LV artist exhibits work at district hall


Local artist lives a colourful life

Lynn Valley artist Ishrat Khan has experienced a rich life, including immigrating to Canada from his native India in 1965. Yet another highlight will be the exhibition of his work in the District Foyer of North Vancouver District Hall, beginning with a reception on April 4 and continuing through to May 29.

We wanted to learn more about this artistic Lynn Valley resident, so asked Ishrat a few questions about his craft, and his life since moving to this community in 1996.

How would describe the type of art you create?  
Contemporary; semi-abstract.

What’s your ‘artistic journey’ been to date? Have you always painted, or have you worked in different genres? 
It’s been great to be able to express feelings through painting; I have been painting since my high school years. It’s a wonderful pastime; it’s very fulfilling and keeps me out of trouble.

Do you work alone, or take part in some sort of artists’ community?
As far as painting goes, I have always worked alone, except for shows where I have displayed works with others.

What inspires you to create works of art?
Inspiration comes from people, surroundings in Canada and through my travels in Asia. Vancouver’s West End and Stanley Park have always inspired me to paint.

What do you do with your finished pieces?
Usually sell them.

Can you tell us about one or two of your favourite pieces?
The Kayakers, Mountain Highway, Brick Crushers Bangladesh.

What are some of your other hobbies?
Mostly tennis – I play on the Boulevard and at the Grant Connell Tennis Center in North Van, and at the Stanley Park Tennis Courts.

Can you tell us a bit about your ‘day job’?
Looking after the cat!

How can people see or learn more about your work?
The best way is to visit my website:

Quiz: Who’s the patron saint of real estate?

If you answered Joseph, father of Jesus and husband to Mary, you’re right. Here at LynnValleyLife, we discovered that today (March 19) is the traditional feast day of Joseph so thought we should mark the occasion with some interesting information (which may even help you sell your home!)

Though it isn’t officially sanctioned by the Catholic church, many people have adopted the long-standing habit of burying a small statue of St. Joseph in the yard of the home they are trying to sell. The practice has become so widespread that it is now catered to by retailers who stock purpose-made plastic statues for realtors and homeowners. (Fortunately, a more eco-friendly alternative made of clay is now available as well!)

An article on this curious practice was written by Ontario realtor Brian Madigan, who notes:

Prudent realtors also recommend the following advice in addition to burying Joe: “For this practice to be fully effective, the seller must, of course, first do such practical yet all important chores as completing all necessary fix-up, properly staging the home and finally, adjusting the price so as to exactly reflect market value.” 

We would concur – and, of course, recommend the services of good real estate agents who are willing and able to put in a great deal of earthly toil to make your heavenly homeowner dreams come true!


Seniors to munch and mingle at Mollie Nye

BY ANDREA WINTERBOTTOM, Vancouver Coastal Health: For over 20 years the Congregate Meals Program, or “The Diners’ Club,” has been serving nutritious, affordable evening meals to seniors at four North Vancouver locations.

Starting on Wednesday, April 11, this Vancouver Coastal Health program is expanding by offering lunches at Mollie Nye House. To celebrate the launch, North Vancouver District Mayor Richard Walton will be taking part in the inaugural lunch, which begins at noon.

As Mollie Nye House is a hub for Lynn Valley seniors, it felt natural to approach that facility for space to serve lunches. Gillian Konst, Mollie Nye House program coordinator, views this lunch program as a welcome addition to services for seniors in Lynn Valley.

The food (soup and sandwiches) is prepared by the North Shore Culinary School, which operates under Chef Don Guthro on the North Shore. The program offers youth and transitional adults the opportunity to learn skills that will pave the way for them to be meaningfully employed and re-engaged in their community.

The cost of the lunch, including tea or coffee, is $4.00. To reserve your space, please call Andrea at 604-904-6483.
The Congregate Meals Program is looking forward to welcoming you to munch and mingle at Mollie Nye House, which is located at 940 Lynn Valley Rd.

When you munch and mingle
your taste buds tingle
and your brain cells can bloom
when you’re in the room
with many like-minded folk
taking part in conversations that evoke
a pleasant feeling, a community connection that contributes to your overall health and satisfaction.
Your belly is pleased, your mind’s stimulated and eased;
you mingle and munch and you care a whole bunch for all those around you including yourself.
You pay attention to your good health and realize how good you feel when you share a splendid meal.

– Andrea Winterbottom is the Congregate Meals Program Coordinator for Vancouver Coastal Health.

Food scrap collection? Let’s lead the way!

FROM LYNN O’MALLEY: As of the first week of May, we Lynn Valleyites have the chance to step up and really prove ourselves. That’s when the North Shore Recycling Program is extending its weekly yard waste pick-up service to include food scraps.

This is exciting news for the majority of locals who have, over the past decade, become more and more conscious of the amount of garbage they generate. As they’ve reduced and reused, and been given increased recycling options such as those discussed in this recent post, many people been able to reduce their household waste a significant amount.

Amanda Vantol of the NSRP demonstrate a stainless steel under-sink bin she likes to use to collect her kitchen waste.

However, food scraps and food-stained paper products that aren’t appropriate for backyard composting have continued to pose a problem. Bones, meat, dairy, grains, used paper towels …. all have ended up in the garbage can.

But these are just some of the items now eligible to be added to our yard waste collection bin (as of your first garbage day in May). The question is, will we bother?

Jenn Meilleur of the North Shore Recycling Program says that people in some municipalities in Metro Vancouver, where food scraps collection has already been introduced, have been a bit slow on the uptake – “but participation is increasing over time,” she notes.

Sure, separating out our food scraps will require a change in habit, but that doesn’t mean it’s an onerous task. That’s why I’m telling you now, so you can start planning ahead and be waiting eagerly at the curbside with your food scraps can when the truck rolls up in May.

This isn’t just an investment in our environmental health, but in our municipal budget as well. According to the NSRP website, the 23,000 households on the North Shore who are already backyard composting are estimated to be saving our municipalities about $800,000 in tipping fees. Think of all the worthwhile neighbourhood causes that can be addressed with that saved cash!

Backyard composting remains the best option for organic waste, requiring no pick up or processing, but as this new food scraps program allows for an added number of items to be diverted from the waste stream, it will help reduce our waste tonnage even further.

The NSRP has an excellent FAQ section on its website, and will be sending out an info kit and Green Can decals to all households in mid-April.

The gist of the new program is this:

– food scraps and food-stained paper products can be added to your existing yard waste pick up, but…

– food scraps may NOT be put out at the curb in paper yard-waste bags.

– suggested containers include a basic 77-litre can; good ones are available at hardware stores for about $15. Stick a Green Can decal on it, and use the can for both food and yard waste.

– start thinking about kitchen systems that will help make this an easy habit to adopt. Hardware and garden shops carry a number of under-sink compost collection bins, or you can repurpose a lidded ice cream bucket.

– You can line your kitchen bin with a sheet of newspaper to make dumping and clean-up easier. Please note that plastic bags, even those marketed as compostable, are not accepted in the food scraps collection as they can hinder the processor’s machinery.

– By taking advantage of the various recycling options offered in and around Lynn Valley, you may find that your ‘main’ kitchen garbage can becomes somewhat redundant. Downsize it to save some space!

Let’s get cracking on our kitchen organization now and adopt this program with open arms. We can make Lynn Valley the top Green Can neighbourhood in MetroVan!

LV-TV brings tea to our desktops!

You’ve probably seen the sign up every year – “Heritage Tea at Mollie Nye House this weekend, 2 pm”. How many of you have gone and checked it out?

We know, life is busy; kids need driving and groceries need buying. But events like the tea are respite from the hustle and should be considered  necessary for the sake of your mental health.

Besides, they’re fun! Check out this video of this year’s event, taken for us by John Durrant of Backlot Media. Don’tcha wish you’d been there?

Be sure to read our LynnValleyLife Events Calendar regularly, so you don’t miss out on the good times happening right in your own backyard!


How’s your thyroid these days?

You may already have met our local naturopathic physician, Dr. Sacha Elliot of Canopy Health, in our Merchant Profile section.

Dr. Elliot has kindly sent us an article she’s written for LynnValleyLife readers who may have questions about their thyroid, and what it does, and why you may want to have it checked out if you haven’t been feeling like yourself lately.

Read it online right here, and if you’d like to follow up with Dr. Elliot, take advantage of this coupon to receive a discount on your initial visit.


Argyle Cabaret Night turns 30

April 19 UPDATE from the organizers:

Don’t delay in getting your tickets for the 30th Annual Argyle Cabaret, 30 and Counting!  This exciting event, happening on Friday, May 11th from 7 pm to midnight, is a major fundraiser for the Argyle Music Association.   

Tickets are available this Saturday, April 21st in the Lynn Valley Village where the Senior Vocal Ensemble will be performing from 1 to 3 p.m.  

Early Bird tickets are still available at $50.00 – going up to $55.00 next week! (Cash, or cheque made payable to Argyle Music Association.)

Tix are also available during school hours in the office at Argyle Secondary. Outside of these hours, please contact Jane Robertson at 604-985-6673 or email Patty Blackman at  [email protected]

Read our original post, below, to find out why you don’t want to miss this anniversary event!


FROM LYNN O’MALLEY: There will be LOTS of booty-shaking taking place in Lynn Valley this year, and now’s the time to pull out your calendar and take note.

You’ll be hearing much about the Gala Dinner Dance taking place on the Eve of Lynn Valley Day, but two weeks before that another great event will give you the chance to warm up your cha-cha.

The Argyle Music Association is proudly presenting its 30th Cabaret Night, featuring musical numbers that have been performed by the school’s jazz artists over the past three decades. If you’re a lover of jazz, or food, or dancing, or kids, or auctions, Argyle is THE place to be on Friday, May 11, at 7 p.m.

People who have attended Cabaret nights in the past have raved about the high-quality entertainment and how nice it is to party with their pals in such a friendly (19+!) atmosphere. To complete the feel-good charm of this dinner club event, it’s great to know that all profits are directed toward scholarships for graduating Argyle Music students.

Cabaret is also a great chance for elementary parents to see what amazing things can result when children make music education part of their lives. So anyone wanting to hear some of the great music that will be played at the evening event is invited to come to a sneak preview concert that same day at 3:30 in the Argyle gym.

Cabaret is a little ways down the road yet, and ticket prices are still to be announced. BUT there are lots of ways to jump in now to help support this worthy event. Please consider:

– donating to the Silent Auction. Gift cards, auction items, or anything that could be added to a gift basket are very welcome.

– making a cash donation to help with expenses.

– helping out the stretched-thin parents who are organizing this multi-layered event. There are lots of tasks to be done, and many hands make light work.

– becoming a corporate sponsor.

For more information or to donate your time, talent or treasure, please contact Lisa Ayton at [email protected].


Doctor gives Lynn Valley clean bill of health

BY ANDREA WINTERBOTTOM, Contributing Writer: A recent talk by Dr. O’Connor, Medical Health Officer for the North Shore, helped a group of Lynn Valley residents gauge the health of their neighbourhood.

The talk and slide show (depicting the transformation from Esso Station to Community Square with library, coffee shops and farmers market) centered on building communities that provide healthy choices for all. To achieve that, he said, we need trees, parks, trails, green spaces, libraries, shopping centres, recreation centres, services and jobs nearby. Diversity of housing for all stages of life is another hallmark or a healthy community.

Farmers Market, Lynn Valley

After the talk, participants walked the walk to look at their neighbourhood through a healthy lens. Everybody who joined the social planners and urban planners from the City and the District kept an eye on the key components that Dr. O’Connor had talked about.

After the walk, participants indicated their findings on a ‘rate your community’ thermometer. Categories such as well-lit pedestrian walkways, wheelchair accessible sidewalks, and covered bus stops received high scores; Lynn Valley Square as a safe meeting place for all ages received many accolades.

If you look around Lynn Valley, you will notice that it features most if not all of the components needed to make it a healthy community. Most participants indicated that Lynn Valley is a friendly, bustling community that has climbed high on the ‘rate your community thermometer’ and definitely falls into the category of being a healthy community.


Play poker for points, not cash, at LV Legion

Are you interested in playing poker, but not so keen on losing your shirt? The Texas Hold-Em Poker League is a free club that organizes games in which people (age 21 and over) play for points, not money.

They meet in Lynn Valley on Tuesday nights at the Lynn Valley Legion. Registration is from 6:15 to 6:45, and games start at 7 p.m. There is no charge for the games, and players may join in any Tuesday night they wish. For information, please contact [email protected].


LV church hosts World Day of Prayer event

For 125 years, people from all faith backgrounds have gathered on the first Saturday in March to pray together in unity for the world and its people.

This year, Lynn Valley United Church will play host to members from any of 60 faith communities from across the North Shore. They will gather at the church to take part in prayers and a service prepared by women in Malaysia.

According to organizers at the church, “People of all faith, little faith, retired faith, emerging faith and no faith are all welcome to attend this ecumenical event.  There is nothing you need to know or do to be a part of this day, except take that first step through the door.”

The event begins at 10 a.m.; more details are here.