Local News – Front Porch Blog

Our Neighbourhood News: From the Front Porch of LynnValleyLife

Hi there neighbours, and a very warm welcome to our blog, From the Front Porch of LynnValleyLife.

Why do we call it ‘From the Front Porch’? Because that’s where the real news of a community is shared – on front porches and sidewalks, and in coffee shops and playgrounds. So sit down and stay awhile…. and check back regularly, so we can keep you in the Lynn Valley loop.

Visit here for musings on local life from our neighbourhood observer, Lynn O’Malley, and stories from our editor Robin Thorneycroft. Our realtors Jim Lanctot, Kelly Gardiner & Melanie Butchart bring news from the world of Lynn Valley real estate, and we have a range of guest voices from your local neighbours.

If you have any tidbits of interest, please send them along to our neighbourhood news-gatherer, Robin, at [email protected].  We can’t guarantee we’ll be able to post them all, but we’ll do our best to spread the word on this blog or on our Facebook site!

Who is our Good Neighbour 2023?

Who is our Good Neighbour 2023?

It's the most wonderful time of the year! It is Good Neighbour season! For more than a decade we have been shining a light on those that make Lynn Valley the best place to live! We want to celebrate the community members who share their time and skills to make ...
Newsletter sign up

Newsletter sign up

We would love to send our news directly to your inbox. Please sign up below.  Sign up Looking for more? There's always something fun and exciting happening in Lynn Valley. Check out our Community Events Calendar or learn more about Local Activities, Mountain Biking or Hiking and Walking Trails ...
New company tackling jobs you don't want to do

New company tackling jobs you don’t want to do

There is no shying away from hard work for these industrious Argyle Secondary students. Leveling up their resume, Rohaan Drar and Morgan Garstin, have started their own company. Now offering yard and labour services, the pair is employing 10 other students. Argyle Students Services is aiming to help Lynn Valley ...
Maximize your Output

Maximize your Output

Building on work in professional sports, Olympic games and academic circles, Lynn Valley’s Ben Sporer is launching a book this month to take lessons he has learned as an elite sports physiologist to help others maximize their Output.  Embracing opportunity With more than 25 years working in the field of ...
Historic help

Historic help

In the heart of Lynn Valley, there are three generations of Lynn Valley Elementary. Many are familiar with the bustling modern school, some may know the red wooden schoolhouse now home to Lynn Valley Preschool, but nestled between the two is stately second Lynn Valley Elementary. Today, it is home ...
Pre-hibernation bear awareness

Pre-hibernation bear awareness

With the summer gardens we love coming to an end, there is no doubt it will be attracting wildlife prior to hibernation. In this season of harvest in Lynn Valley’s forests and yards becoming more bear aware will help you and our furry neighbours.  Preventing backyard bears The North Shore ...
Community invited to Creekside Commons

Community invited to Creekside Commons

Lynn Valley is blessed with hiking trails, canyon walks, and mountain adventures - but not everyone has the time, the energy, or the physical ability to take part in rugged recreational opportunities. So St. Clement’s Anglican Church set out to offer the community an inclusive natural retreat for rest and ...
Kicking open its doors soon

Kicking open its doors soon

Kids and adults alike will soon be kicking up a storm in Lynn Valley. Debuting this September there is a new martial arts gym at Lynn Valley Village. Putting a twist on the typical gym, co-founder Denise Dehestani is excited to offer something she, as a parent, knows is desperately ...
Whimsy and wonder planned for new toy & book store

Whimsy and wonder planned for new toy & book store

Tucked into the east side of Lynn Valley Centre an oasis is forming for local kids and parents. Forest Fairy Books and Toys will be opening its doors later this month aiming to foster whimsy, wonder and joy.  The store of mother-daughter team Avril and Hannah Whitney’s dreams wants to ...
Performer profile: ReeVay Music

Performer profile: ReeVay Music

Live and Local is bringing some fantastic talent to Lynn Valley Village throughout the summer. Showcasing a range of styles, the plaza will be pumping mid-day on Tuesdays and some Thursdays and Fridays. Hitting the stage on July at 11 am is ReeVay Music. Award-winning song writer From his beginnings ...
Live and Local returns

Live and Local returns

Lynn Valley Village will be bustling this summer with a full slate of free Live and Local performances and activities for this summer. From games to bands to airbrush tattoos, all the local favourites are coming back. Family-friendly big games The Lynn Valley Village plaza will be filled with Big ...
The ultimate 2023 summer bucket list for Lynn Valley

The ultimate 2023 summer bucket list for Lynn Valley

You don't need to look far for summer fun, adventure and a few ideas to fill up all those summer hours. We have some pretty fantastic options to beat the heat, spray up some fun and just try something new in the neighbourhood.   Some family bucket list ideas 1‘Late night’ ...
Foodie Fridays at the Legion

Foodie Fridays at the Legion

The Lynn Valley Legion is bringing back an entire summer of Food Truck Fridays. The summertime tradition has been a favourite for the last two summers.    July Food Truck Fridays FRIDAY, JULY 7TH MAHSHIKO KOREAN FUSION – The best Bibimpap!  FRIDAY, JULY 14TH TBA  FRIDAY, JULY 21ST TOP ROPE ...
How to make your home unattractive (to criminals)

How to make your home unattractive (to criminals)

With increasing notifications from social media, it can feel like our neighbourhoods aren’t the idyllic places they were “back in my day.” The reality is: North Vancouver experiences 39% less crime than the national average and you can participate in one key pillar of that safety: Blockwatch.  BC's second biggest ...
Pancakes, performances and a parade

Pancakes, performances and a parade

The grand tent will be coming back to Lynn Valley Park and the parade will hit the streets as Lynn Valley Days return June 23 & 24. With the community stage booked to capacity and volunteers stepping up, the Lynn Valley Lions are excited to be drawing the community together.  ...
Pineapples growing on our North Shore

Pineapples growing on our North Shore

There is a sunny window on the North Shore that is brimming with pineapples, plumeria and bougainvillea. Perhaps more typically found in Hawaii, the mini garden is finally bearing fruit in Lynn Valley.  Mini-farm LynnValleyLife.com’s own Robin Thorneycroft has been growing pineapple plants in Lynn Valley for nine years.   “It ...
Music for the community

Music for the community

The Lynn Valley Library won’t be so quiet this month when the North Vancouver Community Band brings its music for an evening concert on May 31. A place for all that love to play For two decades musicians have been gathering together for their love of music. The group aims ...
Argyle gymnastics team at risk

Argyle gymnastics team at risk

It’s a stressful week for the provincial champion gymnasts at Argyle Secondary as BC School Sports considers the future of the sport. There is a push from other regions of BC to drop the sport from the high school roster - but Argyle and the North Shore are fighting to ...
Pulling a bike off the shelf

Pulling a bike off the shelf

This summer you could possibly check out a pair of wheels from the North Vancouver District Public Library. Inspired by Lynn Valley’s Duncan Wilcox and his passion to help others embrace active transportation, DNV councillor Jordan Back helped pass a unanimous motion at council Monday bringing a Bike Library one ...
A home run for dinner

A home run for dinner

The smell of grilled onions slowly drifts over Upper Lynn. The sounds of kids playing and bats cracking aren't the only sensations coming from Kilmer Park these days. If there is baseball in the field, there are likely volunteers behind the concession. The Lynn Valley Little League tradition of fundraising ...
Great Lynn Valley Neighbourhood Garage - and Parking Lot Sale

Great Lynn Valley Neighbourhood Garage – and Parking Lot Sale

The annual Great Neighbourhood Garage Sale is back! Join Lynn Valley for two days of bargain hunting May 27 & 28 - and a garage is not necessary to participate! The map! Click the square in the upper left with the arrow to open the legend and address list of ...
North Shore solution to take on bike theft

North Shore solution to take on bike theft

A local mountain biker is aiming to disrupt the rampant bike theft market tormenting Vancouver, and anywhere bikes are ridden, with hidden GPS technology and some mentoring from a Dragon, Fraser Vaage has launched Snik. Reaction to inaction When the pandemic slowed the job market North Vancouver’s Fraser Vaage saw ...
Making a mortgage work for you, not the banks

Making a mortgage work for you, not the banks

Returning to his roots Dave Bruynesteyn is back in Lynn Valley offering mortgage clients options to meet their financial and life goals. Slotting in the final piece of the puzzle in Lynn Valley’s one-stop shop, MortgageDave now shares offices with LynnValleyLife.com’s real estate services, David Fiteni’s insurance offerings and Kay ...
RNB expanding to meet demand

RNB expanding to meet demand

With one lease ending soon, the RNB Dance and Theatre Arts Society is planning on doubling its studio space in Lynn Valley. The community-based not-for-profit is hoping the community will lend a hand to help it grow. Local arts booming A plan is afoot for RNB Dance to take over ...
Spring Break family adventures

Spring Break family adventures

Spring Break is looming on the horizon and there are plenty of activities happening in Lynn Valley to help keep kids busy, try something new and perhaps learn something disguised as fun. The return of in-person Wildlife Weeks The Ecology Centre hoping families stop by over spring break for drop-in ...
An artists' look at rewilding

An artists’ look at rewilding

This March local painter Marisa Mary Myrah will be revealing the forgotten spaces of one of Lynn Valley’s most contentious pieces of land.   From greenspace to gallery Living in a rainforest is a constant source of inspiration for local landscape artist Marisa Mary Myrah. Day to day she walks the ...
Screen time

Screen time

On these long rainy days, there is no better time to tuck in and watch a movie and when it comes to choosing, finding something filmed in Lynn Valley has never been easier. With film production thriving on the North Shore, our parks and streets are filling the screen more ...
Adapting local homes to aging

Adapting local homes to aging

Aging is never easy. Fraught with loss and challenges, a new local business hopes to ease the burdens on the elderly and their families with a plan to age in place and adapt homes to make them functional for later life. Tom and Melody Grant bring their expertise as an ...
New real estate changes for 2023

New real estate changes for 2023

We wanted to keep you informed that the rollover into 2023 has also brought with it some new and noteworthy real estate regulations for buyers, sellers, and renters. BC homebuyer rescession period As of January 3, 2023, BC home buyers now have a three-day period in which they can decide ...
Back in the saddle 2022

Back in the saddle 2022

Looking back at 2022, it was a slow build-back from the height of the pandemic. There were groups and organizations offering more in-person events, and people were taking on challenges and adventures again. Still, it was not quite like before times, when Lynn Valley was bustling with outdoor concerts and ...