Lynn Valley featured in Hendry Hall production

If you’ve always loved the character of Lynn Valley, you’ll love watching Lynn Valley as a character.

_D3S9039More properly, Lynn Valley is the setting of a play opening up at Hendry Hall – but given the theme of 2000, it’s almost a character itself.

Playwright Joan MacLeod, who now teachers writing at the University of Victoria, was intrigued by life lived on the border between natural and human habitat. Producer and director Stephen Torrence says “The play examines how the natural and urban worlds are interwoven and how they each impact on the other; a topic  [so] germane to Lynn Valley, which exists in the midst of the rainforest.” He says that Joan MacLeod is delighted the play is finally being performed in North Vancouver.

As you’ll see in this good North Shore News overview, those who enjoy good laughs along with thought-provoking theatre entertainment will not be disappointed. Nor will those who love a bit of local history – there are still Lynn Valley residents among us who  remember the real-life “Nature Boy,” an interesting man of the woods who is immortalized in the play as one of the characters.

_D3S9202“We have a truly innovative and creative set that strives to illustrate the overlap between the natural and urban worlds, created by local artists and set designers,” says Stephen.

Tickets are only $10 on the preview night on Thursday, April 6; opening night is Friday, April 7 which features an opening night reception and goodies to boot.  The show runs Wednesdays through Saturdays after that, closing on on April 22. To learn more about the production and get your tickets, just go here. Why not call up a Lynn Valley friend and make a night of it?

2000 is North Van Community Player’s festival entry in the the Theatre BC North Shore Zone Festival of Plays, which runs at Presentation House from May 7 to 13. 2000 will be performed on May 11.  All shows in this year’s festival are by Canadian playwrights, in honour of Canada’s 150th birthday.  The show which is chosen as Best Production will go on to to Vernon in July to compete in the provincial festival.

(Photos: Actors Laura Burke and Karen Golden in the top photo; Kathryn Ferguson and Ryan Johnson are in the bottom.)


Benefit concerts coming to Lynn Valley

There are two musical fundraisers coming to our neighbourhood to promote two excellent causes!

On Saturday, March 11, acoustic guitarist Stephen King will be hosting an evening of good music and good company to raise funds for those affected by the recent Upper Lonsdale apartment fire. Non-perishable food donations to the Harvest Project are also welcome at the door, as the Harvest Project has been helping those rendered homeless with some immediate needs.

The concert will take place at St. Clement’s Anglican Church, 3400 Institute Road, starting at 7 p.m. Details are here.

And over at Lynn Valley United, a great evening of world music is being planned for Sunday, April 2 at 3 p.m. According to their post:

This concert is a fundraiser for North Shore United Refugee Response, a cooperative effort by the seven United Churches on the North Shore to sponsor two Syrian families fleeing their homeland and currently waiting in a refugee camp for entry into Canada. More than sponsorship, this endeavour will re-unify the refugees with families that have already settled in the Lower Mainland.

In celebration of diversity, fascination with all cultures, and building harmony through the language of music, you are invited to join us at Lynn Valley United Church on Sunday, April 2 at 3:00pm for an auditory and visual feast of music and song.   From Indian tanbur to a children’s choir and Syrian guitar, from didgeridoo to string quartet, come hear the many colors of instruments in our world.

So if you’re looking for a way to get out and enjoy a new musical experience without having to travel out of your neighbourhood – and like to know that you’re supporting a good cause at the same time – these concerts might be what the doctor ordered!


Lynn Valley United invites all to grand opening of new church

For decades, Lynn Valley United’s red-brick church was a community landmark at the corner of Mountain Hwy and Harold Road, just across from Lynn Valley Elementary School. Even non-churchgoers enjoyed its annual fall fairs and encouraging notes on its message board near the street.

Now its members are ready to welcome the public again, this time into a brand-new building on the same location. For well over a year, the church has been using temporary locations in the neighbourhood for worship, administration and its Friday Night Live gigs while its property was redeveloped into residential units that curl around a bright new church.

Labyrinth on marbleMembers have been getting the feel of their new worship space since just before Christmas, and are looking forward to throwing open the doors to all on Saturday, Feb. 25, from 1 to 4 p.m. Everyone is invited for church tours, refreshments, a ribbon-cutting and more.

One feature of the new sanctuary is the incorporation of a labyrinth on the floor. “Walking the labyrinth” is an ancient Christian meditative practice that has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity over the past number of years. Those interested in learning more are invited to a free mini-workshop taking place on Sunday, Feb. 26 from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.

Learn more about both events, and about its revamped Friday Night Live offerings, here.


Open Houses held to demo highway improvements

With the recent announcement about increased funding that will allow for a smoother flow of  traffic up to and around the Ironworkers Memorial bridge, two meetings have been scheduled to update the public and answer questions. Please see this Lynn Valley Community Association press release for details:

News on the recently announced east-west local connection
and improved highway interchange in Lower Lynn

The Ministry of Transportation will be hosting two Open Houses to present in more detail the plans for the enhanced highway interchange project in Lower Lynn, along with the new east-west connection for local traffic.

The new interchange will give Lynn Valley residents direct south-bound access to Highway #1 and on to Second Narrows Bridge. Local traffic travelling east or west over Lynn Creek will have a new, direct and entirely local connection.


Christmas coming to Lynn Valley


The season of Advent is almost upon us, and the valley is starting to prepare for Christmas.

If you’re wanting your Christmas tree dollars to go to go to work in your community, be sure to head to the Lynn Valley Lions Christmas tree lot, opening on Saturday, Dec. 3. It’s at a new location this year – you’ll find it in the sports box adjacent to Karen Magnussen Rec Centre. Hours are Monday to Friday 2-8pm, and 9am-9pm on the weekends. The trees sold out in two weeks last year, so don’t delay!

IMG_2274The neighbourhood’s very own “gingerbread house” (known the rest of the year as Mollie Nye House) lights up as always on Thursday, December 1, and everyone is welcome! The 13th annual Bright Christmas is being hosted by the Lynn Valley Services Society (LVSS) at Mollie Nye House, 940 Lynn Valley Rd., from 7 – 8:30pm that evening, and those wishing to join the lantern parade from Karen Magnussen are invited to be there at 6:30 pm sharp! The countdown and light-up will take place at 7 p.m., and festive sing-alongs, gingerbread and ornament decorating, Mad Scientist demos and other activities will carry on until 8:30 pm. Santa will be there, and so should you!

Once again dozens of community organizations and businesses have sponsored trees in the Christmas Tree Walk organized by the Lynn Valley Community Association, and set to light up Lynn Valley Village for the pleasure of all. Watch for neighbourhood elves out putting the trees up on Friday, Dec. 2, and decorating them on Saturday the 3rd.


The grand light-up ceremony takes place on Sunday, December 4 at 4:30 p.m. This is definitely a neighbourhood “come one, come all” gathering, and we look forward to seeing a village square full of people!

There will be much to enjoy during the month of December, so keep your eyes on our Events Calendar to make sure you don’t miss out. We’ll update it regularly – so if you’re organizing a public event, be sure to let us know so we can spread the word! Just send your details to [email protected], and feel free to post your news directly on to our Facebook page as well!

Decorate a Christmas tree in LV Village!

The Sixth Annual Lynn Valley Village Christmas Parade of trees is approaching, and we are already looking forward to seeing Lynn Valley Village transformed into a magical forest of decorated Christmas trees.

christmas tree carouselIf you want to get in on the fun, now is the time to sponsor a tree and start thinking about your decorating approaching! Says the Lynn Valley Community Association: “Sponsoring a tree is a great opportunity to promote your business or organization, while at the same time supporting families in need and helping build a strong community here in Lynn Valley.”

$50 from each $200 sponsorship supports local families with needed food and gifts and any other net proceeds support the work of LVCA in the community, including the speaker series, trail improvement projects and community events. Dry goods and canned products for the North Shore Harvest Project are also collected at the grand lighting ceremony, which takes place this year on Sunday, December 4.

The LVCA encourages sponsors to decorate their trees as creatively as they like: the public votes for their favourite and there are awards for the best trees! Trees will be decorated on Saturday, December 3.

For more information or to sponsor a tree please email [email protected]. Cheques for sponsorship should be made payable to Lynn Valley Community Association and mailed to PO Box 16080, 1199 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, V7J 3S9.

Church offers to help remember Lynn Valley departed

While October 31  focusses on trick-or-treating and fireworks, that costumed caper is only the beginning of a three-day “Hallowtide” festival that has evolved over the past thousand years.


The following two days, All Saints Day on November 1 and All Souls Day on November 2, predate Halloween traditions (“hallow” means “saint,” and “All Hallow’s Eve” has become “Halloween”). All Saints began as a fourth-century feast to commemorate the Christian martyrs, while All Souls was added in the early 11th century to give people an opportunity to honour those members of their families or communities who had died.

St. Clement’s Anglican Church will be holding its annual All Souls service a little ahead of time – on Sunday, October 30 at 4 p.m. During a contemplative time of candlelight and prayer, the names of the departed are read aloud. Every year, St. Clement’s parishioner and Argyle grad John Stowe puts the word out to Argyle  alumni  and others and invites them to submit names of people from the school community who have passed (you can reach him at [email protected]), while the Rev. Elizabeth Mathers, deacon at the church, encourages Lynn Valleyites to send her the names of anyone they would like remembered ([email protected]).

Elizabeth describes the service as very “user-friendly” and one that is often attended by people who wouldn’t otherwise describe themselves as church-goers. If you would like to spend a few quiet moments remembering a beloved family member or companion, you are warmly welcome. If you would simply like to know that their names are being read and remembered for All Souls, please send them to Elizabeth or John.

St. Clement’s is located at 3400 Institute Rd. More information is here. (And a recipe for traditional Souls’ Day cookies – the original Halloween treat – is here.)

Lynn Valley a hotbed for Culture Days offerings

Discover a new hobby, explore a new interest, or just have some out-of-the-ordinary fun at this year’s Culture Days that run from Friday, Sept. 30 to Sunday, Oct. 2.

Culture Days 2016Culture Days kicked off in 2009 with the goal of making a broad variety of free pastimes available to the masses. People can sample all sorts of activities, and perhaps discover a pursuit they would like to explore further.

There are many events planned on the North Shore, as listed on the North Shore Arts Office website, and the following are being offered right in our own neighbourhood:

Friday, September 30

FAMILY RECORDS WORKSHOP – Get tips from the NVMA Archivist on how to organize family records, photos and treasures. Preregister: 604 990-3700 x.8016

WHERE: NVMA Community History Centre, 3203 Institute Rd

WHEN: Friday, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM


FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE – A magical blend of improvised music and comedy with special guest, singer, songwriter and storyteller Ross Douglas.

WHERE: Lynn Valley Library Community Room, 1277 Lynn Valley Rd.

WHEN: Friday, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Saturday, October 1

 SHAKETOWN WALK – A guided walk with NVMA Curator Karen Dearlove with history and anecdotes about Lynn Valley formerly called Shaketown. Pre-Register 604 990-3700 x.8016

WHERE: NVMA Community History Centre, 3203 Institute Rd

WHEN: Saturday, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM


BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE ARCHIVES – A close-up look at how the NVMA archives cares for, and stores photographs, documents and precious items in the community’s collection.

WHERE: NVMA Community History Centre, 3203 Institute Rd.

WHEN: Saturday, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM


READING: DISTRICT OF NORTH VANCOUVER: A COMMUNITY OF COMMUNITIES – Noted author and historian Daniel Francis tells stories about North Van’s growth, unique neighbourhoods and the transformation from milltown to metropolis. Pre-Register 604 990-3700 x.8016

WHERE: NVMA Community History Centre, 3203 Institute Rd.

WHEN: Saturday, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM


Sunday, October 2

FAIRFIELD MUSIC DEMOS & LESSONS AT THE LIBRARY– Fairfield Music offers instruments demos, mini lessons and a fun instrument making workshop for all ages.

WHERE: Culture Cram, Lynn Valley Library, 1277 Lynn Valley Rd.

WHEN: Sunday, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM


PERSIAN CULTURE ZOROASTRIAN EXHIBIT – A display of Zoroastrian manuscripts, costumes, books, magazines, ritual items and more.

WHERE: Culture Cram, Lynn Valley Library, 1277 Lynn Valley Rd.

WHEN: Sunday, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM


RNB DANCE PERFORMANCE – come out to a high energy performance in Lynn Valley Village presented by the talented troupe of RNB dancers.

WHERE: Culture Cram, Lynn Valley Library, 1277 Lynn Valley Rd.

WHEN: Sunday, 1:30 PM – 2:00 PM


SPIRIT OF THE SOUTH SEAS DANCE – E komo mai… experience Hawaiian, Tahitian, Maori dance & music at this interactive performance & workshop. All ages welcome.

WHERE: Culture Cram, Lynn Valley Library, 1277 Lynn Valley Rd.

WHEN: Sunday, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM


MULTI-LINGUAL STORYTIME – North Vancouver Librarians offer bi-lingual storytimes in English, Farsi, French and Cantonese for the whole family!

WHERE: Culture Cram, Lynn Valley Library, 1277 Lynn Valley Rd.

WHEN: Sunday, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM


Enjoy all things Polish at Labour Day festival

An annual celebration of Polish food and culture  returns to Lynn Valley Village on Sunday, September  4.

The fourth annual Polish Cultural Festival will feature Polish music, singing and folk dancing and a special program for children and youth with puppet theatre show, arts and games activities, sing along, balloon lady, face-painting and more.

The children’s program will kick off at 1 p.m., with the official grand opening declared at 2 p.m. Vendors will be selling Polish T-shirts and accessories, jewellery, arts and crafts, as well as plenty of delicious traditional Polish food such as sausages, perogies and pastries.

The special guest Groove ‘n’ Tonic, Vancouver’s high energy party band, will be playing from 6 to 7:30 p.m., so if you are in early withdrawal from the village’s Friday night concerts, come on down!

Admission is free, and the organizers from the North Shore Polish Association Belweder look forward to welcoming people of all ages!

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