So, when’s the last time you wore that Aztek-style necklace hanging in your jewellery box? Or the green earrings that turned out to clash with everything in your wardrobe? Or the kindly meant birthday bracelet that just isn’t “you”? Hayley Kelly is hoping you’ll realize it might be time to let some of those pieces go.

Hayley Kelly and Robin Delany display some of the jewellery donated for an upcoming autism fundraiser.
Hayley has put together the first-ever North Vancouver Jewelry Drive in support of Autism BC. All you have to do is box and drop your offerings at the Lynn Valley Delany’s (or the Delany’s on Denman, if you’ve got friends overtown who would like to participate).
The collected jewellery will be displayed and sold on Saturday, August 27 in Lynn Valley Village from noon to 4 p.m., with all proceeds going to the Autism Society of B.C. Livening up the day even further will be live music, a BBQ, raffle prizes, and auctioned jewellery pieces donated from local designers.
Keep up to date with the project on Facebook or Instagram:
Start September in style with a few new additions to brighten up your wardrobe! Hayley writes: “With your community support, we can make the North Vancouver Jewelry Drive an amazing event!”