Planning & Finances
Live each moment to the fullest – but don’t forget to plan for tomorrow. Local experts can help you with your financial and legal needs, and give you the peace of mind that comes from keeping your affairs in order.
The listings below are not paid advertisements; LynnValleyLife provides this space as a courtesy to local merchants. While we encourage our readers to shop local, we ask readers to do their own due diligence when it comes to their buying decisions. If you are a local businessperson who would like to be profiled, just email us and we will send you our merchant questionnaire.

Financial Confidence Advisors
Lynn Valley Life Merchant Profiles
There are more than a hundred individuals and organizations doing business in the Lynn Valley area, some of them in home offices and some in our retail centre that includes Lynn Valley Village and Lynn Valley Centre. If you would like to have your business included in our Merchant Directory please don’t hesitate to contact us.