Emery Village development info session planned

LV Community Association president Gillian Konst asked us to pass along an invitation to learn more about the redevelopment proposed for Emery Village (the rental housing area that is currently east of Mountain Hwy and 24th Street, off Emery Place). Proposals for the layout of the property, the multifamily low- and high-rise building, and amenities are here

Lynn Valley Community Association is facilitating an information session on the new development plans for Emery Village.  Our role is to encourage everyone to help shape change in their community.

This is a second opportunity for you to learn more about the proposal, and consider such questions as:


Keep your finger on the pulse of development in Lynn Valley

Mairi Welman, North Van District’s communications manager, recently let us know about two new online tools you can use to keep abreast of issues affecting your neighbourhood.

If you’d like to receive email notifications of new development applications in Lynn Valley, or across the entire District, just sign up here.

And if you go to this link, up will come a map of the District with icons representing the major development applications that have been submitted but not yet approved by council. This info is updated once a week. Once projects have been approved, they are moved over into “Traffic Impacts” (a separate tab on the map), which shows road improvements that are under way as well as how each development under construction is handling traffic and any re-routing or disruptions are scheduled.


Open Houses held to demo highway improvements

With the recent announcement about increased funding that will allow for a smoother flow of  traffic up to and around the Ironworkers Memorial bridge, two meetings have been scheduled to update the public and answer questions. Please see this Lynn Valley Community Association press release for details:

News on the recently announced east-west local connection
and improved highway interchange in Lower Lynn

The Ministry of Transportation will be hosting two Open Houses to present in more detail the plans for the enhanced highway interchange project in Lower Lynn, along with the new east-west connection for local traffic.

The new interchange will give Lynn Valley residents direct south-bound access to Highway #1 and on to Second Narrows Bridge. Local traffic travelling east or west over Lynn Creek will have a new, direct and entirely local connection.


Argyle school replacement subject of open house

The community has long been awaiting news of the fate of Argyle Secondary. The school district is inviting local citizens to an open house and presentation that will explain the proposal and offer the opportunity to ask questions and put forward your thoughts on several community-related aspects of the project. It’s on Thursday, November 24, and takes place in the Argyle school gymnasium.

6:30 p.m. – Doors Open
6:30 – 7:15 p.m. – Open House
7:15 – 8:30 p.m. – Presentation

From the School District press release:


Lynn Valley Road loses 80 trees for new bike lanes

P1350148Lynn Valley Road leading into the community from the Upper Levels looks much different with the removal of 80 trees in the centre median. Why were the trees cut? Two new bike lanes are being installed on both sides of Lynn Valley Road between Mollie Nye Way and Morgan Road. Construction began the week of October 17th with the project expected to take approximately two months. Crews will temporarily remove the centre median and widen the roadway to create room for the separated cycling lanes. The centre median will be replaced, with new trees, once the project is complete.


DNV sets library land sale record straight

Mairi Welman, communications manager with North Vancouver District, contacted LynnValleyLife with concerns regarding the circulation of an email containing false allegations of North Vancouver District wrongdoing in the sale of the former library property at 27th and Mountain Highway to the Bosa Development Corporation.

Marie emphasizes that these claims (including, we note from reading the email in question, that council “decided to give away a prime piece of real estate for free”) are “absolutely not true,” and that “all relevant policies, laws and regulations were followed.” She asks us to pass along the following information to Lynn Valley residents:


New highway interchanges will affect Lynn Valley traffic flow

By Sue Ronson, Contributing Writer

There are big plans for the multitude of entrances and exits at the north end of the Iron Workers Memorial/Second Narrows Bridge. And let’s just say up front that it’s not going to be easy getting through all this construction, but in the end we think Lynn Valleyites will agree that it’s all been worth it.

This is a $150 million project. And it’s going to take five years. It’s also going to happen in stages:


Mountain Court goes to public hearing

Interested in the local townscape? Polygon Properties will be at District Council on Tuesday, June 16 at 7pm, hoping that their bid to redevelop the site on 27th Street across from Safeway will be supported.

You can learn more about the proposal here. As envisioned in the Official Community Plan for Lynn Valley, the site would include new road connectors and pedestrian pathways to facilitate traffic flow within the evolving town centre.
