Bring some colour to our life, kids!

To celebrate the season (and our new LynnValleyLife office at 3171 Mountain Highway!) we’re offering our first-ever Christmas Colouring Contest.

We look forward to displaying all the neighbourhood entries at our office, so pop in if you’re walking by, and enjoy a treat while you peruse the growing gallery.

Art from all ages is welcome (come on, parents, sit down with your kids and enjoy a colouring break!) Prizes, however, will be offered in three age categories: Pre-Kindergarten; Kindergarten-Grade 3; and Grades 4 to 7.

Regardless of your age, you can pick whichever drawing you like from our choices below. You’ll see there’s even a scene from the Lynn Valley Christmas Tree Walk, drawn by Lynn Valley’s own Shula Klinger!

Please enter your art to our office by Monday, December 22 at 5 p.m. in order to be entered into our prize draws – the more the merrier, because for each entry we get, we will donate $1 to the North Shore Youth Safe House.  One person in each category will win a special Christmas prize – their choice of a $20 gift certificate from Black Bond Books, Creative Kidstuff Toys, or Subway sandwich shop!

Click and download your favourite picture for colouring. Please remember to write your name, grade and contact details on the back of your art before dropping it off at our office!

Lynn Valley’s Christmas Tree Walk

Santa at LV Library

An intricate candle


A simple stocking


A manger scene

Image 2
A Lynn Valley signpost  (Jim’s favourite)

Frozen signpost blues

Lynn Valleyites run for school trustee post

Last week we posted some profiles of our Lynn Valley neighbours who have taken the plunge and are running for (re)election to North Vancouver District Council. Now we’re introducing you to three Lynn Valley residents who are running for the post of school trustee for the North Vancouver School District.

We’ve received permission from the candidates and the North Vancouver Teachers Association to post their completed questionnaires submitted to the NVTA.

So, after a brief introduction from us, we’ll let the candidates tell you, in their own words, what they see as the top issues for public education in North Vancouver. Be sure to learn about the candidates for all municipal posts, and come on out to vote on November 15th!

Shane Nelson tells us that his connection to Lynn Valley goes back to the late ’90s when he first met his wife here and took her for a walk near the suspension bridge. Says Shane: “We were both living in other provinces at the time and it took us until a couple years back to move here. We’re a short walk from the mall and love the neighborhood. Our kids make great use of the fields, parks, library and pool. I love the area: it provides a perfect balance of access to the city, a walk-able neighborhood and access to the forest trails and all they have to offer.”

Learn about Shane’s views on education here, and on his campaign website.


Heather Skuse is a lifelong Lynn Valley resident and Argyle grad who is a teacher in the Burnaby School District. A parent to three children, Heather has been president of two elementary school Parent Advisory Councils, and is currently on the North Vancouver PAC executive. Read Heather’s questionnaire here and visit her website here.


Jessica StanleyJessica Stanley’s husband, Martin Buhler, grew up in Lynn Valley and the couple decided to raise their own family here. Jessica calls Lynn Valley “a beautiful place with a genuine sense of community.” Jessica and Martin have three young boys between the ages of two and seven.

Jessica is an active community volunteer and has a history of involvement with the Lynn Valley Parent Participation Preschool and the board of the British Columbia Council of Parent Participation Preschools. She is currently am a member of the Ross Road PAC where her oldest two sons attend school.

Learn more about Jessica’s life in Lynn Valley and her views on education here, and on her campaign website.



Argyle principal thanks community for flood support

In the wake of Monday night/Tuesday morning’s flash flooding that closed Argyle Secondary, required the evacuation of at least 17 Lynn Valley homes, and has left some in our neighbourhood temporarily homeless, school principal Liz Bell sent out this Tuesday late afternoon update. It is reprinted here with her permission:

Hello Argyle Community,

I thought I would take a moment to bring you all up to date on the current condition of our school.  As you know, the banks of Hastings and Fromme Creek could not withstand the tremendous amount of rain last night and resulted in flooding.  I am certainly aware of the damage and devastation for some families in the area and I wish them all the best as they dry out.


Family-babysitter match-making service offered

The uncertainty about the ongoing teachers’ strike has had many Lynn Valley families chewing their nails over potential looming childcare challenges.

But we know that it’s not just during a crisis that a good babysitter can be hard to find. To that end, we asked our Facebook followers if they would like LynnValleyLife to consider providing some form of assistance in matching up families with sitters or other caregivers. And you said YES, PLEASE!!


So we’re happy to help where we can. We obviously aren’t a child-care agency (regardless of how silly Jim and Kelly may be acting in some of our photos!) That being the case, we need you to bring your own sense of due diligence the process. But we are happy to maintain a list of people in the Lynn Valley neighbourhood offering babysitting or other childcare services.

If you are a sitter, please send us your name, year of birth, address and HOME telephone number along with any important info such as first-aid or childminding qualifications.  The list given to potential employers will NOT include your address. We ask for your home telephone number, not your cell, because it is our expectation that if you are a minor, your parents will get looped into the decision as to whether or not you accept any job offers you may receive. Please email [email protected].

If you are a parent looking for a sitter, we ask that you become a member of our LynnValleyLife Network so that we have your name and address on file. Then we’ll be happy to send you our list of babysitters, which will hopefully grow as word spreads.

We hope you find your perfect match!

Childcare options offered for shaky school start

Update September 1, 2014: School will definitely not be in session tomorrow (sigh). Parents wishing to apply for the $40/day subsidy for school-aged children 12 and younger can click here to register. Have your school district (#44 in North Van) and your child’s PEN number, found on their report card, on hand.


Original Post:

Well, Vince Ready left the bargaining table on Saturday afternoon, with no plans to schedule further talks until the teachers’ union and the government are willing to start moving closer together. So we’ll pass along any day camp or childcare news that comes our way in case there’s no resolution by Tuesday; for even more timely publication we invite companies or babysitters to post directly on our LynnValleyLife Facebook page, where their posts will appear in a column to the left of our main news feed.


Added September 14/14: All-day art classes at Lynn Valley’s Doodlebug Art Studio, with local resident Jeri Engen, look fantastic. Check them out on her Classes page!


Does your young person want to use this time to get off the couch and into shape? Athletes and non-athletes alike are invited to day camps at Twist Conditioning. Twist is located near the Winter Club at 12-1225 East Keith Rd, North Van; call  604-904-6556:

Kids & Youth Sport Camps – Grade 3 and Up

Drop off between 8:30-9am & pick up between 3-4pm

$299/week (or $60/day)

Hockey Specific Camps

Includes 4 hours/week of skill development (shooting & puck handling & hockey specific training)

$299/week (or $60/day)




Game Ready will be offering Strike Day Camps in September for 6-12 year olds. Registrations will begin Monday, August 25th. Registrations can be done by contacting Joe Yankanna @ 604.961.1176 or email: [email protected]. A registration form is attached.

Camp costs will be $30/day.  They will run from 8:30am-4:30pm. Game Ready will offer full refunds in the event school starts on time in September. Spaces are limited.

Programs will range from arts and crafts, games, educational, physical activities and many more. Please make sure your child(ren) comes with a lunch and snacks for the day. A full schedule of events will be out on August 29th.                                                                              

Address: Game Ready Centre Unit #108B-245 Fell Avenue, North Vancouver

School strike news & childcare options

Looking for news about the teachers’ strike situation, and how it will impact your family?

For a strike update, including the exam information and new end-of-term procedures for students, read the North Vancouver School Superintendent’s letter, here.

North Van Rec has a number of day camps on offer to get kids up and dancing or out and enjoying the great outdoors. Check them out here.

Adventure camps up Grouse Mountain are on offer, with more being added as strike news develops. Read the Grouse site for more info.

There are bike adventure camps from Escape Adventures, and Pedalheads is planning strike-day programming as well, although at time of writing the information was not yet on their website.

We will add more resources as we learn of them, so please send us any resources you’d like us to share with your neighbours! Email [email protected].



Parents rally to save Swangard track meet

With only a few days’ notice, people banded together to resurrect the North Vancouver track and field meet at Swangard Stadium, which had been officially cancelled as due to the teachers’ strike on the day of the meet. One of the volunteers, Desiree Kranendijk, tells us how it went:

IMG_3378Hundreds of students from almost all the schools across North Vancouver had the opportunity to compete in the annual Swangard Track Meet yesterday despite the ongoing teachers’ strike. A collection of over 100 parent volunteers mobilized after hearing the track event would be cancelled due to the rotating strike, in order to ensure that the students had the chance to showcase their athleticism and put to use all the training provided by the teachers and supporters in the months leading up to the event.


“Pedal power” rules at Lynn Valley schools

Did you notice a few extra two-wheelers around Lynn Valley this week? You weren’t imagining things.

IMG_2906Today wraps up Bike to School Week at Lynn Valley Elementary, a week that kicked off with 135 kids cycling to school with or without parents. They’ve been treated to energy snacks from local merchants, bike tune-ups from Lynn Valley Bikes, courses from Cycling BC, a visit from the RCMP Safety Bear and more fun activities, including a family bike ride in the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve on Wednesday evening.

For photos and more details about the week and how it went, read the Lynn Valley Elementary School Parent Advisory Council post here.

Ross Road Elementary will be hosting its own Bike to School Week from May 26 to 30, so if you are driving please keep your eyes peeled for novice riders!


RNB Dance teaches more than meets the eye

RNB DanceA huge array of gleaming trophies sits on a ledge above the students warming up at the barre in RNB Dance’s Studio #2. But it isn’t the trophies that artistic director Hayley Walker is most proud of when she reflects upon the accomplishments of this dance school, now celebrating its 25-year-anniversary. It’s the family values that the dancers learn alongside their art.

“They don’t just come for the dance,” Hayley says when she’s asked why parents send their kids to the non-profit school. “They know that it takes a community to raise a child, and that we’re part of that community.”

RNB DanceThat means fostering bonds of friendship among the dancers, and creating an atmosphere that builds self-esteem, confidence and good manners, though means as varied as taking the competition team away on trips together or teaching the students how to avoid the misuse of social media. Above all, Hayley and her staff want the dancers to come away with positive memories they’ll keep for life.

She’s also proud of the growth the dance school has experienced since three women founded it a quarter century ago (whose combined surname initials, by the way, were RNB!) After teaching its first students in the YMCA facility on Hendry, RNB Dance and Theatre Arts successfully applied for the lease of their current premises on Mountain Highway, a municipally owned facility they moved into in September 1993.

The main studio is in fact the old Methodist church building that was skidded across the playing field from its original home on Institute Road some decades ago. While longtime Lynn Valley residents will remember taking ballet lessons from Miss Hunter in the studio almost 50 years ago, they may not recognize the bright, renovated facility that now houses 300 students, who take classes in ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary and hip hop. Some take dance for an hour a week; some committed dancers are training in the studio 25 hours over that same time.

RNB Dance studioHayley assures people that there are many entry points for dance, and that all kids are welcome, whether or not they started dance in early childhood. “Our teen classes have really grown,” she says. “Every year we need to put on a new teen beginner class.” She says there is a strong contingent of boys in the student population, too, which isn’t always the case in every school.

A good way to give dance a try is at the popular summer camps that are offered in July and August. The week-long camps offer a taste of a variety of dance genres, and different programs are available for kids four through 12. For more information on the summer programs, click here.

 UPDATE: Register for 2014 fall programs on the following dates:

Saturday, July 26th- 2-6pm,

Friday, August 1st – 4-8pm

Saturday, August 23rd – 2-6pm

Monday, August 25th – 4-8pm

Wednesday, August 27th – 4-8pm





Input on Argyle rebuild invited

A letter from North Vancouver’s Superintendent of Schools….

Dear Parents/Guardians/Residents in the Argyle Family of Schools Community:

On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to invite you to attend an Argyle Family of Schools meeting on:

Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Doors open 6:30; Presentation 6:45; Discussion, Wrap-up by 9:00 p.m.
Argyle Secondary School Small Gym
1131 Frederick Road
North Vancouver BC

The North Vancouver School District is actively working towards a full replacement school project for Argyle Secondary School. As a parent/guardian of a student(s) attending school in the Argyle catchment area, and/or a resident living in the community, you have a vested interest in this project. The Board wants your support and input.

A new replacement school will be designed to provide a safe and enhanced learning environment for students and may incorporate additional community amenities. The meeting will include:

• Background information on the Argyle capital project
• A status update on the Board’s efforts to receive approval for a full replacement of Argyle
• Funding needed for the project
• Potential enhancements to the site (fields, parking, etc.) and building (area and functions)
• Opportunity to provide input and ask questions
• Next steps to move forward on the Argyle full replacement project.

The Board of Education has successfully completed full replacement projects at Sutherland (2008) and Carson Graham (2012) Secondary Schools. Now it’s Argyle’s turn! Please join us to be a part of the Argyle project.

Yours sincerely,

John Lewis
Superintendent of Schools