Concerns over turf territory
In the years ahead, Kilmer Park will be getting a facelift. The gravel southern section will be replaced with all-weather turf. The long-term plan has Lynn Valley Little League excited about the opportunities for its young players but it is raising concern that a soccer-focused field is taking shape. (UPDATE: A council meeting on Jan. 27 moved the project off the five-year capital plan, and as such the DNV did not respond to questions.) Goodbye gravel The District of North Vancouver has been consulting with user groups over its plans to upgrade the fields at local parks. At the start ...

The year in review
It has been a banner year for Lynn Valley. We were proud to share so many stories from athletes to artists from fundraisers to festivals. We have put together a list of our favourite and most popular posts. Telling our stories Our favourite stories of the year line up very close to the most-read stories on LynnValleyLife.com. Leading the pack was sharing the 2025 goals of Argyle Secondary’s cheer team goal of going to the world championship in Florida. The well-spoken athletes share their passion and determination to excel in a sport with a relatively low profile in Canada. Spoiler ...

A.O.K. – Good Deeds, Good Eats Draw
LynnValleyLife and Romers are celebrating the quiet good in our neighbourhood with a monthly draw honouring those who give their time and energy to the community & neighbours. Did someone rake your leaves? Did a coach or teacher go above and beyond? Does someone pick up your medications when you are sick? We want to honour the small Acts Of Kindness that make our community stronger. These could be a one-off (did someone return your keys?) or regular (help mow your lawn?). Enter the details below to have your nominee's good deed rewarded with some good eats with a $100 ...

New tech programs offered by NVDPL
There are a number of innovative programs coming up in August at the Lynn Valley branch of the NVDPL. From creative technology advisors leading StoryLab workshops to hands-on opportunities for kids and tweens, we have picked a few to check out this month. Innovative education and fun The new and innovative programs coming out of the North Vancouver District Public Library StoryLab and children's programming will open the doors to new skills, idea and even food. From boba tea to podcasting there are interesting options for all ages. Kids and tweens What’s better than Boba Tea? Making your own on ...

Staying safe on local waterways
We are pleased to partner with Argyle Secondary School's journalism class for some student articles. First up: Oscar Robindell! As the weather heats up, students enjoy their summer break, and tourists flock to Vancouver, Lynn Creek and other rivers and lakes become popular spots to cool down. However, the shimmering cool water hides great danger, and a fun day with friends can quickly turn into tragedy. From rivers to the sea First responders continue to attend many calls each year from swimmers and boaters in distress, and Lynn Creek alone has claimed three lives since 2016, two of them youth ...

A second round with NSR on the small screen
After breaking Knowledge Network records, both North Shore Rescue and Silvapark Films are back with a new season of Search and Rescue: North Shore debuting May 28. The five-part docuseries takes place throughout the North Shore and Squamish highlighting the dedicated volunteers that are on duty 24/7/365. Real impacts Promising a look into the lives of Canada’s busiest search and rescue team, the second season of Search and Rescue: North Shore brings viewers along through the highs and lows facing local volunteers traversing through and over the mountains surrounding Lynn Valley. The first season released in 2020 was a massive ...

Great Lynn Valley Neighbourhood Garage Sale
Mark your calendars for the Great Lynn Valley Neighbourhood Garage Sale. From mountain to mountain, valley wide homes will be selling their wares Saturday, May 25th, 9-noon ...

Your One Stop for 2024
Our LynnValleyLife office has brought together experts to help you take care of your home and life. Whether you plan to downsize, renovate your home, make that will you have been putting off or want to see how you can maximise your home equity, our team and office mates are your One Stop Shop for 2024. Please feel free to pop in to say ‘Hi’ anytime. Realty For more than a decade LynnValleyLife has been creating community. Our events and community website have been offering free family fun to all of Lynn Valley since 2011 but how we do all ...