LV pest pros tell you how to bug off

By Dylan Wendt, Coast Pest Control

If you have unwanted pests at home and want to try the natural approach before calling a pest control company; then try these tested home remedies.  If they don’t solve your problems, then give the professionals at Coast Pest & Wildlife ControlLtd. a call at 604-908-2040 for a free estimate.

Tip #1 Fruit Flies
For those pesky Fruit Flies grab a bowl and fill with ¼ cup warm water, ¼ cup vinegar,  and 3 to 4 drops of dish soap (be sure to mix with water to activate).  Then cover tightly with plastic wrap and using a fork puncture several holes.  The vinegar smell attracts the Fruit Flies and as they fly into the bowl they become trapped in the mixture and cannot find their way out.

Tip #2 Insects
Keep all foliage cut back from the home by at least six inches to prevent a wide variety of insects from entering the home.  This will provide a chemical-free barrier for the entire perimeter of the home.

Tip #3 Wasps
To help prevent wasps from building a nest in your backyard or patio area, try placing a fake wasp nest that can be purchased at your local hardware store.  This works as a deterrent because wasps are territorial; seeing a nest will prevent them from building another.

Tip #4 Travellers’ Bed Bug Prevention
When travelling, a constant concern for many people is bringing home bed bugs.  To help prevent this, always keep your luggage and clothing off the floor by using either hangers and/or the luggage stands that are provided my most hotels.

Start weekend with Easter breakfast

Planning your Easter weekend? It looks like we’ll have a mixed bag, weather-wise, but either way we’re encouraging you to get out and support some of our local events.

Start your Saturday with a pancake breakfast put on by the Lynn Valley Lions as part of the festivities being offered from 10 a.m. to 12:30 at Lynn Valley Village. The 10 a.m. feast promises to be delicious, and it has been scientifically proven that pancakes contain no calories when being consumed for a good cause.

And what a cause! The LV Lions – numbering just over 30 members – fundraise all year ’round and give back about $70,000 each year to organizations and individuals within our community. Wow … the least we can do to help is bring the family down for a Cook Shack breakfast!

There will be all sorts of activities in the Village that day, including a bunny hunt, and over at the mall there will be a magic show at 11:30 a.m., and Easter Bunny visits throughout the day.

Get out and enjoy … and if you’re not convinced that the pancakes come without calories, you can always burn a few off at the Team Finn Family Cycle up at the Seymour Demo Forest, also on Saturday!



How’s your thyroid these days?

You may already have met our local naturopathic physician, Dr. Sacha Elliot of Canopy Health, in our Merchant Profile section.

Dr. Elliot has kindly sent us an article she’s written for LynnValleyLife readers who may have questions about their thyroid, and what it does, and why you may want to have it checked out if you haven’t been feeling like yourself lately.

Read it online right here, and if you’d like to follow up with Dr. Elliot, take advantage of this coupon to receive a discount on your initial visit.


Lynn Valley merchants amongst cream of the crop

The North Shore News recently published the results of its annual Readers’ Choice survey, and once again Lynn Valley merchants were well-represented. It’s been great to see the congratulations showing up on our Facebook wall, as local people give each other a virtual pat on the back.

We’ve been looking forward to publishing the names of the winners and adding our own kudos, but my goodness – there were so many LV winners and honorable mentions it was a bigger job than we thought to compile the complete list!

But now here it is, for your reference –  and if you haven’t tried out some of these local shops and services, they’re well-recommended by your North Shore neighbours!

Special congratulations to the Black Bear Neighbourhood Pub and Delany’s Coffee House, awarded ‘platinum’ in their categories for years of uninterrupted wins!

Favourite Garden Centre: Maple Leaf, LV; Optical Store: Lynn Valley Optometry; Florist: Posy; Owner-Operated Produce Store: Kin’s; Seafood: Westlynn Meats and Seafoods; Hair Salon: Zazou; Commercial Fitness Facility: Curves; Place for Cocktails: Browns Socialhouse; New Restaurant: Browns Socialhouse; Neighbourhood Pub: Black Bear Neighbourhood Pub.

Honorable Mentions:

Favourite Car Wash: Esso; Dance Studio: RNB Dance Studio; Bakery: Westlynn Bakery; Breakfast Restaurant: Tommy’s; Meal Under $10: A&W, Lynn Valley; Butcher Shop: Westlynn Meats and Seafoods; Coffee Bar: Delany’s LV; Business Lunch: Browns Socialhouse; Pizza Restaurant: Papa John’s; Community Fitness Facility: Karen Magnussen; Shopping Neighbourhood: Lynn Valley Village; Financial Institution: North Shore Credit Union; Tanning Facility: The Beach Tanning Studio; Seniors Home/Service: Sunrise Seniors Home; Grocery Store: Nourish; Drycleaner: Courtesy Cleaners; North Shore Park/Community Space: Lynn Canyon; Library: Lynn Valley; Caterer: Tommy’s; Best-Dressed Window: Posy.

Councillor Hicks gives us the village vitals

In banners and newspaper ads, we Lynn Valley folk are being told to “Rediscover Village Life.” Why’s that?
Well, those of you who follow these things know that it’s been a tough go for some of the initial merchants who set up shop when Lynn Valley Village was first unveiled a few years ago. It’s risky being the first storekeepers in a new, unknown area, and the world economy was conspiring against them, too. Some of the first businesses have done well – yoga mats and stretchy pants seem to be the prime accessories for Village visitors – but others, sadly, have had to shut their doors.
So the landlords – that’s you and I, come to think of it, in the form of North Vancouver District – have stepped in with a campaign to get more people exploring what lies behind the library edifice they pass every day on the way home.
Last week I had coffee at Delany’s with Robin Hicks, district councillor and Upper Lynn Valley resident. He talked about the revitalization campaign, which is being coordinated by NVD’s economic development officer Marten Kruysse.
The district has re-allocated money from its budget to create a $100,000 fund to put a real push on the Village for about six months. We’re being offered everything from free Canadian films to special theme days to merchant events. (Here on the website, we’re doing our bit, too, by making sure those events are listed on the LynnValleyLife events calendar!)
Robin says that things are definitely improving – they’ve now leased out most of the office spaces and storefronts (they’re still looking for a tenant for the 1,400 sq. ft space that was vacated by the Community Policing Office).
A number of companies will be moving in to the third floor of the library building, including a dental products firm and a commodities broker, and another big change has been the transfer of control of the glass-walled community room from the library to the recreation commission.
Not only will that mean the public can rent that room more easily (not being restricted to library opening hours), it means we can expect some recreation programming in there in the future, and I’m curious to see what that might entail.
Bob McCormack from the Lynn Valley Community Association wandered over to join our discussion (we’ll tell you more about Bob in another post, but just know that if something’s going on in Lynn Valley, Bob knows about it).
Sure enough, he had a great scoop for us … the L.V. Community Association will be creating a forest of Christmas trees in the Village, similar to the event held at Dundarave each year.
Organizations and individuals will be invited to adopt and decorate a tree in exchange for a donation to our fine community association. Details will follow.
Robin says the district, too, has put money aside for some Christmas fun and lights at the Village, so it sounds like we have a festive season to look forward to. But do YOUR part, too – don’t wait until Christmas to “Rediscover Village Life!”