What is your biggest priority specifically for Lynn Valley or the riding?
As a registered Nurse I have worked in community health for years, active in initiating a more sustainable model of health services, partnering with patients and families to access comprehensive care – cradle to grave. To achieve long term health, we must also commit to achieving environmental health, a strong value for myself and the BCNDP.
Specific priority related to Lynn Valley/North Vancouver-Seymour: Affordable housing
The subsidized and lower income housing has been replaced with market share that is not affordable for young adults or seniors who wish to remain in their community. Many folks who provide service – nurses, police, retail staff and so on, cannot afford to live here. This also dovetails with homelessness, an increasing characteristic of the NShore.
Why are you the best candidate for our riding?
I have lived, worked and played in NVan/Lynn Valley, as have my children and my parents, thus I feel I am an able representative for North Vanocuver-Seymour. My work in healthcare on the North Shore allows me ample experience as an advocate and problem-solver, valuable skills at the legislative table.
Anything else to add?
Through my adult lifetime, I have worked full time as a nurse, part time as a Naval Reservist, and have volunteered with school, community, provincial and national organizations. I am a wife, mother of two daughters, and my husband and I fostered children for 12 years. I was the adult child of my senior parents until they passed. All of these opportunities have provided a broad base in working with, and for others. Thank you for the chance to address the LynnValleyLife community.
What is the best way to learn more about you?
Website: susiechant.bcndp.ca
Phone: 236-412-0432
Email: [email protected]
To Donate: https://action.bcndp.ca/page/contribute/nvs