Dominion Lending Primex Mortgage Broker in Lynn Valley
LynnValleyLife knows that a good neighbourhood supports its merchants, and good merchants support their neighbourhood! The profiles on this page are an introduction to some of the interesting people who run Lynn Valley shops and services. They are not endorsements, and we ask readers to do their own due diligence when it comes to their buying decisions. If you are a merchant who would like to be profiled, email us and we will send you the merchant questionnaire.
Dominion Lending Primex Mortgage Broker in Lynn Valley
Simplify your life: Simply Staging will help you get your home ready to sell.
Have some unwelcome visitors? Pest Maven can help!
Let Can-Swiss take charge of your dream home renovations. No project too big or too small!
Treat your furry friend to a trek with someone who clearly loves her job!
Minko Bach says his Lynn Valley patients are wonderful people who always give him lots of reasons to smile.
Wise investment advice right in your own neighbourhood.
Children love Poet’s Corner Academy’s nurturing learning environment.
This community dance school teaches much more than just movement!
Meet a childcare provider who knows what’s important in life.