Locals join forces to make LV Days shine

It wasn’t long ago that Lynn Valley Lions Secretary Bob Rasmus and Lynn Valley Community Association President Eric Muira were busy gearing up for LV Day’s centennial celebration. Now they are rolling up their sleeves and getting ready for the next hundred years. They’d love to have your help!
Lynn Valley is fortunate indeed. From the beginning of its more than hundred-year history, this community has been home to a remarkable number of citizens who have rolled up their sleeves and made their neighbourhood a livelier, friendlier, safer or greener place to be.
Lynn Valley Day is just one example. While it started with a bang in 1912 and continued on for some years after, the celebration’s popularity rose and fell depending on economic factors, community spirit, and the presence or absence of willing organizers.
Fast forward to 1972, when the Lynn Valley Lions stepped in to restore the day to its former glory. Since then, Lynn Valley Day has grown increasingly popular, and has been strengthened even more with the added support of the Lynn Valley Community Association, which has become co-organizer of the annual event.
These two organizations are behind most of Lynn Valley’s community-building activities, whether it’s Lynn Valley Day, the summertime concert series, important neighbourhood planning, or assistance to individuals in need. If you want our community to continue to flourish and provide a happy, healthy home for people of all ages, we encourage you to become involved in one of these groups – if not both!
How much impact can a relatively small group of people have on the world around them? Just look at the Lynn Valley Lions to find out.
This organization of just over 30 men manages to donate more than $70,000 annually to local causes and needy individuals, thanks to hours spent selling Christmas trees, flipping pancakes, and holding meat draws.
The list of organizations they support is exhaustive, ranging from The Lookout Society, to local schools, to North Shore Rescue, to groups helping those with mental or physical disabilities – and just about everything in between.
And their help isn’t just monetary. “We really support our own community,” says Bob Rasmus, past-president and current secretary of the Lynn Valley Lions (for a profile of this active Lions member, read our blog!). He says families or individuals can come talk to a club member about all kinds of needs they may have. One family, for example, needed a bathroom renovated to accommodate their seven-year-old child who had cerebral palsy. The Lynn Valley Lions swung into action, arranging for donations of materials and giving their own time to do the extensive work necessary. Total cost to the family? Nothing.
The Lions work hard, but they know how to play as well. Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of the month, and always include dinner and socializing. Summertime means no more meetings – though many members still choose to volunteer at warm weather functions so that fundraising can continue unabated.
If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a member of your local Lions Club, email [email protected] or see their information booth at Lynn Valley Day.
Just like Lynn Valley Day, the LV Community Association is now over a hundred years old, having celebrated its centennial in 1911.
However, getting ‘old’ doesn’t mean slowing down. Quite the opposite – over the past number of years, the LVCA has just gotten stronger, moving from one success to another. From being integral to the planning of the Lynn Valley Village development to the exciting 17-day Valleyfest during the 2010 Olympics and last year’s Christmas in Lynn Valley, the community association has literally and figuratively changed our local landscape.
Recognizing the truth behind the old adage that there is strength in numbers – especially when it comes to putting on big community events – the LVCA has, in recent years, become a co-organizer of Lynn Valley Day, along with the Lynn Valley Lions.
Members keep plenty busy throughout the entire year, however; just take a look at their website to see how this group is always working on behalf of the neighbourhood. There are plenty of ways to get involved; sub-committees on topics such as youth, parks and trails, planning, taxation, and community services offer an interest area for everyone. At the very least, Lynn Valley residents should support the cause by becoming members of their community association – the nominal annual fee will be paid back in many different neighbourhood-boosting ways!
Learn more on the LVCA website or at their information booth at local events.