At this time of year, through all the hustle and bustle there are holiday solutions right in our own backyards. From quality caterers to specialty artists to great small shops. Lynn Valley has a thriving scene of makers, crafters, creators and business people offering great options to make your holidays more meaningful and more relaxing.
Handmade with love

A knife from Lynn Valley Forge
We put the call out on our Facebook page asking for local entrepreneurs to share their small local shops. We got a bunch of solid suggestions that we have shared before like Folia and Lynn Valley Forge. We also got plenty of new suggestions.
In an effort to keep the list up to date and have an opportunity for others to add thier businesses or recommendations, we are redirecting you to our FB posts. They have a great list of holiday solutions in the comments. Check out this one for local crafters and makers and this one for local small businesses and services.
Check out our seasonal picks from past years (not all small businesses may remain active). Here are our picks from 2021.
Looking for more?
There’s always something fun and exciting happening in Lynn Valley. Check out our Community Events Calendar or learn more about Local Activities, Mountain Biking or Hiking and Walking Trails.