Donate (and buy!) jewellery for a good cause

So, when’s the last time you wore that Aztek-style necklace hanging in your jewellery box?  Or the green earrings that turned out to clash with everything in your wardrobe? Or the kindly meant birthday bracelet that just isn’t “you”? Hayley Kelly is hoping you’ll realize it might be time to let some of those pieces go.

LV Jewelry Drive

Hayley Kelly and Robin Delany display some of the jewellery donated for an upcoming autism fundraiser.

Hayley has put together the first-ever North Vancouver  Jewelry Drive in support of Autism BC. All you have to do is box and drop your offerings at the Lynn Valley Delany’s (or the Delany’s on Denman, if you’ve got friends overtown who would like to participate).

The collected jewellery will be displayed and sold on Saturday, August 27 in Lynn Valley Village from noon to 4 p.m., with all proceeds going to the Autism Society of B.C. Livening up the day even further will be live music, a BBQ, raffle prizes, and auctioned jewellery pieces donated from local designers.

Keep up to date with the project on Facebook or Instagram:

Start September in style with a few new additions to brighten up your wardrobe! Hayley writes: “With your community support, we can make the North Vancouver Jewelry Drive an amazing event!”

Concert and culture nights rock Lynn Valley Village

Concerts and culture nights are back to Lynn Valley Village for Summer 2016!

As you’ll see in this North Vancouver Recreation and Culture calendar listing, Lynn Valleyites won’t be lacking for things to do all summer long. The Friday night concert series kicks off with Hot Lucy rock on July 8 from 7 to 9 p.m., and the Wednesday night culture series continues on July 13 with a chance to learn waltz and cha cha dancing from 6 to 8 p.m.! The fun continues every Wednesday and Friday until the end of August, with a different flavour offered each time.

(Psst! More of a nature type? There are also free trail walking tours every Monday night until October 3, from 6 to 7:30, rain or shine. Meet up at the Lynn Canyon Cafe in Lynn Canyon Park.)

Concert Series 2016 IMG_7600

Celebrate Canada Day in Lynn Valley (and beyond)!

It seems there are an ever-growing number of reasons to be grateful that we live where we do. Whether it’s for a moment, an hour or a day, we hope you can make time to celebrate our country this Friday, July 1.

Canada Day flagThe Canada Day parade is always a hit, of course, so (after filling up at the 7:30 a.m. Lions Pancake Breakfast at 13th and Grand Boulevard) grab some sidewalk space in preparation for the 10 a.m. start. Don’t forget sunhats, glasses and whatever Canadiana you can find to wear or wave! The parade starts at Grand Boulevard, travels west along 13th to Lonsdale, proceeds up Lonsdale and turns left on 17th and ends in Kinsman Park, near Mahon Park.

You might want to pop in on the celebrations taking place at Waterfront Park, but after that be sure to head back to the neighbourhood for an afternoon of fun at Lynn Valley Village, starting at noon.

On offer will be a bouncy castle and lots of other kids’ activities, an outdoor BBQ at Browns, a Best Canadian Attire Contest at Delany’s, a farmer’s market, entertainment by Steele Productions, and more!

The good times will also be rolling close by at the Black Bear Neighbourhood Pub. As it is a holiday, children will be admitted with their parents from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with the brunch menu on until 2 p.m.

After family service closes at 4 p.m., the Canada Day evening specials kick in, featuring a $12 platter that includes a smoky or burger, corn on the cob, and a side of potato salad. BBQ beef or chicken burgers on their own can be yours for $7.

We are told that random draws for give-aways and prizes will take place all day long, with the main prize being a Weber Charcoal Grill BBQ. To top off the day, live music with Glen Pearson will begin at 8 p.m.

The Shipyards Night Market opens in the early afternoon on Canada Day, and will continue until 11 p.m. (offering a great view of the 10:30 p.m. fireworks in the inlet). For info on the night market and other North Shore Canada Day events,  click here. Those of you who are wanting to wander further afield will be interested to know what will be happening at Canada Place (it’s the nation’s second-largest Canada Day festival!)

And those who are staying around the homestead might be interested in whipping up some Canada Day recipes, or checking out these myriad ideas for crafts and festivities from Canadian Living. To get yourself ready to really go big with next year’s Canada 150 celebrations, bone up on your basics with this quiz taken from the Canadian Citizenship exam!


Lynn Valley Day brings back memories

Thank you to Dianne Elphinstone for sharing some of her Lynn Valley Day memories and photos! Volunteer or attend this year’s community celebration on the weekend of June 17 to 19; check out all the details here.

In the early 1940s someone displayed fridges at Lynn Valley Day. Most people did not have one, or also had never seen one. Someone else had a live caged anteater; this would have been about 1945.


Lynn Valley Day – what’s new for 2016!

It wasn’t easy, but LynnValleyLife finally caught up with Lynn Valley Day organizer Eric Miura on Friday – a rare chance to spend some time with this uber-busy volunteer who juggles his day job with executive roles in the Lynn Valley Lions and Lynn Valley Community Association.

At this time of year, that means Eric and the rest of the Lynn Valley Day team are living and breathing plans for the huge community event, which in 2016 has grown from two days into three.


Lynn Valley youth perform in chocolate factory theatrical

Lynn Valley young people are hitting the stage this month as they take part in a production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, presented by SMP Youth.

Heather Gawenda tells us that many cast and crew from Argyle Secondary, Upper Lynn Elementary, Lynn Valley Elementary, Ross Road and Boundary Elementary schools are taking part in the production, either under the lights or behind the scenes.

SMP 2016In the story, five lucky children find a golden ticket in their Wonka chocolate bars, giving them a rare glimpse inside Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory.  What do the children discover on their tour? Oompa Loompas, a chocolate waterfall, trained squirrels, candies with magical properties…and Willy Wonka’s true intentions.


Take a “Jane’s Walk” and hear Lynn Valley history

Jane’s Walks are coming to Lynn Valley,  just in time to celebrate the 100th birthday of the person after whom they were named.

Writer and activist Jane Jacobs had a significant influence on urban planning in the 1960s, when she introduced concepts such as “social capital” in designing communities that better served the overall needs of their residents.

LV Rd by Ross Rd c 1920s NVMA

Lynn Valley Road by Ross Road, circa 1920s. Courtesy of NV Museum & Archives.

Today, Jane’s Walks are free, citizen-led walking tours, in which people get together to explore, talk about, and celebrate their neighbourhoods. On Saturday, May 7, North Vancouver Museum and Archives Curator Karen Dearlove will lead a tour of Lynn Valley, which will be illustrated by historical facts, anecdotes, and historical images, many pertaining to the neighbourhood’s history as a logging and shingle-building community.

The tour will begin at the Community History Centre located in the former Lynn Valley school building at 3203 Institute Road. The tour will begin at 10:30 a.m. and last approximately one hour.


Gardening season is here, and LV plant sale, too!

With the recent (on and off!) spate of sunny weather, Lynn Valley green thumbs are itchy to get out into their gardens.

gardenIt’s too early to get annuals out, but we have a great list of gardening tasks that can (and should!) be tackled right now, thanks to our friends at Endless Summer Landscaping. Have a look, then roll up your sleeves!

With  flowering spring bulbs cheering the gardens and roadways, inspiration is everywhere you look – and who doesn’t love cherry blossom season? You can learn more about our many local cultivars and where to see them, and the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival, by reading this super article by Michael McCarthy over at our sister site, LonsdaleLife.

After your garden is in shape for the spring and summer, you can reward yourself with a trip to a local plant sale. The Lynn Valley Garden Club annual plant sale is always a popular pick, and takes place this year on Saturday May 7, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at St. Clement’s Church, 3400 Institute Road, on the east side of Lynn Valley Park.

You will be able to choose plants for sun, shade, and container gardening, as well as herbs and veggies. Plants are grown by members in their own gardens, so are proven to be “tried and true” for the North Shore! Proceeds go to local community and charitable gardening projects. The club will only be equipped for cash-only sales, so please arrive prepared! For more information, email [email protected] or visit the club website. (And p.s. – did you know the Lynn Valley Garden Club has been part of our community since 1943? In fact it’s been such a popular group that at times there is a waiting list for membership!)

We hope Mother Nature cooperates with local gardeners this year! If your hard work pays off and you would like to share some photos of your garden, please send them our way! We’d love to use them on our site or put them out on our Facebook page!




Lynn Valley Day weekend moves to June

Mark your calendars! After decades in its last-weekend-of-May slot, Lynn Valley Days is moving to the weekend of June 17 to 19, 2016. And along with the move comes a great new event – a Father’s Day breakfast on the Sunday morning!

Guests at the Friday night Gala will enjoy catering by Louis Gervais and dancing to the tunes of Angela Kelman. Tickets are $150, which includes two drinks.


Celebrate Easter in Lynn Valley!

It sounds like there will be a mix of sun and clouds in Lynn Valley’s future, but whatever the weather we hope the Easter weekend is joyful for all!

If it is rainy, there’s no better way to spend the time than in painting some Easter eggs to give out to family and friends. Here are few novel ideas to get you started – you probably have everything you need at home already!

easter bunny

Another tradition that will keep the kids busy is to bake hot cross buns on Good Friday, or to make an Easter bonnet for Sunday. And if you’re really having fun, why not make some homemade chocolate Easter eggs as well?

A free Easter party is being held at Lynn Valley Village on Saturday, March 26, from 1 to 3 p.m. Families are invited to come and enjoy an Easter-themed Treasure Hunt, as well as arts, crafts and prizes. The Easter Bunny may even stop by for a visit!

Easter Sunday is the culmination of the Christian Holy Week, and is preceded by Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Special services are being held on all three days at many Lynn Valley churches, and all are welcome – should you want more information, contact info and church websites are listed on our Clubs and Associations page. Happy Easter, everyone!