The annual Great Neighbourhood Garage Sale is back! Join Lynn Valley for two days of bargain hunting May 27 & 28 – and a garage is not necessary to participate!
The map!
Click the square in the upper left with the arrow to open the legend and address list of the map.
The details
The Great Neighbourhood Garage Sale has been growing year after year. We are proud that more than 35 families joined us last year at their homes and for the first time join us at St. Clements Anglican Church for a trunk sale – you don’t need a garage to participate in the Great Neighbourhood Garage Sale.
We are planning this two-day mountain-to-canyon bargain hunt for May 27-28, 2023, 9:30 am – noon.
LynnValleyLife is putting together the ultimate map for bargain hunters. If you are thinking spring garage sale this is the weekend to do it! We will gather participant addresses and distribute the map on social media and by email. We will even have some signs you can print off to direct buyers to your block, and new this year we have some reusable signs to borrow.
We are really excited to see this event grow. We love the chance to get out, meet some neighbours and hopefully help you make a little cash. Maybe we will even help you spark some joy. Watch this page for updates, mark your calendar and tell your neighbours. Bonus, apparently May 28th is also national brisket and international hamburger day – so perhaps fire up the BBQ as well – and join us outside.
No garages need – join us for a parking lot sale
We know not everyone has a garage, so we have partnered with our friends at St. Clements Anglican Church (3400 Institute Road) to offer their parking lot for the morning of Saturday, May 28th – to bring a table or use your trunk to sell your items. To sign up for a spot please email [email protected].
Artists and makers welcome
We hope the increased neighbourhood traffic might also be an opportunity for crafters or makers to show their wares. If you want to open your driveway or garage to show your handiwork – feel free to sign up below (or email for a parking lot spot). We will add you to the map!
Sign up
We will collect addresses and build a map. Participants will then receive the map, and some signs to print and we will share them through our social networks. All we ask is that you send out some sunny vibes to keep the rain away!
Registration has closed.
Looking for more?
There’s always something fun and exciting happening in Lynn Valley. Check out our Community Events Calendar or learn more about Local Activities, Mountain Biking or Hiking and Walking Trails.