Wise investment advice right in your own neighbourhood.
Wise investment advice right in your own neighbourhood.
We are hoping to find another single, low maintenance, responsible, employed, non-smoking, non-pet owning, non-whining, slightly deaf but smiling, individual for a long or short term rental relationship (market rental rate discounted to attract a single individual as opposed to couple). $1400 all in. Call Jim at 778-991-6284
Here are some photos…
Living Room
Dining Area
Master Bedroom
2nd Bedroom
Dedicated Laundry Room
Children love Poet’s Corner Academy’s nurturing learning environment.
This community dance school teaches much more than just movement!
Meet a childcare provider who knows what’s important in life.
This top-class studio is conveniently close to home.
Local electrolysis expert gets you out of ‘hairy’ situations!
Stay happy and get fit with this positive-thinking fitness trainer.
Community-minded company takes away your stress.