Almost-spring days give cause for celebration

From Lynn O’Malley’s typewriter:

These first sunny days of almost-spring make me realize how cabin-fevered I had become! There are still a few weeks ’til spring officially kicks in, and an even longer haul ’til we get some reliable, lasting warm weather, but in the meantime it feels like some small seasonal celebrations are in order.

So what’s a person to do in Lynn Valley, when the crocuses are crowning and the breezes are beckoning? Well, here’s a list to start with:


Leave space in the garden for Project Sunflower

Last fall, those of us at LynnValleyLife HQ had a great time reading the nominations for our first-annual Good Neighbour Award, which wrapped up at the end of December. In fact, we had such a good time, we realized we’d need another fun community initiative to keep us busy until the contest kicks off again in November!

So we put our heads together to plan a new neighbourhood undertaking – and we’re calling it Project Sunflower! We’re asking people to jump on board and plant one, two or a whole patch of sunflowers in their front gardens this spring. Wouldn’t it be great to drive (or walk, or bike) through the neighbourhood, and see hundreds of sunflowers brightening our yards and streets as summer progresses?


LV man promoting mountain film fest

Lynn Valley resident Steven Threndyle is PR director for the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival. He’d like to invite the community to come out to the festival, which runs from Feb. 8 to 17.

Steven, tell us about your role in the festival.
I’m the PR director and social media manager (Facebook, Twitter).

And now tell us about your life here in Lynn Valley!
Our family moved to North Vancouver to be close to the mountains. It really does make a world of difference compared to living across town in the city. (I don’t consider any parts of North Van to really be a ‘city’; even if the CNV might beg to differ!) It is really quite something to look up from just about any neighbourhood and see Grouse, Lynn Peak, and Seymour right up close. And the parks and trail system is really something else.

Are you a climber? What drew you to working with the festival?
Haha, no, I’m sort of afraid of heights or ‘exposure’ as climbers call it. Climbing is not a sport to be dabbled in lightly. I’m just really interested in aspects I believe that anyone can enjoy; the quality of light in late afternoon, the visual panorama from standing atop a peak, just… being out in nature, really. I think the festival balances the ‘action porn’ aspect and maybe the more documentary subject matter very well.

Is this your day job, or do you have other professional interests?
Well, right now I’m trying to put a lot of effort into it; but I’m just a very small part of it. I think the Festival has wide ranging appeal and, if anything, is underpublicized – it’s been around for 16 years and it could be more well known. I actually write about real estate to pay the bills – mostly for the Vancouver SUN and Vancouver Observer. And I’ve done some real estate PR as well. Storytelling through social media interests me greatly as well.

What do you think Lynn Valley residents would enjoy about the film fest?
Lynn Valley residents would really enjoy the trail running night since it features several North Shore ultra runners who push the level of endurance, but who are just everyday people who have regular jobs and that sort of thing.  And they do one heck of a job exploring our back yard, too.

There are also some very good movies that are being screened at both Centennial Theatre and the Rio and Pacific Cinematheque theatres, and it all gets under way next Friday night. We’ve just reorganized our special events pages so that it’s easier to find what you’re interested in. The environment night would be worthwhile, too; Paul Colangelo is a fine photographer and we’ve just added two new movies. It’s topical, too, because it’s about the Great Bear Rainforest.

Any other thoughts you’d like to leave with our readers?
As John Muir said: “Go into the mountains and seek their glad tidings.” Or, as I like to say “Never waste a sunny day.” (Especially on the North Shore!)

Adopt a Lynn Valley street today!

There’s a great new North Vancouver District program that can improve your life – and your community – all at the same time.

Whether you want to teach your kids responsibility, lose a few pounds, get your partner out walking with you more, meet your neighbours or help the environment, the new Adopt a Street Program may be just the motivation you’re looking for.

Courtenay Fraitzl, DNV Community Beautification Coordinator and (we’re proud to say) Lynn Valley native, says the Adopt a Street campaign is designed to strengthen ties not just within neighbourhoods, but between residents and their local government.

“It’s about making the District more accessible,” she says, noting that while the volunteer litter removal program does indeed help the District’s bottom line in times of tightened budgets, it’s also about residents having the opportunity to work more closely with people in the District, and have a conduit for reporting issues such as graffiti, blocked storm drains, etc.

Courtenay has been making the rounds of various community organizations to spread the word about the the Adopt a Street program. (She says she’s happy to come out to more, so keep her in mind for your next local meeting!) She encourages individuals, families, businesses, schools and other groups to consider getting on board with a street of their own. Courtenay is hoping people will aim for adopting a one-kilometre stretch of roadside, but will work to find a solution for individuals who might find that daunting

Once they have signed up for their area, volunteers are given safety instructions, reflective vests, litter-removal tongs, garbage bags and gloves. They are asked to clean up their street on a monthly basis, and to provide a brief report on how it went and any maintenance issues the District should be aware of. Teams will be recognized with an Adopt A Street sign posted on “their” street.

Courtenay, a mother of two, says she knows how busy life is for most people. That said, she’s confident the enjoyment people will get from meeting their neighbours and doing something positive in their community will be worth it.

Although Courtenay has only been at the Community Beautification post for six months or so, she is probably known to many North Vancouver families from her previous job; since 1996 and up until last summer, she was a district worker at Maplewood Farm. She obviously hasn’t cut all ties there; she gave us an enthusiastic report of all the pre-springtime farmyard activity under way at her old stomping grounds.

To contact Courtenay or learn more about the Adopt a Street program – and to get your pick of roadway! – click here or call the number on the graphic above. We had the honour of being this neighbourhood’s first street ‘adopters’, so if you see us LynnValleyLifers out patrolling our patch on the streets surrounding Lynn Valley Park, Lynn Valley Elementary School, and Pioneer Park,  be sure to honk. We’ll be the ones in the uber-cool vests!


Hear about LV runner’s Indian adventure

We recently reported that Lynn Valley’s Hilary Ewart had successfully completed a 100-mile, five-day run through India’s Himalayan range, in the company of other North Shore running friends.

Now you can come hear Hilary and three other runners talk about their Himalayan adventure, along with the Mount Everest Challenge Marathon, at Jaycee House on Friday, February 8. See details below!

Lynn Valley neighbourhood clean up planned

Lynn Valley litter will be targeted once again after last year’s successful Neighbourhood Clean-Up around Argyle School.

The theme of the Nov. 3 grassroots gathering is “Our Community, Our Responsibility,” and it encourages families to get out with their children to put garbage in its place.

“When friends and neighbours get together and pick up litter it not only makes the streets cleaner, it demonstrates our commitment and responsibility to the environment,” says organizer Jody Labriola. Gloves, garbage bags and hand sanitizer will be provided, and there will be special rewards for the kids who come out to help.

Participants are invited to meet up at the Les Wilson Memorial Field (Argyle School’s gravel field) on Saturday, Nov. 3 at 1 p.m.; from there, teams will be dispatched to surrounding streets and green spaces. The event finishes up at 3 p.m.

All details are on this downloadable poster. Hope to see you there!

Lynn Valley sewer system tested

What the heck is a vapour test? And why is there one coming to a sewer near you?

Click on this link from North Vancouver District, in which the municipality explains how and why Lynn Valley’s storm and sanitary sewers are being vapour tested this month to ensure rainwater is not entering the sanitary system.

You’ll get a knock on the door before your area is tested, but for now, read their handy heads-up!


How did your Lynn Valley garden grow?

From the garden of Lynn O’Malley: 

Nature is all swings and roundabouts, isn’t it?

Just when one is ready to despair over the constant mildewing of the zucchini leaves, a bumper crop of sweet peas gives one cause to celebrate. Non-productive clematis vines are overshadowed by an abundance of black-eyed Susans.

At least that’s how it was in my upper Lynn Valley garden this year, which seems always to be unpredictable in its yearly showing – largely a result, no doubt, of the inconsistent care and attention it gets from its owner. But whether it is nature or nurture that makes one year’s bounty so different from the next, the kaleidescope tableau that results is never the same twice.

My garden highlight this year has been my sweet pea teepee, which is still covered with blooms. In years past, I’ve strung up sweet peas against a backyard wall under the eaves and then constantly forgetten to water them. This year, I plunked them front and centre in my raised veggie bed by the street, along with the Swiss chard and green onions, where they were assured of some life-sustaining attention from the automatic sprinkler.

The biggest benefit I’ve reaped from the resulting healthy crop hasn’t been aesthetic, though the flowers’ incredible scent is a lovely addition to the vegetable garden. No, the very best part about the prolific sweet peas is the number of excuses they have given me to visit friends and neighbours, bouquet in hand.

When your sweet peas need to be picked, they need to be picked. So what better time is there to drop in on someone you’ve been meaning to visit for ages? It’s been a pleasure to use the sweet peas as my calling card in a number of homes and workplaces this summer. Pretty and amazingly fragrant, they are always well received (I should aspire to be so popular!)

Fortunately the memory of my happy sweet pea moments will serve to blot out any other agricultural disappointments from Summer 2012; the above-mentioned zucchini issue (everyone complains about their overabundant zucchini harvest, while I sadly ruminate upon my three small green accomplishments), the Shasta Daisies overcome with aphids and something else that caused their heads to wither; the pot of flowers that was supposed to be a riot of pink and blue, but the pink bloomed and died back in early July, while the blue is just now opening from bud.

All is forgiven, all is forgotten! Summer 2012 was the Sweet Pea Summer.

Do you want to keep the floral fun going this fall? Posy Florist in Lynn Valley Village is offering a series of workshops, from basic floral design (mandatory for newbies) to ones that will teach you to create your own Thanksgiving centrepiece or Christmas wreath. Have a look at the Posy site for more information – first class is on Wednesday, Sept. 26th!) 

Suspension bridge spans 100 years

Once again Lynn Valley is celebrating an important centennial. Having already marked the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the L.V. Community Association and the first-ever Lynn Valley Day, everyone can pull out their party shoes again in order to honour 100 years of swinging good times on the Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge.

On Saturday, Sept. 15th, between 10 a.m. and noon, North Vancouver District is inviting locals and friends to come to the park for music, cake, antique fire trucks and more. The Lynn Valley suspension bridge and canyon gained worldwide exposure when uber-volunteer Bob McCormack passed the Olympic torch mid-span, but those of us here in Lynn Valley are lucky to have this wilderness adventure playground in our own backyard, free of charge, all year round.

Here’s what the LynnValleyLife history section has to say about the origins of the park. After you read it, we hope you’ll be inspired to come out on Sept. 15 to start a whole new century worth of memories!

Lynn Canyon Park was the brainchild of one J.P. Crawford, a Lynn Valley land agent who convinced Vancouver’s McTavish Brothers to donate 12 acres of property to serve as an attraction that would bring more settlers to the area.

It was the first park in Lynn Valley, which was still heavily treed in most areas.  Before a landslide changed the topography of the area dramatically, the park had playing fields, a bandstand, picnic shelters and outdoor cooking facilities. It hosted the first-ever Lynn Valley Day in 1912, a grand occasion attended by thousands of people from all over Greater Vancouver, who arrived via decorated ferry boats and a new B.C. Electric streetcar line.

Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge, circa 1915

That day also marked the opening of the suspension bridge that crosses high over the roaring waters below. When first opened, it cost ten cents to cross –whether or not you were brave enough to make it all the way to the other side! It eventually fell into disrepair and was closed, but has for some decades now been well-maintained by the District of North Vancouver, which provides this free attraction to local residents and the thousands of tourists who flock there every year.

For a historical look at the park on the occasion of its 100th anniversary, click here.

Compost coaches offer free, at-home instruction

Waste-reducers and gardeners can learn more about one of their favourite pastimes without spending a cent, thanks to the Compost Coaching program offered by the North Shore Recycling Program.

Now that colder weather is on the horizon, you might want an experienced composter to visit your home and show you how to manage your compost pile over the winter. You’ll also want to ensure it isn’t acting as an attractant for bears who should be making hibernation plans, not noshing on your chucked-out apple cores.

Click here to learn more about this free offer – after all, how often do you get the chance to have some one-on-one instruction from an expert, in the comfort of your own backyard? You’ll also find info on how to obtain a subsidized bin, if you’d like your Compost Coach to help you set it up and start it going.

The new Green Can program is an easy and effective way to get rid of our organic waste, but backyard composting is still the most eco-friendly and economical way to use up our leftover fruit and veggie scraps. And you can’t beat the finished compost for building up the health of your garden soil!