

Argyle athletes at the top of their game are hoping to head to world championships in 2025. Year after year the Argyle Cheer team tops the provincial rankings. The current roster is fundraising to return to the World Championships in Florida to take on more competition. 

Taking on the world

The halls of Argyle Secondary are quiet in the mornings.  A lone staffer is slowly making their way through the halls and a PE teacher heads outside to prep for soccer practice. The facilities are dark. As the clock turns over to 7 am a wave of energy enters the building and moves swiftly upstairs. The Gold Cheer team begins the well-practiced routine of setting up the gym and in minutes is stretching for the morning practice. 

The Sea to Sky regional and provincial champion team is looking to take on the world in April 2025.

“It’s a lot of blood, sweat and tears,” said co-captain grade 11 student Melika Doust. “It’s hard to stay motivated when you don’t have competition. It can even be hard for the judges [in local competitions]  to evaluate our team because there isn’t really anything to compare us to.”

Co-Captains of the Gold Cheer Team

The world championships are beyond an essential goal, says co-captain Ella Waite, Grade 11. The event draws over 10,000 athletes from 25 countries in a range of divisions. It is inspiring to merely attend, says Waite.

“One of the coolest things about Worlds is that all competitions are at ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex at Disney World and I have watched the stunting there online,” said Waite. “I am thinking of the people that stood on that same mat before me, the success I watched it it was the same place, on the same mat, standing at the same spot as me. It’s inspiring.”

It’s a mega-competition unlike any other Darren Rath, Argyle Secondary School athletic director, has seen throughout his high school and university coaching careers. Argyle has attended World in the past, in 2023 bringing home the bronze.

“I was taken aback at the sheer size of the competition,” said Rath. “There are so many different levels. On the day of the event, more people come through the complex than through the gates of Disney World. It’s so big, that Disney World extends its hours just for athletes so they can focus on competition during the day and enjoy the rides after the finals. They don’t do that for just anyone.

“This is an important motivation for the athletes to achieve their goals and keep them pushing to be the best,” said Rath. “Worlds will allow them to finally measure themselves against their own level and be inspired by the all-star teams.”

For the athletes, there is an additional point of pride.

“I think there is more to it when you are representing your country, not just your school and coaches,” said Doust.

Hard work for success

Argyle Secondary has been a leader in cheer for decades, said Rath. 

“All the coaches who have been running the program from the late 90s have created something really healthy that the girls buy into,” he said. “They have fostered such a positive, inclusive environment that promotes great teamwork. The coaches create opportunities for anyone who wants to be involved.”

Interest at Argyle is so strong there are two cheer teams. The green team is for beginners and the gold team is a higher level of competition, said Doust. When available gold team members are expected to help coach and mentor the green team. It fosters a pathway to progress for those new to cheer and a culture of support, said Rath. 

“It’s a lot of hard work but I know I can rely on these girls on the mat and off,” said Waite. “It takes discipline to practice this much, and still be a strong student. I know I can’t hang out sometimes.”

These are lessons Doust thinks will have big returns later in life. 

“You have to learn to be accountable to yourself,” she said. “Cheer is 10% physical. We practice a lot and it all comes down to muscle memory and it’s 90% mental. You can’t have doubt or hesitation.”

Argyle’s results have been speaking for themselves for years but the captains say that hard work isn’t always given the respect it deserves and attending worlds is an opportunity to feel validated. 

“At school, cheer is under-acknowledged as a sport,” said Waite looking over at the trophy cabinet. “The Worlds cheer trophy is sitting there on the bottom shelf. This is mostly all women competing, coached by women. It should be showcased as empowering women athletes at the school.

“It shows a lot of determination to practice four days a week and compete. Going to Worlds is a chance to show off that hard work.”

Community support

Heading to Worlds is a big endeavour that requires a lot of fundraising, parents school and community support. Costs are estimated at $4000 per athlete. The fundraising is typically pooled. Athletes also volunteer at community events to raise the profile of the team and in partnership with the Lynn Valley Lions.

“There are some athletes who can’t afford such a big commitment financially,” said Doust. “We have team members that have jobs and school who can’t fundraise at the same level. We also have families where the athletes are getting jobs to support the trip. We want people to not be limited by their resources so the team fundraising is pooled.”

They have several fundraisers – including Neufeld Farms –  in the works and the team is looking for community sponsors. To support their efforts or to be looped in for future fundraisers email the parent fundraising coordinator. 

“It’s a fantastic program, within the group there are a number of girls with a lot of self-confidence and they use that to empower others. You see a different side of their personality that may not come out in school.”

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Argyle gymnastics team at risk

It’s a stressful week for the provincial champion gymnasts at Argyle Secondary as BC School Sports considers the future of the sport. There is a push from other regions of BC to drop the sport from the high school roster – but Argyle and the North Shore are fighting to keep it.  

Communications errors

For decades the Argyle gymnastics team has been flourishing. Just this past February students took home the provincial championship – again. In fact, according to team sponsor Darren Rath, it’s thriving throughout the North Shore, however, that is not the case in all parts of BC.

2023 Provincial Champions

“Programs at school are successful that have teachers that have an understanding of the sport and a capacity to connect all the pieces,” said Rath. “Not all schools have the equipment or knowledge to teach a program like gymnastics – that doesn’t mean they don’t have gymnasts and that those athletes can’t compete.

“What I understand to be happening is a communications breakdown between the schools and the [community] clubs.”

Roth explains that some schools are feeling overwhelmed by late competition registrations and the late fees associated. Schools without a teacher sponsor can still enter students in high school competitions. 

“It’s a communications disconnect – not a problem with the sport,” he said.

The disconnect is growing. While gymnastics is strong on the North Shore, some other parts of the Lower Mainland, and Prince George, the voices of schools in other parts of the province against gymnastics are growing.

A sport for all

Generally speaking, there are two categories of sports in high school – team sports (football, rugby, basketball, etc.) and individual sports scored as a team (gymnastics, wrestling, skiing,  cross-country, etc.). It’s the second category Rath is passionate about – the sports that students can join and thrive having never tried the sport prior to high school. 

2022 Provincial Champions

“Gymnastics is actually quite unique – with a few others like track, cross-country and wrestling – that are open to new athletes starting at the beginning,” he said. “Our team had about 60 gymnasts this year, the vast majority of athletes are new to the sport or participated when they were very young.”

He explained that high school gymnastics has five levels. Levels one or two are for beginners, level three is for those who have progressed or with prior experience and levels four and five are for active community athletes.

“All sports have community athletes – 99 percent of high school soccer players are also community athletes,” said Rath. “The majority of our gymnasts are in levels one or two.”

If an athlete places consistently at the top of their tier, they move up to the next, so students can have success where they are. 

“Gymnastics is a fundamental core sport. It teaches coordination, balance, and muscle strength. It has so many benefits,” said Rath. “And it’s here. Let’s not take that away.”

Rath said the teachers find it rewarding to see a student trying gymnastics for the first time in class and suggesting they give the team a try – giving them an opportunity to succeed in a sport the student may have never considered.

“In the past, we had a student who was competing at the national level. What’s great about gymnastics, is that for the team, that student’s score counts only as much as a student new to the sport. We need them both to win.

“At Argyle, 95 percent have never done gymnastics before – we had a student join this year in Grade 11 and he was competitive because he was able to compete at his level.”

With 60 students on the roster, 40 qualified for provincials in 2023.

Sport for the sake of sport

As Argyle and the other schools on the North Shore navigate this potential change, they are getting excellent support from the school district and the Sea to Sky Zone (its sporting region), said Terry Mitruck, Sutherland Secondary’s gymnastics coach. 

“If we lose this sport, what other sports will be next on the chopping block?” he asked. 

Rath agrees. 

“Schools have different facilities, teacher knowledge and sponsor capacities,” he said. “Not all schools have mountains but we still have mountain bike and ski teams.”

He says there is support from gymnastics clubs throughout the province, some have partnerships where student-athletes can join just for the school season. He thinks schools could get creative like the North Shore has by running joint practices and inviting students with lesser facilities (like Handsworth) to train with Argyle.

This would still leave the fundamental communication error plaguing some other regions.  

“If schools don’t have a sponsor or coach, I think this could be resolved by identifying athletes within the school who compete in the community and learning early if they want to compete for their school.”

If gymnastics loses its status as a high school sport, Rath is unsure what the future will hold.

“We would have to find another solution to help this sport continue,” said Rath. “Perhaps it would be taken on by BC Gymnastics but we can’t guarantee an alternative. While gymnastics is an opportunity for all students to get involved, the majority are female [Argyle’s team was 80% female in 2023]. If it’s gone, it’s taking away a female sport.”

For now, Argyle and other schools on the North Shore are waiting to see what unfolds at the BC High School Sport meeting this week. Those wishing to share their support can sign this petition. Current and past participants in high school gymnastics and their families can email letters of support to Terry Mitruk

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New neighbours buzzing about Argyle

If you live near Argyle Secondary you may have noticed a bit of buzz around the school this summer. More than 20,000 new neighbours have moved onto the campus – and they are bringing a sweet educational opportunity for students. 

Pollinator power

A new bee hive was established at Argyle Secondary in mid-July. The project – initiated by new science teacher Magali Chemali – was fully funded by the University of British Columbia with support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

Speeding in and out of a small circular hole on the second floor of the school, honey bees are hard at work establishing a colony that Chemali hopes will grow to 50,000 bees. The glass-sided hive stands, bolted to the floor, about the size of a door where students can pass by and check out their new schoolmates. 

“My goal is to develop curiosity,” said Chemali. “I believe we need to show students connection to build bonds and grow curiosity. As humans, we need to feel connected to care.”

Experiential learning

The hive is small by honey standards and will serve as an educational tool, rather than an agriculture producer. 

“There are so many ways to tie the bees to the curriculum – all the way from K [kindergarten] to 12,” said Chemali. “Students won’t do a ‘bee unit’ but it can be tied into learning about ecosystems, life cycles, reproduction, math – the hexagon shape, symmetry, philosophy, social systems like hierarchy, literature – there is so much written about bees in literature.”

While not native to BC, honey bees offer opportunities to engage in Indigenous ways of learning as well. 

“The bees offer an opportunity to observe and learn from the bees – it’s a way to use nature as a teacher that has been done here for centuries,” she said. “Students may have heard the example of observing a bear as a teacher – if a bear eats a berry, it is likely safe for a person. If it doesn’t, definitely don’t eat it. 

“Bees are a chance to try that look and learning. They are connected to the seasons, the weather. By watching the bees you can learn about what is coming.”

Full circle

The arrival of the hive was a full-circle moment for Chemali who fell in love with bees at school.

“I was living in California and volunteering at my child’s school,” she said. “They knew I had a biology background and started me on a bee-keeping project – I knew nothing about bees!”

The experience sparked a passion within Chemali that led to a lot of learning and eventually the creation of a company that builds and helps maintain hives. To date there are seven in West Vancouver schools and another is planned for installation at Windsor Secondary in North Vancouver as part of the same funding project as the Argyle hive. 

Bees face challenges

Another goal of the hive is to simply create an opportunity for more pollinators to help local ecosystems. Globally honey bees are under threat from a parasitic mite. 

“The hive is one step. A group of dedicated teachers here at Argyle are working together on a garden project which will include more pollinator-friendly plants, together with various indigenous plants,” she said. “I am feeding the bees [nectar] because I am not sure they will have enough honey to survive the winter. There are not enough bee-friendly flowers in the area to support the bees. Bees don’t like plants like roses – those are for us.”

The observational nature of the hive, with windows, can also be a challenge for the bees that require a warm temperature to thrive. To support them, the hive has warming wires and when not in use, covers to keep the bees warm. 

Previous installations of the hives have proven safe for students.

“Bees have a job to do – to fly and go to a flower and get to work,” said Chemali. “Bees are not interested in us – they aren’t interested in what we eat [unlike wasps].”

She expects the hive to more than double in size over the next year and will have about 50,000 bees when it reaches capacity. 

“My goal is to have students become bee stewards,” she said. “To feel connected to nature, to realize they have an impact and to appreciate they are sharing this space with another species.”

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Graduating in a year of Covid

The grads of 2021 have had a roller coaster of a year. There were times it looked like there might not be a school year at all and by the end, the chance to celebrate was so close – but not quite there. We chatted with Argyle Secondary School graduates on the year and the challenges of being the class of 2021.


As this year’s Grade 12s approached September they knew the script would be rewritten. They watched the grads of 2020 have their worlds turned upside down. The class of 2021 knew it would be a year of resilience, adaptation, and reimagination.

Mika Diebolt

“Last year it was taken away suddenly,” said Mika Diebolt, an executive member of the grad council. “I think we went into the year prepared it would be different from what we were expecting.” 

Students had a big education shift this year, gone was the usual schedule replaced with two classes each day, and the year divided into quarters. Students were kept in cohorts to reduce contacts and to limit social interactions. Depending on the grade there were differing levels of in-class and online instruction. The situation made learning intense.

“There were perks to the quarter system,” said Georgia Keir, co-president of the Argyle grad council. “It’s a chance to stay engaged in topics and explore them more. It was nice that we didn’t have to juggle as many classes and to focus, but if classes were a struggle it was really easy to get lost and the consequences of falling behind were bigger.”


For grads, the final year of high school is a combination of building community and polishing applications for post-secondary schooling. The typical volunteer jobs and community projects that fill out university applications were put on hold. 

“I started a community project on female empowerment before covid,” said Diebolt. “We couldn’t carry out our plans but we were able to keep going with virtual events and panel discussions – it was excellent, I was able to develop skills I didn’t have like learning technology, working a network and how to bring people together for social connection when we were apart.”

Lynn Choi

Fellow grad Lynn Choi similarly had plans for social outreach. 

“My friend and I created a project to support the Downtown Eastside with essential care packages,” she said. “We had to change our goals a bit. We transitioned from us directly distributing the care packs to finding good partner organizations and adapting to the work they were already doing.”

As for school, they didn’t know what to expect. The initial response of the administration was to pull back on all extracurricular activities, said Choi.

“We faced challenges like organizing student government,” she said, co-president of the Grade 12 class. “We had to talk with the administration, find sponsors, and then find ways to get it all going.”

All three students agree the staff and administration were very supportive in the school. 

“We see teachers who are 20 or 30 years into their careers and they are also learning something completely new. The shift to focus on academics, I think, paid off,” said Diebolt. “We had opportunities we wouldn’t have like in my law class, having professional lawyers, prosecutors, and judges present lectures.”

And they were grateful for some in-class instruction, knowing that some districts didn’t offer it to Grade 12 students. 

“There was a lot of support from administration,” said Keir. “Our feelings were validated, it wasn’t about any particular assignment or test, it was about keeping us engaged and helping us to be ready for next year to do whatever we choose.”

With restrictions on gathering, clubs, athletics and activities took the biggest hit. Many did not happen at all this year. It was particularly a challenge for students hoping to achieve athletic goals in the final year, said Choi.

“I have been a part of the Argyle Cheerleading program for four years,” she said. “I was lucky to be captain. We couldn’t stunt or have any contact. It was a challenge because that is kind of what cheerleading is about: teamwork. As a captain, it was hard to create an environment where everyone felt safe and supported because we couldn’t do those bonding games that establish a connection.”


As the year unfolded the grads of 2021 saw many of the milestones and celebrations that take place in the final year and create a sense of camaraderie passed by unmarked. 

“My sister graduated when I was in Grade 10, I saw what their year was like,” said Keir. “It was full of fun events that brought the class together like the banquet, winter formal, prom – I was so excited to be a part of that I bought my prom dress in Grade 10 – so I was ready for this year. But it didn’t happen.”

Georgia Keir

Diebolt echoes those feelings.

“When I was younger we would see the Grade 12s and they had such a strong sense of community. Dress up days, all the special events. And we have had them in a way but building a community has been harder with fewer classes, friends aren’t around as much and there weren’t the chances to create that bond in the same way.”

Instead, the class is pleased there are ways to celebrate. The graduates will be walking across the stage in small groups to receive their diplomas. The speeches and other ceremonies along with the walk across the stage will be recorded and edited together into a longer ceremony. Parents are busily organizing a car parade which takes place Tuesday, June 22 at 7 pm.  For Diebolt, Choi, and Keir there will also be small family celebrations. They have busy summers before starting at UBC and Queens universities. 

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School board trustee by-election May 29

There is a by-election for residents of the District of North Vancouver May 29th to elect a school board trustee for the remainder of the term (approximately one year). There are five people stepping up to the plate with two representing Lynn Valley. 

Linda Munro

A life-long North Vancouver resident, Munro has been a long-time community supporter, in a variety of roles. In fact, we recognized her with the LynnValleyLife Good Neighbour Award in 2018. 

Linda works in University Relations at Capilano University. She has children at Ross Road Elementary and Argyle Secondary schools, and she is currently co-chair of the Parent Advisory Council at Ross Road School. Linda has served as a board member for North Vancouver District Public Library, Lynn Valley Parent Participation Preschool and Capilano Community Services Society. She is committed to inclusive education, support for complex learners, raising Indigenous graduation rates, and promoting learning models that recognize a whole-person approach to education. She believes in creating positive K-12 school experiences and centring schools at the heart of the community. You can learn more about Linda Munro on her website: www.lindamunro.ca

Alex Kozak

Another life-long resident, Kozak is a West Vancouver Secondary teacher. His children attend Lynn Valley Elementary. He aims to build on the lessons of COVID and to bring back the performing arts, athletics, field trips, and ceremonies/celebrations that make schools great. Other priorities include: supporting anxiety and mental health issues among students, parents, and staff, and financial shortfalls amplified by increased cost of safety measures in schools and decreasing international enrollment. You can learn more about Alex Kozak on his website: https://alexanderkozak.ca

Other candidates

Three other candidates reside in other parts of North Vancouver: Jo-Anne Burleigh, Jullian Kolstee, and Linda Williams. 

When and how to vote: 

The general voting day is May 29th. There is a polling station at Argyle Secondary as well as  Seycove and Windsor secondary schools, and Braemar, Capilano, Cleveland, and Lynnmour elementary schools.

There are two advanced poll days: May 19 at DNV municipal hall and May 24 at DNV’s municipal hall and Windsor Secondary.

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Celebrating a 100 years of time and place

If you attended the fourth Lynn Valley Elementary in 1990’s through its retirement in 2004 the North Vancouver Museum and Archives is looking for your stories and those of anyone who worked or went to the school during its first century.

100 years of history

The North Vancouver Museum and Archives is putting together a new project: “A landmark transformed – 100 years of serving the community” showcasing the community history associated with it’s home at 3203 Institute Road – the former home of Lynn Valley Elementary. 

“This was the 4th Lynn Valley Elementary school which was built September 7th, 1920 and this September is its 100th anniversary,” said Archivist Jessica Bushey. “It was an incredibly important place because it was the place of education for all the children of Lynn Valley and then in 2004 it ceased being a school and underwent two years of restoration and adaptation to become the home of the archives of North Vancouver. The archives is going to celebrate that with a number of online events and community engagement programs.”

 Today sitting in the shadow of the current Lynn Valley Elementary, the facility has environmental controls, archival storage and an art vault. It will remain as the archives as the museum transitions to its new home this fall in the Shipyards. 

The projects

The staff is working to collect oral histories and archival materials from the buildings past. They have many stories from the early history from its collections as people typically pass on materials that are 50 years or older. 

LVE student and later teacher, Mollie Nye had perfect attendance.

“We already have several wonderful oral histories we have collected over the years of the leaders of the area, past students and past staff,” said Bushey. “But we noticed we have a gap in the oral histories we have of the school and the area from about 1990 to 2004. We are looking for students, teachers or principals who might have been going there or working there.”

The organization would also be interest in more records from the 1960s-80s. One goal of the information gathering is to create a HistoryPin project. 

“We hope it will show how Lynn Valley evolves and grows and transforms and what the importance of the school and education was over the course of those many decades,” she said. “We are always interested in archival materials from the community but what we are looking for are the stories connected to the photograph – if you are sending a photo make sure you know the names of all the people.”

 It is pretty simple to participate in the project. Participants can submit materials and related information or have a more extensive interview. 

“We have two really good volunteer interviews who have experience gathering oral histories,” said Bushey. “Because of Covid we are doing them remotely over the phone or on Zoom.” 

The celebration

Early fall will mark the kick off to celebrate this 100 years in Lynn Valley. 

“We would love to do an exposition at the archives but we have to limit that because of Covid,” said Bushey. “We are planning to start at the end of September to mark the start of BC Culture month. We are going to start with the online exposition, then the HistoryPin project will go live. We are also planning a Geocache adventure that will talk about the building and the history of the area and we will be celebrating home movie day in October.” 

If you would like to participate you can contact the North Vancouver Museum and Archives for more information by email at [email protected] or by telephone: 604-990-3700-8012 for Daien Ide, Reference Historian or 604-990-3700-8011 for Jessica Bushey, Archivist.


Images courtesy of the North Vancouver Museum and Archives. 

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Grads of 2020 pivot for the pandemic

When the world stopped mid-March it was the middle of Spring Break. Students had left school on Friday expecting to return after a warm vacation or some skiing on local hills. They didn’t expect they’d never walk the halls or play on sports teams again. As this year’s Argyle Secondary School Valedictorian Jake Rubin explains, it was a curveball they never saw coming.

Grade 12 traditions

“We all had a vision of what our Grade 12 year would look like,” said Rubin. “For me, I had a trip to Europe with the music program to look forward to, I had expectations for my final seasons on sports teams that couldn’t happen. It was my last year and I decided to be ambitious.”

Like other Grade 12 students across the province Rubin was looking forward to the last term of school to take part in school traditions, final tournaments and to simply spend time with friends before university. 

“At the beginning of spring break we were starting to see things close but I still thought we would still have school in two weeks,” he said. “Soon though, there was a feeling we wouldn’t step back into the school.”

Argyle Secondary

As the grad class prepares to move on with five years of Argyle under their belts, Rubin said it’s remarkable how much the students have changed. 

“Argyle is a place that helps students find their potential,” he said. “It has so many special programs, clubs, music, athletics. I have seen a lot of classmates find talents and passions they never knew they had. They now enjoy them so much they are forming their future.”

School Principal Kim Jonat also sees big changes in this class.

“The Argyle grads of 2020 have shown notable growth,” said Jonat. “They have had to overcome many losses and have become more resilient in the process.  They have lost the ability to attend many important events in traditional ways such as graduation banquets and ceremonies, have been unable to attend daily classes and interact with their peers at school this Spring.  They have also had to navigate new terrain and learn in new and different ways.

“This was certainly not the way any of us anticipated our grads finishing off their 13 years of public schooling and yet here we are. While the immediate future is uncertain I have no doubt that the Argyle grads of 2020 will accomplish anything they set their minds to.”

When the doors closed in March, many aspects of the grad year were left feeling unfinished, said Rubin. Some, like friendships while different are going strong with a bit more effort in a new physically distant way but other aspects can’t be completed. 

“For our rugby team this was going to be the year,” he said. “As a team we were really rebuilding. We had started to win – which wasn’t normal for my year. We had found our footing, and put in a lot of time and work to win. It was the year we thought we had a chance.”

The future

Most adults would agree highschool graduation and starting university are formative milestones. For the grads of 2020, those expectations have been wiped clean. The last few months have shown students what their early university will look like.

“I am going to UBC for engineering,” said Rubin. “We know at the moment, that it will be completely online for the first semester. As we switched to online classes [for Grade 12], I was surprised by the amount of work that I got done, without the classroom as motivation.”

Their last summer vacation has also changed. Plans to celebrate grad or even summer jobs won’t go as planned.

“I think we will still be able to have adventures,” said Rubin. “It will look different, we will need to make sure we are safe, staying in BC and spending time with a small group of friends – safely. Some of my friends worry about not getting to work, so they are looking for smaller summer jobs.”

The cap and gown

Argyle, like many schools, has opted for a digital grad. Students were invited in very small groups to don their cap and gown and walk across the stage in a new physically distant way – no handshakes, no hugs. It was all captured on video with the plan to edit all the students together for a video released later this month. 

“I think it’s actually going to look pretty nice,” said Rubin. “We each had our grad profiles read and were able to throw our hats in the air. All the students who are giving speeches were able to record those at the end.”

As the students take the first steps into adulthood, the pandemic pivot has left some regrets but also a unique experience. 

“I wish we could have gone back to school – just to say hi and see people before we head off in different directions. Who knows, maybe I will be telling my kids about how we lived through this bit of history,” said Rubin. “I am optimistic for the future – an informed optimistic.” 

Looking for more?

There’s always something fun and exciting happening in Lynn Valley. Check out our Community Events Calendar or learn more about Local Activities, Mountain Biking or Hiking and Walking Trails.

Ready for Spring Break?

Despite all the snow – Spring break is creeping up on us. There are a number of activities to keep kids and tweens busy over the school holiday. Lynn Valley will be bustling with everything from film making to Lego to pollinators. The Ecology Centre is also back with its Wildlife Weeks activities for drop-in fun for all ages.

Film making

The Lynn Valley Library is hosting a film making camp for students in Grades 6-8 March 23-27. Participants use filmmaking equipment and with the help of filmmaking educators from The Cinematheque come together to make great stories for the screen! Fee for camp is: $290 for a general application, however financial assistance is available for North Vancouver District residents. This is popular, so applications are due Feb. 18! 

Nurturing Nature

The Lynn Valley Ecology Centre has a number of mini-camps for children ages 5-8. These Monday-Wednesday half day camps are a great option for learning and an easy introduction to day camps for those that have never done them before. There are is a mini-camp about Pollinators and one all about out senses. There will be games, crafts and outside time. Cost: $79.95.

There are also a number of drop-in programs to celebrate the natural world during Wildlife Weeks from March 15-26. All events take place at the Ecology Centre and are available on a on first-come basis. The suggested donation is $2 a person or $5 for a family. 

  • Great Snakes and Remarkable Reptiles Sunday, March 15, noon to 4 pm, Presenter: Westcoast Reptile Education Society
  • Swoop and Soar – Birds of Prey Monday, March 16, 1 pm, Presenter: OWL Rescue
  • Our Wild Neighbours Tuesday, March 17, 1 pm, Presenter: Marcy Potter of the Fur-Bearers
  • The Caterpillar and Pollywog – Black Light Puppet Show Friday, March 20. Shows begin at 10:30 am, 11:30 am, and 1:00 pm.
  • Wild About Mason Bees Monday, March 23, 10:30 am, Presenter: Taren Urquhart
  • Night Flyers Tuesday, March 24, 1:00 pm, Presenter: Kirk Miles of BC Community Bat Program
  • The Bear Essentials Thursday, March 26. 10:30 am, Presenter: North Shore Black Bear Society
  • City Salmon Thursday, March 26, 1:00 pm, Presenter: Fernando Lessa

Get your hands a little dirty

The much beloved Kudzu Art Studio has found some local space and is back for two camps March 16-20. There is the Art and Animal Camp for school aged kids from 9am-noon. As well as a Tween/Teen drawing and painting camp from 1-4pm. Students will explore a variety of mediums, techniques and artists. Each camp is $300 and details are on the website

Lego time!

There are six camps with space available in Lynn Valley all focused on Lego – plus coding, robotics, animation and more. There are a variety of age groupings with half-day camps for children five-15 years old. The programs will take place at Lynn Valley Village or at the Lynn Valley Rec Centre. Details and registration are at North Van Rec. Prices start range from $175-$195.

Looking for more?

There’s always something fun and exciting happening in Lynn Valley. Check out our Community Events Calendar or learn more about Local Activities, Mountain Biking or Hiking and Walking Trails.