Local News – Front Porch Blog

Our Neighbourhood News: From the Front Porch of LynnValleyLife

Hi there neighbours, and a very warm welcome to our blog, From the Front Porch of LynnValleyLife.

Why do we call it ‘From the Front Porch’? Because that’s where the real news of a community is shared – on front porches and sidewalks, and in coffee shops and playgrounds. So sit down and stay awhile…. and check back regularly, so we can keep you in the Lynn Valley loop.

Visit here for musings on local life from our neighbourhood observer, Lynn O’Malley, and stories from our editor Robin Thorneycroft. Our realtors Jim Lanctot, Kelly Gardiner & Melanie Butchart bring news from the world of Lynn Valley real estate, and we have a range of guest voices from your local neighbours.

If you have any tidbits of interest, please send them along to our neighbourhood news-gatherer, Robin, at [email protected].  We can’t guarantee we’ll be able to post them all, but we’ll do our best to spread the word on this blog or on our Facebook site!

Staying safe on local waterways

Staying safe on local waterways

We are pleased to partner with Argyle Secondary School's journalism class for some student articles. First up: Oscar Robindell!  As the weather heats up, students enjoy their summer break, and tourists flock to Vancouver, Lynn Creek and other rivers and lakes become popular spots to cool down. However, the shimmering ...
Summer songs and weekly fun

Summer songs and weekly fun

Live and Local events are returning in full swing to Lynn Valley Village with a full slate of performers and family fun throughout the summer presented by the North Vancouver Recreation and Culture Commission. A downloadable calendar can be found here. Live and Local Each week new, emerging and accomplished ...
Family fun at the local fair

Family fun at the local fair

Lynn Valley Days is back with new energy and a return to a classic fair experience. The biggest community event of the year returns June 22 with a few changes and a delicious new addition. Fair favourites 2024 marks a new phase for Lynn Valley Days. It will be a ...
Eyes on summer

Eyes on summer

With summer around the corner a North Shore optometrist and local mom, Terri Hines, has some tips and insight into new treatments for kids. Innovation Research and innovation are impacting several aspects of View Optometry’s Teri Hines’ practice. Two particular aspects are on the top of her mind: sun protection ...
Batting for Britain

Batting for Britain

Two Argyle Secondary students are taking to the field with Team Great Britain this summer. Henry Cheyne and Cayden Allen have been invited to join the U18 baseball team at the European Baseball Championship and a little support would help them along the way. Playing in the park All the ...
Growing food forests

Growing food forests

A North Shore gardener hopes to inspire a food forest in local neighbourhoods in her new book. Author Chris Chung takes food out of rigid backyard beds and into our residential yards in The Layered Edible Garden. Rethinking traditional Sitting on a shelf in Lynn Valley’s Maple Leaf Garden Centre ...
New art space in LV

New art space in LV

Lynn Valley Centre is getting creative this month with the grand opening of Monika’s Art Boutique-Studio & Gallery. The new studio and retail space offer families options for art lessons and creative after-school care. Dream come true Building on her previous experience as a teacher and the success of her ...
A second round with NSR on the small screen

A second round with NSR on the small screen

After breaking Knowledge Network records, both North Shore Rescue and Silvapark Films are back with a new season of Search and Rescue: North Shore debuting May 28. The five-part docuseries takes place throughout the North Shore and Squamish highlighting the dedicated volunteers that are on duty 24/7/365. Real impacts Promising ...
Onboarding Autistic youth

Onboarding Autistic youth

A local dad has taken his passion for sport and his drive to build an inclusive community to the one place he feels most at home: the skate park. Dropping into his fourth season with Spectrum Skateboard Society, Blair Durnan is helping autistic kids roll through social challenges and get ...
Cheering for the world championships

Cheering for the world championships

Argyle athletes at the top of their game are hoping to head to world championships in 2025. Year after year the Argyle Cheer team tops the provincial rankings. The current roster is fundraising to return to the World Championships in Florida to take on more competition.  Taking on the world ...
Community rising with baking bread

Community rising with baking bread

A little flour, salt and water are helping Lynn Valley grow. From a pandemic project to community building, Eva Lee has been learning the ins and outs of baking sourdough and sharing her successes and lessons to help others rise. Starter Like many people during the pandemic shutdowns, Lee shifted ...
E-cargo and active transportation sessions

E-cargo and active transportation sessions

The DNV is hosting active transportation information sessions highlighting its upcoming launch of an e-cargo lending program. Information sessions are throughout April & May and will be coming to Lynn Valley on April 20 & 21.  Getting people out of cars Active transportation plans for the DNV are geared to ...
Great Lynn Valley Neighbourhood Garage Sale

Great Lynn Valley Neighbourhood Garage Sale

The annual Great Neighbourhood Garage Sale is back on the table for 2024! We are building the map for next week's event. Join Lynn Valley for two days of bargain hunting May 25 & 26.  The Map! A printable map can be found at this LINK. Visit homes from 9:30 ...
LV restaurant expands to third shop

LV restaurant expands to third shop

With almost 20 years under their belts as the owners of Lynn Valley’s Mr. Sushi, the Park family has opened their third restaurant and hope to have many more in the future. From feeding family to feeding hundreds When the Park family took over Mr. Sushi in 2006 it was ...
New production reunites two LV actors

New production reunites two LV actors

More than 10 years after their last performances at Argyle’s Buchanan Theatre, local actors Sam Fraser and Garth Phillips are taking to the stage again in a new production showcasing the diversity and community of theatre.  The joy of theatre Two local actors are hitting the stage this month in ...
Spinning Guinness dreams

Spinning Guinness dreams

Last October Lynn Valley’s Heather McDonald kicked off a year-long challenge to get herself in the Guinness Book of World Records – one pedal at a time. As she approaches the halfway mark she is on pace to not only beat the record but also her original goal.  I think ...
Romer's Fresh Kitchen sneak peek - and contest

Romer’s Fresh Kitchen sneak peek – and contest

Opening its doors soon, the new Romer’s Fresh Kitchen & Bar is the next venture from Lynn Valley icon Ron Slinger (formerly of the Black Bear Neighbourhood Pub) and fellow BC Restaurant Hall of Famer Kelly Gordon. Together with chef-partner Jim Romer and business partners Nate Dick and Justin Thompson, ...
Community institution gets a new look

Community institution gets a new look

There are more changes than just a fresh new look coming to Lynn Valley’s beloved breakfast spot - Tommy’s Cafe. New owners have plans to keep what makes patrons come back week after week while adding a more diverse menu and evening hours. Longtime manager Sara McDonnell is excited about ...
Your One Stop for 2024

Your One Stop for 2024

Our LynnValleyLife office has brought together experts to help you take care of your home and life. Whether you plan to downsize, renovate your home, make that will you have been putting off or want to see how you can maximise your home equity, our team and office mates are ...
A coach for life's curve balls

A coach for life’s curve balls

As a busy working mom, Vanessa Gladden knew exactly when and where she had to be to keep her business and family on track but somewhere in the heart of that she knew she was lost. Fast forward several years and Gladden is a life coach helping other women find ...
Life goals at any age

Life goals at any age

Barrie Street believes big goals matter. It’s essential motivation to live a full life. He is already planning his second TedTalk - for his 90th birthday. Street plans to complete his 3000th Grouse Grind on his 95th birthday. After that, it's to make his 200th blood donation on his 105th ...
Thriving creative community

Thriving creative community

Lynn has a reputation for attracting creative types. Tucked away from the city the river was an early weekend getaway from Vancouver’s big city drawing artists to the forested oasis. Today’s artists and creators walk the same paths of The Group of Seven’s Frederick Varley. Both our feature profiles from ...
Take advantage of new savings tools

Take advantage of new savings tools

There is still time to squeak in some savings for your first home. In April of this year, the federal government introduced the First Home Savings Account. This new savings tool is a registered plan allowing you, as a prospective first-time home buyer, to save for your first home tax-free ...
Shop local this season

Shop local this season

At this time of year, through all the hustle and bustle there are holiday solutions right in our own backyards. From quality caterers to specialty artists to great small shops. Lynn Valley has a thriving scene of makers, crafters, creators and business people offering great options to make your holidays ...
Local authors make must read list

Local authors make must read list

Just in time for the wet grey days of winter, the North Shore libraries have just released their annual list: the North Shore Writers Collection. With the help of the North Vancouver District Library, we have pulled out six Lynn Valley authors who are proudly on this year’s list. A ...
New option for dogs at Lynn Valley Centre

New option for dogs at Lynn Valley Centre

Lynn Valley’s Save-On Foods has gone to the dogs. Well, perhaps, it's quite the opposite. The dogs are going to Save-On and everyone is a bit better off. The two new green dog houses at the outside entrance to the store are new PetParkers that make it easier and safer ...
Good Neighbour 2023: Maureen Bragg

Good Neighbour 2023: Maureen Bragg

North Vancouver and Lynn Valley would not be the community it is today without the tenacious advocacy of our Good Neighbour 2023 - Maureen Bragg. From protecting Lynn Canyon to opening up access to North Van’s foreshore, much of the land we routinely use to recreate is accessible because of ...
When Red Bull rings, hang on for the ride

When Red Bull rings, hang on for the ride

When Kelsey Toevs was walking the halls of Argyle Secondary, snowboarding down Grouse or pointing her handycam up to Fromme she never imagined she would level up her passion to travel the world filming for action sports icons Red Bull. The big screen This summer in the late evening light ...
Fabricating fun

Fabricating fun

If you are walking by Argyle Secondary you might see a metal owl perched on the roof of a nearby home. At the same time, you might hear the screech of a metal grinder or the roar of an acetylene torch but maybe not because those could be drowned out ...
Saying good-bye to the Black Bear

Saying good-bye to the Black Bear

With less than a month until the Black Bear Neighbourhood Pub closes its doors, owner Ron Slinger is grateful, proud and excited. The neighbourhood institution opened in 1997 with one dream - the same one that led him to open the Queens Cross almost 20 years earlier - to make ...