Thank you to Dianne Elphinstone for sharing some of her Lynn Valley Day memories and photos! Volunteer or attend this year’s community celebration on the weekend of June 17 to 19; check out all the details here.
In the early 1940s someone displayed fridges at Lynn Valley Day. Most people did not have one, or also had never seen one. Someone else had a live caged anteater; this would have been about 1945.
And of course, one has to remember Miss Hunter who taught the children how to maypole dance, and a Mrs. McBride helped a lot, too. My grandmother, Mrs. Walton, along with Mrs Dodds every year donated most of the flowers to decorate the Queen’s stage. Also Louis Brier (the Brier Block at the centre of town is now gone) left money for children on Lynn Valley Day who won races.
In the 40s a lot of people who still had carriages would hook them up to horses, this was a delight to see. And of course a lot of the older men grew mustaches for this occasion.
After the crowning of the queen, the Queen and attendants and everyone who was associated with putting Lynn Valley Day together was then invited to go to Mrs. Summerfield’s home for afternoon tea and goodies, She had a very large home and garden. There were so many other Lynn Valley people who helped out that I should mention. If it hadn’t been for them and their time, things would not have happened. Barker’s hardware donated the wood and nails to put the stage together.
Movers and shakers are still needed to “make things happen” at Lynn Valley Day! Please volunteer, and grab a friend to bring along, too! All the info and the application form is online right here.