Eat for Education! (Come on, it’s for the kids….)

Everyone loves a good excuse to go out to dinner – well, here’s a GREAT excuse for you!

The second annual Eat for Education has now come to the North Shore – specifically, to Lynn Valley. That means that a portion of food sales purchased on Wednesday, May 2nd at participating restaurants will benefit our own Lynn Valley Elementary!

The food-loving fundraiser began last year, when nine restaurants donated a share of one day’s profits to Mount Pleasant Elementary – giving it enough to buy the SMART board on its wish list. This year, the event has expanded to include over 21 restaurants and will benefit four schools. Lynn Valley Elementary is the only North Shore school involved, so let’s give it our support!

Participating restaurants are the Black Bear Pub, Mountain Sushi, Browns Socialhouse and Aristos Greek Taverna on Ross Road. Contributions from the restaurants’ coffers will go straight to Lynn Valley Elementary.

“All of us at the Black Bear are delighted to be a part of the North Shore’s first Eat for Education,” said owner Ron Slinger. “Being able to help out our neighbourhood school, Lynn Valley Elementary, is most rewarding!”

So if you ‘accidentally’ forget to do the grocery shopping or to thaw some meat for supper next Wednesday, you know what to do – have a guilt-free neighbourhood nosh, and know you’re doing it for the kids!

For more information about the event, and its organizers Jackie and Allen Ingram, see their “BC Foodies” website.


Start weekend with Easter breakfast

Planning your Easter weekend? It looks like we’ll have a mixed bag, weather-wise, but either way we’re encouraging you to get out and support some of our local events.

Start your Saturday with a pancake breakfast put on by the Lynn Valley Lions as part of the festivities being offered from 10 a.m. to 12:30 at Lynn Valley Village. The 10 a.m. feast promises to be delicious, and it has been scientifically proven that pancakes contain no calories when being consumed for a good cause.

And what a cause! The LV Lions – numbering just over 30 members – fundraise all year ’round and give back about $70,000 each year to organizations and individuals within our community. Wow … the least we can do to help is bring the family down for a Cook Shack breakfast!

There will be all sorts of activities in the Village that day, including a bunny hunt, and over at the mall there will be a magic show at 11:30 a.m., and Easter Bunny visits throughout the day.

Get out and enjoy … and if you’re not convinced that the pancakes come without calories, you can always burn a few off at the Team Finn Family Cycle up at the Seymour Demo Forest, also on Saturday!



Finn’s friends have formed landmark charity

From Lynn O’Malley: There aren’t many of us who can claim our lives have had the same immediate impact as that of a little boy named Finn.

Finn Sullivan was a Lynn Valley lad – brother to Sarah and Baird, son of Patrick and Samantha – who was diagnosed with cancer at 21 months and succumbed to his illness when he was three years old. We can all imagine the hole he left behind.

But – holy smoke! – that sure wasn’t the end of his story. That was the beginning of “Team Finn’s” determination to honour his life by raising funds to help alleviate the suffering of other families experiencing pediatric cancers, and ultimately to help fund a cure.

Since his passing in October 2008, Team Finn has raised over $1,000,000 for the B.C. Cancer Foundation. Yes, you read those zeros right – that’s one million dollars, raised via ongoing charitable adventures such as the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer and the Children’s Hospital’s ChildRun.

Coming up are two great events for local supporters who might not be up to cycling across Western Canada (as Finn’s dad, Patrick, did last year!)

A Team Finn Wine Tasting Festival at Seymour’s Pub takes place on Wednesday, April 4 from 6 to 9 p.m., where you can enjoy 19 different wins, great appies and a super silent auction. The $35 tickets must be purchased in advance, and all details are on this poster.

On Saturday, April 7, Escape Adventures will host a Team Finn Family Day and take families for a cycle tour of the Seymour Demonstration Forest. The $25 fee covers a family of four for the 90-minute expedition. Registration details are here.

“We have been incredibly fortunate to have the support of our Lynn Valley community and think these events are a wonderful opportunity to continue to support Team Finn,” says his mom, Samantha Mason.

Well, we at LynnValleyLife think our community is pretty lucky to be home to special families like this one. We look forward to hearing more about the amazing achievements of Team Finn and its many supporters.

For more information, visit



Tuesdays with Morrie: live-theatre treat comes to Lynn Valley!

Lynn Valley United Church is thrilled to announce a special one-night performance of the critically acclaimed play by Mitch Albom and Jeffrey Hatcher, “Tuesdays with Morrie,”  on Tuesday, April 3, at 7 p.m.

Featuring the multi award-winning actor Antony Holland and local rising talent Joel Grinke, this story speaks of connection, loss and renewal, and is offered as part of the church’s “real stories of Easter” Holy Week experience.

Tickets are $20 ($5 discount for students), and are available at the church office or at the door on the night of the performance. Proceeds from the performance will go towards repaying the government resettlement fees of the refugee family the church has been helping to support over the past 11 months.

Tuesdays with Morrie is based on the true story about the relationship between a sociology professor, Morrie Schwartz (played by Antony Holland), and his student, Mitch Albom (played by Joel Grinke). The two bond through mentorship, with Mitch graduating and promising to keep in touch…a promise he forgets almost immediately.

Mitch abandons his creative passions and chooses a fast-paced career as a sports columnist that makes him extremely successful, but also a workoholic.  Morrie, on the other hand, has since been diagnosed with ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and forced to retire.  News of Morrie reaches busy Mitch, who hops on a plane in hopes of clearing his conscience.

With that one visit, and Morrie’s playful manipulation, sixteen years are erased and Mitch finds himself, once again, Morrie’s student; only this time, the lessons are far more important.

For information or to reserve tickets, call the church at 604-987-2114; their website is


Seniors to munch and mingle at Mollie Nye

BY ANDREA WINTERBOTTOM, Vancouver Coastal Health: For over 20 years the Congregate Meals Program, or “The Diners’ Club,” has been serving nutritious, affordable evening meals to seniors at four North Vancouver locations.

Starting on Wednesday, April 11, this Vancouver Coastal Health program is expanding by offering lunches at Mollie Nye House. To celebrate the launch, North Vancouver District Mayor Richard Walton will be taking part in the inaugural lunch, which begins at noon.

As Mollie Nye House is a hub for Lynn Valley seniors, it felt natural to approach that facility for space to serve lunches. Gillian Konst, Mollie Nye House program coordinator, views this lunch program as a welcome addition to services for seniors in Lynn Valley.

The food (soup and sandwiches) is prepared by the North Shore Culinary School, which operates under Chef Don Guthro on the North Shore. The program offers youth and transitional adults the opportunity to learn skills that will pave the way for them to be meaningfully employed and re-engaged in their community.

The cost of the lunch, including tea or coffee, is $4.00. To reserve your space, please call Andrea at 604-904-6483.
The Congregate Meals Program is looking forward to welcoming you to munch and mingle at Mollie Nye House, which is located at 940 Lynn Valley Rd.

When you munch and mingle
your taste buds tingle
and your brain cells can bloom
when you’re in the room
with many like-minded folk
taking part in conversations that evoke
a pleasant feeling, a community connection that contributes to your overall health and satisfaction.
Your belly is pleased, your mind’s stimulated and eased;
you mingle and munch and you care a whole bunch for all those around you including yourself.
You pay attention to your good health and realize how good you feel when you share a splendid meal.

– Andrea Winterbottom is the Congregate Meals Program Coordinator for Vancouver Coastal Health.

LV-TV brings tea to our desktops!

You’ve probably seen the sign up every year – “Heritage Tea at Mollie Nye House this weekend, 2 pm”. How many of you have gone and checked it out?

We know, life is busy; kids need driving and groceries need buying. But events like the tea are respite from the hustle and should be considered  necessary for the sake of your mental health.

Besides, they’re fun! Check out this video of this year’s event, taken for us by John Durrant of Backlot Media. Don’tcha wish you’d been there?

Be sure to read our LynnValleyLife Events Calendar regularly, so you don’t miss out on the good times happening right in your own backyard!


Argyle Cabaret Night turns 30

April 19 UPDATE from the organizers:

Don’t delay in getting your tickets for the 30th Annual Argyle Cabaret, 30 and Counting!  This exciting event, happening on Friday, May 11th from 7 pm to midnight, is a major fundraiser for the Argyle Music Association.   

Tickets are available this Saturday, April 21st in the Lynn Valley Village where the Senior Vocal Ensemble will be performing from 1 to 3 p.m.  

Early Bird tickets are still available at $50.00 – going up to $55.00 next week! (Cash, or cheque made payable to Argyle Music Association.)

Tix are also available during school hours in the office at Argyle Secondary. Outside of these hours, please contact Jane Robertson at 604-985-6673 or email Patty Blackman at  [email protected]

Read our original post, below, to find out why you don’t want to miss this anniversary event!


FROM LYNN O’MALLEY: There will be LOTS of booty-shaking taking place in Lynn Valley this year, and now’s the time to pull out your calendar and take note.

You’ll be hearing much about the Gala Dinner Dance taking place on the Eve of Lynn Valley Day, but two weeks before that another great event will give you the chance to warm up your cha-cha.

The Argyle Music Association is proudly presenting its 30th Cabaret Night, featuring musical numbers that have been performed by the school’s jazz artists over the past three decades. If you’re a lover of jazz, or food, or dancing, or kids, or auctions, Argyle is THE place to be on Friday, May 11, at 7 p.m.

People who have attended Cabaret nights in the past have raved about the high-quality entertainment and how nice it is to party with their pals in such a friendly (19+!) atmosphere. To complete the feel-good charm of this dinner club event, it’s great to know that all profits are directed toward scholarships for graduating Argyle Music students.

Cabaret is also a great chance for elementary parents to see what amazing things can result when children make music education part of their lives. So anyone wanting to hear some of the great music that will be played at the evening event is invited to come to a sneak preview concert that same day at 3:30 in the Argyle gym.

Cabaret is a little ways down the road yet, and ticket prices are still to be announced. BUT there are lots of ways to jump in now to help support this worthy event. Please consider:

– donating to the Silent Auction. Gift cards, auction items, or anything that could be added to a gift basket are very welcome.

– making a cash donation to help with expenses.

– helping out the stretched-thin parents who are organizing this multi-layered event. There are lots of tasks to be done, and many hands make light work.

– becoming a corporate sponsor.

For more information or to donate your time, talent or treasure, please contact Lisa Ayton at [email protected].


LV church hosts World Day of Prayer event

For 125 years, people from all faith backgrounds have gathered on the first Saturday in March to pray together in unity for the world and its people.

This year, Lynn Valley United Church will play host to members from any of 60 faith communities from across the North Shore. They will gather at the church to take part in prayers and a service prepared by women in Malaysia.

According to organizers at the church, “People of all faith, little faith, retired faith, emerging faith and no faith are all welcome to attend this ecumenical event.  There is nothing you need to know or do to be a part of this day, except take that first step through the door.”

The event begins at 10 a.m.; more details are here.


Bring your treasures for appraisal

Here’s a heads-up for those of you starting to do your spring-cleaning: take a closer look at some of those family hand-me-downs that belonged to your mother or grandfather.

Later this spring you’ll have the chance to see if those items you’ve taken for granted might have value beyond the sentimental – or a story to tell of their own!

On Saturday, March 31, six appraisers will be on hand in the Community Room of North Shore Museum and Archives (in the old Lynn Valley School building) to evaluate your articles.

This “Treasures from the Attic” Event is a fundraiser for the Friends of the Museum Society. For all the details, click here.


LynnValleyLife: your resource for 100th Lynn Valley Day!

LIFE WITH LYNN O’MALLEY: Have I ever missed a Lynn Valley Day? Well, perhaps for a year or two in my turbulent twenties. Otherwise, I’ve been there every year – dancing the may pole, playing in the band, marching in the parade, or staffing an info booth (not usually all at once).

So, like the rest of you Lynn Valleyites who drop everything on the last Saturday in May in order to celebrate your community, I’m thrilled that 2012 marks the 100th – yes, 100th! – anniversary of Lynn Valley Day. And I’m even more excited to let you know that its organizers – the hard-working Lynn Valley Lions and Lynn Valley Community Association – have asked our team here at LynnValleyLife to host the online website for this historic centennial event, taking place Saturday, May 26th.

We’ve already been having a great time getting to know more of you through our busy Facebook page and the thoughtful feedback we’ve been getting to our LynnValleyLife website. Now we’re really going to ramp up our local coverage to make sure each and every one of you knows all there is to know about Lynn Valley Days 2012!

Pretty soon, you’ll notice some changes to our ‘landing page’  – that’s the introductory page you see when you type in our web address,  While you’ll still be able to use the landing page as a launch pad to our Life, Business and Real Estate sections, you’ll also be able to click on a special “Lynn Valley Days 100” icon that will take you to a dedicated section of our site.

There you will find everything from parade application forms to event schedules to news updates and information on volunteering, the car show, and the proud history of Lynn Valley Days.

You’ll also be able to buy your tickets to the Friday night gala dinner (May 25th), which will be even bigger and better than last year’s sold-out extravaganza.

In all my years, I’ve found there’s only one thing better than going to Lynn Valley Day – helping out with Lynn Valley Day! As with anything, the more you put into something, the more you get back. Whether it’s helping with set-up, taking a shift on the concession or stacking up chairs in the afternoon, there’s room for lots of helping hands, especially with this year’s added festivities. Please consider stepping up now so the Volunteer Coordinator doesn’t have to worry about filling her quota! Contact Shirin from the Lynn Valley Community Association at [email protected].

Should you have any questions about the Lynn Valley Days centennial, please email us here at LynnValleyLife and we’ll post the information for everyone to share, or put you on to the right contact person.

We look forward to providing you with lots of great Lynn Valley Days coverage and contests. Stay tuned! We’ll keep you posted.