Summer camp ready in Lynn Valley

The summer season is almost upon us. Parental planning is just about hitting its peak as families coordinate childcare, vacations and summer camps. Living where we are you don’t need to go far for some local solutions. Watch out for registration dates!

North Van Rec – Register May 16

Camp Lynn Valley, 5-6yrs, various dates Jul. 3-Aug. 31, Lynn Valley Rec Centre

Calling all five & six year olds! Camp Lynn Valley is a great way to spend your summer. Visit parks, explore forests, streams and creatures, learn about science, make new friends and more.

Bricks 4 Kidz, various age groups 5-15,  various dates Jul. 3-Aug. 31, Lynn Valley Village/Mollie Nye House

Bricks 4 Kidz® camps are a fresh and fun way for kids to spend their school or holiday break! Children will enjoy using LEGO® Bricks to build specially-designed models, play games, explore the world of engineering, architecture and movie-making.

Camp KM Tennis & Waves, 9-12yrs,  various dates Jul. 3-Aug. 31, Karen Magnussen Rec Centre

A half day camp program focusing on tennis skills and plenty of games. After a supervised lunch, enjoy and swimming (12:00-1:00pm) in the wave pool.

North Shore Winter Club – Registration open

Multi-sport Day Camps, 6-11 yrs,  various dates Jul. 3-Aug. 24,

Each week offers multi sport activities to keep kids active and doing lots of different things. We end the week with a field trip to a local hangout. Day camps are supervised in the safe environment of the Club. Lunches and snacks are included.

Activities may include: swimming, tennis, dance, sportball, basketball, hikes to the park and arts, crafts and games.

Kids Corner – Culinary No Cook Recipe Week 2, 2-7 yrs, Aug. 27-31, 9-11 am


A week filled with fun, no bake recipes. The children will learn how to make fresh fruit salad, summer berry cheesecake, trail mix, oatmeal energy bites and more, without the use of any heating equipment. The day will finish with an active game or swim in the small pool.

Atom Summer Hockey,  various dates Jul. 3-Aug. 31

The NSWC Summer Hockey Camps are a great way to keep your kids active over the break. Drop them off for a day of fun activities with 3 hours of ice broken up into 4 different ice sessions. Kids will work on their skating, puck skills and game skills, as well as play a 45 minute 3v3 game to end each day. Participants will be introduced to off-ice development. Lunch is included.

Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre – registration open

Summer Mini-Camps, various dates M-W Jul. 3-Aug. 29, 5-8yrs/8-12yrs

Ecology Centre Summer Camps are where the Forest and Fun meet! There is plenty of forest fun planned throughout the summer from Slime Time to Splish Splash for younger children and from Survive to Homesteaders.

Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre

Keeping the hills alive with the sound of music

For decades parents have been supporting their children’s dreams and keeping Lynn Valley’s hills alive with the sound of music. The 36th Annual Argyle Music Association fundraiser Cabaret is taking place this weekend.

Annual Cabaret funds scholarships

“It’s for students graduating from the Argyle music program, “ said Sheila Balzar, parent and volunteer fundraising coordinator. “It varies from year to year, but last year we had, I believe, 25 applicants and everyone received something.”

The annual evening of music, silent auction and dining will take place at May 12 at 6 p.m. at Mulgrave Theatre in West Vancouver. This year’s event – titled Jazz to Jukebox will showcase the talents of students as they perform their skills in an industry-level performance. As a fundraiser, it is one of a handful held throughout the year that supports students, the curriculum and trips the students take.

“Cabaret is strictly for scholarships and bursaries,” said Balzar. “Over 100 students will be performing. It is the pinnacle of the jazz students curriculum – they are expected to perform as if they are a professional and this is a paid gig.”

Exceptional program, bright futures

For those who have not been through Argyle, they might not be familiar with the school’s extremely well-regarded music program. Parents with a child in music automatically become a part of the Argyle Music Association and their dedication is essential to the program.

“We are there to support the music – these teachers put so much energy and time into creating this quality program. They need to be able to focus on teaching,” said Balzar.

The investment in students is paying off in so many ways, she said. From outstanding opportunities to tour in Europe to creating foundational music and technical abilities that have students stepping out of high school and into industry jobs while pursuing post-secondary education, and ultimately full-time employment.

For her son and daughter, it has not only meant a passion for music but technical skills to support the performances as well.

“My son discovered sound and lighting in Grade 7 when a teacher suggested he help with the school play,” she said. “That dovetailed nicely into the sound and lighting crew at Argyle. He had the opportunity to become a leader at young age, putting in incredible hours and now is working in the industry at 19 doing events at Rogers Arena.”

Exceptional program, bright futures

“Music is a huge part of these students,” said Balzar. “The program at Argyle is outstanding. There are opportunities to perform with members of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. It is elevating their musical experience – the level of commitment, the preparation, the excellence to do that. Just to put themselves out there to perform at the level – its huge.”

For some the music program is an opportunity to be part of something bigger – to be part of team.

“There is a sense of belonging in the music program – working together,” said Balzar. “The progress is phenomenal throughout the year and to see them from Grade 8 to Grade 12  — it’s exponential.”

Senior choir at Bach’s Tomb

The work is paying off. During the school’s most recent senior trip to Europe their reputation for excellence afforded them the unique opportunity to perform Bach while at Bach’s tomb – something that could only happen because of their skill, said Balzar.

“It’s a massive program,” she said. “So many people put so much energy, so much love in to 300-plus students to enrich their high school experience and change the rest of their lives.”

How to help

There are plenty of opportunities for the community to support this program. In addition to attending Cabaret or donating auction items, the teachers have wishlists, she said.

“With a new school being built, we need to remember it is just the shell of a school and to run an excellent program there needs to be equipment,” said Balzar. “This is not in the capital budget; this is not in the operating budget.

“There are so many ways to help: come out to concerts and performances,” said Balzar, noting there is a list on their website. “If a student knocks on your door – try to say yes to purchasing some pie or chocolates.”

To create a lasting legacy of support contact the Argyle Music Association for current needs at [email protected]. The group has come up with some fantastic passive fundraising options as well that support students throughout the year. If you shop at SPUD you can purchase your produce and support students – details here or purchase SPUD gift cards and use them later – details here. Same goes for fantastic North Shore Two Rivers Meats – details here.

Field Trip! Check out the (old) museum and (new) gallery!

The North Vancouver Museum – the one tucked away quietly at Chesterfield and West Fourth Street for decades – is shutting up shop at the end of April.

That’s good news – it’s all in preparation for the exciting new museum to be built adjacent to Lonsdale Quay – but at the same time it’s always hard saying goodbye to an old friend. So why not pop down for a look at the displays while you have the chance? Take a glimpse into the kitchens, school rooms and shops of early North Vancouver, and peek into the wall-mounted memory boxes that encapsulate the reminiscences of some of our neighbours who grew up here – among them well-known volunteer Del Dimock and North Shore News photographer Mike Wakefield, both residents of Lynn Valley.

Featured currently is an exhibit on Chief Dan George: Actor and Activist, and it’s a thoughtful window into the chief’s extraordinary life that played itself out here on the shores of Burrard Inlet, on the ancestral lands of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation, as well as in Hollywood where George was best known for his role as Old Lodge Skins in Little Big Man, playing alongside Dustin Hoffman. Chief Dan George’s voice continues to be heard in his evocative writings about the indigenous experience of the land, as in his collection of verse that includes the title poem, My Heart Soars.

The North Vancouver Museum is open by donation, from Thursday to Sunday, noon to 5 (closed stat holidays) and the address is 209 West 4th St.

From the old to the new, you can then take a trip into the much different environment of the Polygon Gallery, the modern silver-sided building located on a new inlet-edge walkway between Tap & Barrel and Lonsdale Quay. Open by donation until the end of 2020 with the support of BMO Financial Group, the Polygon Gallery is showcasing photos and artworks that reflect North Vancouver – past and present – back to its citizens in myriad forms and styles. Be sure to pick up the info-packed guide to the N. Vancouver exhibit, and visit the second-floor bookshop for photo and art books on a range of topics and places.

The Polygon Gallery is open from Tuesdays through Sundays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. More info is right here.



Got a great idea for your neighbourhood? Funds available to make it real

The deadline for the Vancouver Foundation’s Neighbourhood Small Grants is fast approaching. You have until April 9 to take advantage of this growing program. Each year many locals take advantage of the $50 – $500 grants given to fund community initiatives.

“The goal is about connecting and engaging the community,” said Tricia Alsop, of the North Shore Neighbourhood House which oversees the program in North Vancouver. “Community doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone. It doesn’t need to be a project with your neighbours. Last year we gave out about 80 grants.”

Since 2011 the North Shore has been apart of the Vancouver Foundation’s Neighbourhood Small Grants program. The grants are given to projects that bring people together, share skills and knowledge, build a sense of belonging, responsibility, and respect and celebrate diversity, according to the Foundation.

“We had hosted a block party – a potluck kind of party the first year we moved here,” said Lynn Valley’s Shannon Samler, a recipient of a 2017 grant. “Someone told us about these grants so we thought – why not [apply]? It was very easy to do.”

Easy access

“The goal is to make it available to everyone,” said Tricia Alsop. “The application is online but we also have paper applications. If people need help, we can help them work through it. It is supposed to be easy.”

For most projects the most labour-intensive piece is creating a budget.

“It’s a simple process,” said Samler. “Putting together the budget help me think about what I wanted to do. We wanted to take on the responsibility of the main course part of the food and provide a few extras – like face painting.”

The Samlers’ block party was one of a handful in Lynn Valley last year funded by the grants and is a typical project that the Foundation funds.

Other projects on the North Shore included gardening, food, beekeeping, emergency preparedness and craft workshops, invasive weed pulls, intergenerational programs, Little Free Libraries and others.

“It was a great way to meet people,” said Samler. “We learned the names of people we see – not just families with kids that same age as ours. We were able to set up a neighbourhood email list to connect and share concerns.”

Lasting impacts

Samler says the – now annual – event has fostered a more open neighbourhood. Sometimes the grants are what give legs to an idea, said Alsop.

“The grants can help give people the initiative to get started on an idea they have always had,” she said. “We see lasting relationships grow out of the projects – sometimes they can be a help with conflict resolution by bringing people together.”

Organizers welcome more applicants

“We would like to see some new people with new ideas,” said Alsop. “If it fits, there is a good chance they will get the grant.”

The deadline for applications is April 9th. For more information or help with applications contact the North Shore Neighbourhood House at 604-987-8138.

An Egg-citing Way to Celebrate Easter in Lynn Valley!

It sounds like there will be a mix of sun and clouds in Lynn Valley’s future, but whatever the weather we hope the Easter weekend is joyful for all!

easterWe are having our annual FREE family Easter Egg Hunt April 2 from 10 a.m.-noon at Viewlynn Park. There will be prizes, plenty of eggs to find and lots of family fun — think face painting and balloon twisting too.

If it is rainy, there’s no better way to spend the time than in painting some Easter eggs to give out to family and friends. Here are few novel ideas to get you started – you probably have everything you need at home already!

Easter Egg 2017

Another tradition that will keep the kids busy is to bake hot cross buns on Good Friday, or to make an Easter bonnet for Sunday. And if you’re really having fun, why not make some homemade chocolate Easter eggs as well?

Easter Egg 2017Easter Sunday is the culmination of the Christian Holy Week, and is preceded by Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Special services are being held on all three days at many Lynn Valley churches, and all are welcome – should you want more information, contact info and church websites are listed on our Clubs and Associations page. Happy Easter, everyone!

Spring Break Fun!

Spring Break is a great time to get active and have fun in Lynn Valley. There are lots of drop-in activities to have some spur of the moment fun. Check out our picks from the Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre and the Lynn Valley Branch of the North Vancouver District Library. 

Drop-in activities and a couple of mini-camps

March 17

12-4 p.m. Scales and Coils, Lynn Valley Ecology Centre

Presented by the Westcoast Society for the Protection of Reptiles. Visit with reptiles from around the world and get a peek into their fascinating lives. Suggested donation $2 per person or $5 per family.Plan to arrive early as space is limited and on a first come basis.

March 18

1-2:30 p.m.  NatureKids – Stream Sleuth, Lynn Valley Ecology Centre

Register at eventbrite

What can streams and rivers tell us about the health of our local environment? Visit a small stream to search for aquatic insects and learn how to protect your local streams.

About NatureKids

Are your children inspired by nature? Take part in the NatureKids programs and soak up nature knowledge. To take part in the NatureKids programs you must become a member of NatureKids BC

March 19-21,

9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Wildlife Week Mini Camp  — Nature Investigators, Lynn Valley Ecology Centre

Come and be a ‘nature detective’ as you spot the signs of spring in Lynn Canyon Park. Learn about tracking, uncover the hidden habitats of animals, play games, and create nature crafts as we ramble along the forest trails. For children ages 5 to 8. Cost: $68 Register at 604-990-3755

March 20

beaver1:30 p.m. Leave It To Beavers! Lynn Valley Ecology Centre

Presented by the Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals. Discover why our national animal is also an ecological superhero. Suggested donation $2 per person or $5 per family. Plan to arrive early as space is limited and on a first come basis.

3-4 p.m. Kids Knit Lynn Valley Library

Do you want to learn how to knit? Do you want to practice your knitting with others? This is your chance! Bring your favourite grown-up knitting buddy and join us for a cozy afternoon of knitting. Some supplies will be provided. Adults are asked to please stay and participate with their children. Ages 6 +.  

March 21

10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Spring Break Family Dance Party, Lynn Valley Library

Come shake your sillies out and wiggle your waggles away at our family dance party. Half an hour of music, dancing and fun! No registration required.

March 26-28

9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Wildlife Week Mini Camp  — Buzz, Wriggle, and Crawl, Lynn Valley Ecology Centre

Creepy crawlies don’t need to be creepy! Watch worms and woodbugs, grow food for bees, and learn about the amazing superpowers of the tiny inhabitants of Lynn Canyon Park.For children ages 5 to 8. Cost: $68 Register at 604-990-3755

March 22

10:30-11:30 a.m. Spring Break Baby Party, Lynn Valley Library

The library loves babies! Join us to sing along with songs and rhymes, visit our baby photo booth, and play fun games. This is a great chance to meet other families in the neighbourhood and get your baby their very first library card! Drop in. Recommended for ages 0-2

Shows at 10:30 & 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Coyote – A Trickster’s Tale, Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre.

Presented by the Ecology Centre Black Light Puppeteers. The boastful coyote pays a price when he takes on the raven king. Suggested donation $2 per person or $5 per family. Plan to arrive early as space is limited and on a first come basis.

2-4 p.m. Spring Break Lego Drop In, Lynn Valley Library

Do you love Lego? We do! Join us for an afternoon of Lego building and creativity. No registration required. Recommended for ages 4-12.

March 23

1:30 p.m. B.C.’s Incredible Wildlife, Lynn Valley Ecology Centre

Presented by the Northwest Wildlife Preservation Society. Learn about beautiful BC’s unique habitats and incredible wildlife. Suggested donation $2 per person or $5 per family. Plan to arrive early as space is limited and on a first come basis.

March 26

1 p.m. Birds of Prey, Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre

Presented by OWL Rescue. Learn about OWL’s work saving injured raptors and meet an owl and a hawk. Suggested donation $2 per person or $5 per family. Plan to arrive early as space is limited and on a first come basis.

March 27

Mason Bee

10:30 a.m. Mason Bees, Lynn Valley Ecology Centre

Presented by Taren Urquhart. Attract friendly mason bees to your garden by making them a bee house. Suggested donation $2 per person or $5 per family. Plan to arrive early as space is limited and on a first come basis.

March 29

10-11 a.m. Spring Break Family Stories and Fun, Lynn Valley Library

A Spring Break session of Family Stories and Fun!  Children of all ages are invited to enjoy a Saturday morning of stories and fun at the library. There will be stories, rhymes and songs for the whole family. Drop in.

10:30 a.m. Bear Aware, Lynn Valley Ecology

Presented by the North Shore Black Bear Network. Learn how to stay safe and get along with our black bear neighbours. Suggested donation $2 per person or $5 per family. Plan to arrive early as space is limited and on a first come basis.

2-4 p.m. Spring Break Lego Drop In, Lynn Valley Library

Do you love Lego? We do! Join us for an afternoon of Lego building and creativity. No registration required. Recommended for ages 4-12.

March 31

10-11 a.m. Spring Break Family Stories and Fun, Lynn Valley Library

Join us for a Spring Break session of Family Stories and Fun! Children of all ages are invited to enjoy a Saturday morning of stories and fun at the library. There will be stories, rhymes and songs for the whole family. Drop in.

Family Day fun for 2018

As we head closer to B.C.’s newest holiday, Family Day LynnValleyLife has put together some great North Shore events.

Lynn Valley family fun

There are a number of Family Day events organised by North Van Rec. In Lynn Valley Karen Magnussen will be offering its family rate for skating on Monday, Feb.12 from noon-3:15 p.m. and public swim from 9 a.m.-8 p.m. That means each family member gets in for $2 each.

There are two days of activities at Lynn Valley Centre – Family Day and Valentine’s Day from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.  On Feb. 12 enjoy free family carnival games and crafts and Feb. 14 take part in games and take home a design from a glitter tattoo artist.

Quay to fun

Lonsdale Quay has a day of events On Feb. 12. It begins with the Lonsdale Artisan Farmer’s Market – complete with a petting zoo for the kids. There will also be some Valentine’s Card making and a puppet show. All the details of the Lonsdale Quay website.

Winter fun

All three of our ski hills are having special pricing, events or both. Highlights include family-friendly events at Grouse and 50% of ticket prices. Cypress has special kids pricing and some activities. Seymour is offering free skiing for kids with paying adults all weekend long.

Give thanks, and give food!

It’s almost Thanksgiving, and LynnValleyLife is hoping everyone can have a share in the harvest.

This year we are teaming up with St. Clement’s Anglican Church to help people with enough food on their table make sure the same goes for their neighbours. Thanksgiving has long been celebrated as a time of gratitude at the end of the harvest season, and if you would like to express your gratitude in a tangible way – with garden produce or a bag of groceries –  your contribution would be much appreciated!
