World-class magic show amongst late-winter diversions

This wet shoulder season,  existing between winter’s slush and springtime’s sun, can be a damp and forlorn time of year – in other words, one not always ideal for entertaining kids on a two-week break from school. Fortunately, there are a number of local diversions for Lynn Valley families to keep both children and adults busy this month.

Most novel is the appearance of Shawn Farquhar at Friday Night Live on Friday, March 7.  This internationally acclaimed magician has appeared on the Ellen show and even managed to hoodwink magician/comedian duo Penn and Teller on their British television program Fool Us.  This is perhaps not surprising, given that Farquhar has won numerous international awards, including the Grand Prix World Champion of Magic title in the Olympics of Magic in Beijing in 2009.

Farquhar has appeared once before at Friday Night Live, and FNL organizers say he was an incredible hit, staying behind for an added 90 minutes to engage with the audience. They say the Maple Ridge native is delighted to be returning to Lynn Valley this week – warmed, perhaps, by memories of the birthday cake they had waiting for him at his last FNL appearance. As always, the Friday Night Live guest performance will be bookended by hilarious musical theatre improv performed by Add Libretto, working off suggestions provided by the audience.

For more information about Farquhar’s appearance, and upcoming FNL guests, visit Tickets are $10 each, or $25 per family (and people under 12 are free).

Kids break ground

There’s still time to register for the Real Farming series for six to 12 year olds. On the first Saturday morning of each month from March through to June, participants will roll up their sleeves and learn about urban farming at Loutet Farm, just off Grand Boulevard.

Register for this Edible Garden Project program through Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre, 604-990-3755.

The ecology centre itself will be hosting by-donation “Wildlife Weeks Family Events” during the school break. From March 16 to 28, a wide range of events will be presented, from black light puppet shows to visits from birds of prey and reptiles, to learning about a day in the life of a wildlife rehabilitation worker. For information on the programs and other spring break opportunities, click here.

Library offers movies, books, crafts

Libraries offer more than just books these days (although the 200,000-plus books circulating in the local library system could keep anyone busy for several lifetimes).

Also on offer, however, are family movie nights (Dallas Buyers Club and Frozen are being screened at the Lynn Valley branch this month), craft workshops and Lego clubs. See our events calendar for a few events happening at the Lynn Valley library this month, or visit the library website for a full listing.


Hope, sweat and breathe to fund a cure

Hope, sweat and breathe. When times are tough, sometimes that’s all you can do. And when times are good? “Hope, sweat, breathe” can be the best plan of action then, too.

Hope Sweat BreatheLynn Valley’s Ryan and Deb Purcell have experienced both good times and bad over the past few years, since their eldest son Trey was diagnosed with MPS II Hunter Syndrome  just as he was turning two years old. Deb describes that doctor’s appointment as a moment their “world came crashing down.” They learned that Trey’s rare disease – or “difference,” as they like to call it now – would likely curl his hands, compromise his bones and organ function, and shorten his life. (You can learn more about Trey’s story here.)

But along with the valleys have come many peaks – most noticeably, Trey’s acceptance into a North Carolina-based drug trial that has helped him immensely. Trey travels to North Carolina on a monthly basis in order to receive an IV enzyme infusion into the intrathecal space in his spine, which allows the critical replacement enzyme to cross the blood-brain barrier and get where it is needed.

Ryan and Deb know other families who have not been so fortunate. They help other parents advocate for  similar therapy – while the enzyme is approved for use in Canada, not all provinces will fund its use – and they raise money to fund research into a cure for Hunter Syndrome.

Hope, Sweat and Breathe takes place on Saturday, March 1 –  Trey’s 10th birthday, a milestone they didn’t always expect to celebrate. It will take place at Lynn Valley Elementary and feature a variety of yoga classes with different teachers. Doors open at noon, and 45-minute classes, suitable for everyone, will be held every hour from 12:30 through to 4:30 p.m. Attendance is by donation, and participants are asked to bring their own mat – and to stay for birthday cupcakes at 4:30! Other features will be a healthy-living trade show and a diamond necklace raffle.

Deb says it was important to her to host the event within Lynn Valley: “I believe community is so, so important. Life and parenting can be hard and I want us to be able to ask each other for help – watching kids, borrowing eggs if you run out while baking, lending tools and helping each other hang Christmas lights, that sort of thing.”

And as far as her son goes, she says “I want our community to know him. Especially when you have a child who has a lot of differences, it helps when people know who he is and what he’s about. That he may have hearing aids and may act silly or not talk the same as other kids his age, but that he LOVES life …..That all he wants is to be liked and included, just like the rest of us. I want us as a community to know and support our neighbours.”

As you can see by her unflagging support and advocacy for other families grappling with Hunter Syndrome, Deb is all about community. And while the number of children with Hunter Syndrome may be a relatively small group, their circle is wide – at the moment, Deb is actively advocating for a boy in Chicago whose condition will likely be terminal if funding for treatment is not approved.

Closer to home, Deb appreciates every bit of support they receive for the cause: “When Trey was diagnosed, Ryan and I were told Trey might not be alive at the age of 10. Everyone who supports our event in any way, shape or form, in my heart and mind, is joining our family…. No matter what the level of support, every bit has HUGE meaning in my heart.”

For more information about the event, Hunter Syndrome, or Trey himself, visit

LV Christmas wraps up with carol sing, prize announcements

A big tent kept merry-makers dry and bales of hay provided the seating at the wrap up of the Lynn Valley Christmas event in Lynn Valley Village.

Those who braved the evening weather were treated with holiday barbershop tunes from the Afterglow Quartet, kids’ activities in the community room, and even the chance to chat with Santa about last-minute wishes.

The big tent was full to overflowing by 7 p.m., when event organizer Dave Bruynesteyn took to the stage to announce the winner of the Best Decorated Christmas Tree, a people’s choice award tallied from votes taken from the big red mailbox in the village square.

This year’s winner, by a landslide, said Dave, was Team Finn, the ongoing Lynn Valley-based team that has raised over one million dollars for the B.C. Cancer Foundation since three-year-old Finn Sullivan succumbed to the illness in October 2008. (To learn more about their amazing efforts, have a look at this previous post.) A good number of Team Finn’ers were on hand to accept the engraved plaque, which had been removed for the occasion from its usual location on display in Delany’s.

Next it was LynnValleyLife’s turn to announce the winner of the Good Neighbour Award for 2013. It gave us a huge amount of pleasure to recognize Gord Trousdell of Burrill Road, and to read out this nomination sent in by an admiring neighbour. Gord had been invited to the event by his friend, so was on hand to accept the surprise honour. He received a plaque from LynnValleyLife’s Kelly Gardiner and Jim Lanctot, and a gift basket that included a Black Bear Pub gift certificate, a card, scarf and four tickets to Friday Night Live from Lynn Valley United Church, yoga passes to Laughing Chakra yoga, Christmas CDs from Rave On Studio, and a personalized tour of the RCMP detachment from press liaison officer Cpl. Richard De Jong.

Gord was touched by the recognition, as was his family – from his young kids all the way up to his mom – who were on hand to watch him receive the well-deserved honour. We hope you keep an eye out for other wonderful friends of the community in the days and weeks to come – we will be starting to ask you for nominations for the 2014 award in just a few months!

The neighbourly evening wrapped up with a carol sing with the BYOV (Bring Your Own Voice) choir out of Lynn Valley United Church, a community choir that anyone is welcome to join. Director Mary Yan invited people in the crowd to consider coming out to join the group – all you need is a love of singing.

Once again, our thanks to Dave Bruynesteyn, Gillian Konst and other hardworking helpers in the Lynn Valley Community Association and the Lynn Valley Lions who turned Lynn Valley Village into a Christmas wonderland for the holiday. If you’d like to give your neighbourhood the gift that keeps on giving, please consider joining your community associations so that there is enough people-power to keep these and other great events going strong into the future.

From all of us on the LynnValleyLife team, we wish each of our readers, clients and friends the blessings of joy and peace at Christmastime and in the year to come.

LVL publisher Jim Lanctot and editor Peggy Trendell-Jensen call up Gord Trousdell, winner of the Good Neighbour Award for 2013

Come celebrate neighbourly spirit this weekend

It was a pleasure to read your stories of the good folks of Lynn Valley who were nominated for this year’s Good Neighbour Award. You can read some of the top stories in the “Notable Neighbours” category of our Front Porch blog, here – they are happy reading for this time of year!

We are not going to announce the winner of this year’s Good Neighbour, drawn from among these entries. Not yet, anyway – that special presentation will take place down at Lynn Valley Village at about 7 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 22, just before community carolling with Lynn Valley United Church singers kicks in. (There’s super entertainment both Saturday and Sunday – check out the schedule here, but be sure to come down for the grand finale on Sunday night!)

In the meantime, though, we’d like to make brief mention of a few other great neighbourhood contributors, who have been recently recognized in other contexts than our annual Good Neighbour Award.

“Mortgage Dave” and Bob McCormack, just two of Lynn Valley’s very good neighbours.

We’d first like to say a big thank you to Dave Bruynesteyn, who is the hard-working mastermind behind the Christmas in Lynn Valley event, now in its third year. There are innumerable tasks to be done to make a decorated Christmas tree forest come alive in our village square, as well as the light-up and wrap-up events, and Dave is the organizing force behind it all. We know he has help from other fine folks in the Lynn Valley Community Association, but from searching out tree sponsors to carting off the heavy concrete tree stands once Christmas is over, Dave is in the thick of it all. Thanks so much, Dave, for lighting up Lynn Valley!


We’re also happy to pass on word that longtime community volunteer and Lynn Valley native Bob McCormack was awarded the Jeff Ehlert Award by the North Shore Disability Resource Centre (the award is named for the first executive director of the NSRDC).

Each year the Board requests submission from the members and employees as well as the community. The Board then selects the volunteer who best demonstrates the values of service, support and community. This year the award was presented to Bob, who works tirelessly to support NSDRC’s cause of “working for a community for all.”

Bob’s dedication to the community isn’t news to LynnValleyLife; we featured him in a ‘Notable Neighbour’ profile in our first year – have a look and learn more about this fine fellow!

Bob has volunteered for a huge number of local non-profits, including North Shore Neighbourhood House, North Shore Recreation Commission, North Shore Arts & Cultural Commission, Silver Harbour Senior Centre, Mollie Nye House, the Lynn Valley Seniors Association, and the Lynn Valley Community Association.

Highlights for Bob include being the co-chair of Valleyfest (the district-wide celebrations that took place in LV Village during the 2010 Winter Olympics) and being an Olympic torchbearer  at Lynn Canyon Park.

Congratulations Bob, and many thanks for the immense benefits you have brought to all of us in your community.


Finally, in response to a community request, we would like to take a moment during our Good Neighbour campaign to honour Mike Cregan, a Lynn Valley Elementary School teacher who passed away suddenly two months into the school year.

“Every time I saw Mike he was always upbeat and friendly, and seemed to have lots of energy for all the kids. He always had something positive to say and was always encouraging them on,” said local resident Bill Newman.

We were so sorry to learn of Mr. Cregan’s death, and know his loss was felt tremendously  at the school.


We are fortunate to live and to work in a community filled with good neighbours such as these – and many, many more we have yet to hear about! Please come out and share some Christmas spirit with us on Sunday evening in Lynn Valley Village, and help cheer on the Good Neighbour Award recipient for 2013!


Christmas spirit alive and well in Lynn Valley

photo courtesy Linda Mackie

Lynn Valley is lit up for the season of goodwill – literally and figuratively.

On December 1, in front of a huge crowd, North Vancouver District Mayor Richard Walton, MP Andrew Saxton and MLA Jane Thornthwaite flipped the switch to light up Lynn Valley Village, forested with over 70 decorated trees sponsored by local businesses and organizations.

Mayor Walton couldn’t stay long, however; he was soon off to Mollie Nye House’s Bright Nights celebration, where with the flip of another switch the heritage home was transformed into a must-see roadside attraction.

These events kicked off a pre-Christmas season that is becoming ever more celebratory in this neighbourhood. The “Lynn Valley Christmas” event, organized by the Lynn Valley Community Association, is now in its third year. The Lynn Valley Lions donate the trees for the Christmas Tree Walk, with money raised by tree sponsorships supporting the Lions Christmas hamper program and LVCA community events.  (People can further support this charitable work by purchasing their tree from the Lions in the Karen Magnussen parking lot!)

photo courtesy Linda Mackie

More entertainment is planned for December 21 and 22, when dance, music and children’s activities will run in Lynn Valley Village all afternoon and evening. The events will culminate in a carol sing-along with the L.V. United Church choir on Sunday, Dec. 22 at 7 p.m.

LVL photo

Activities abound

The weeks to come offer a plethora of seasonal events, from a traditional tea at Mollie Nye House on Sunday, Dec. 15 to a screening of Christmas movies at the library community room on Monday, Dec. 9 and Monday, Dec. 16.

People wanting to express their Christmas creativity can make a gingerbread house at Mollie Nye House on Wednesday, Dec. 11, or a holiday centerpiece on Thursday, Dec. 19.

Look for details of these events and many more at our online Events Calendar.

Good Neighbour Award launched

Another recent addition to the season of goodwill in Lynn Valley is the Good Neighbour Award, now in its second year.

LynnValleyLife invites nominations of Lynn Valley people who make the world around them a better place, in ways large or small.

Favourite stories are shared on the LynnValleyLife website and a winner is chosen by random draw to be named the Lynn Valley Good Neighbour of the year.

Nominations are welcomed up until Wednesday, Dec. 18, and the grand prize will be awarded at the Christmas in Lynn Valley event on the evening of Dec. 22. Send your “good neighbour” nominations to [email protected]!

– Peggy Trendell-Jensen


Local musician is Nashville-bound

Turns out that Lynn Valley is en route between South Africa and Nashville, Tennessee. 

At least that’s what Amy Dreyer hopes. Amy wears many hats – she’s here from South Africa as an international development student at SFU and also the worship director of Oasis, Hillside Baptist’s youth worship group. But it’s her singer-songwriter persona that she hopes to take to Nashville in January in order to record a five-song album.

The 19-year-old musician is raising funds towards this goal doing at a coffeehouse concert on Saturday, November 30 at 7:30 p.m. at Hillside Church on Lynn Valley Road. This concert will include original songs and covers, and will also feature other musicians from the area. The $10 tickets are available at the door.

Amy’s classical background in violin and her deep-rooted love for African beats gives her music a unique rhythmic base on which the flowing melodic lines fall. Her music is inspired by artists like Ed Sheeran, John Mayer and Brooke Fraser. Learn more about Amy and listen to her songs here, and come out on November 30 for a relaxing evening for a good cause!



Nominate Lynn Valley’s Good Neighbour for 2013!

We’ve been looking forward to this all year! It’s finally time to put the call-out for nominations for this year’s Good Neighbour Award.

We loved reading the stories you sent in last year. We heard about animal lovers and faithful housesitters; charity organizers, handyman husbands, and more. The winner, chosen from amongst all these goodhearted folk by random draw, was Rosemary Postlethwaite of Lynn Valley United Church, who was given her Good Neighbour Award at the finale of the Lynn Valley Christmas in LV Village.

So please send us your story about the person in our community who has made our world a better place, in ways large or small. Over the upcoming season of peace and goodwill, we will share our favourites on the website and draw from amongst them the recipient of the 2013 Good Neighbour Award.

This year’s winner will receive a number of local treats, including a gift certificate to the Black Bear Neighbourhood Pub, four tickets to Friday Night Live, a basket of Christmas CDs from Rave-On Studio, yoga passes to Joyful Chakra Yoga, and even a personalized tour of the North Van RCMP station with our favourite press officer, Cpl. Richard De Jong! And the person who nominates the winner will get a handful of Christmas CDs, too!

Please send your story (just a paragraph or two will do, doesn’t have to be fancy) to [email protected] as soon as you can so we can start sharing them. All entries are due by Wednesday, December 18. Please include your name and contact information, as well as that of the person you are nominating. To help us spread the word, please download this poster to stick up at your local school or shop – we’d love to read as many heartwarming stories as possible!

The announcement will be made, and the prize awarded, at this year’s finale of a Lynn Valley Christmas on Sunday, December 22. Our 2012 winner, Rosemary, is shown below with LynnValleyLife sponsor Jim Lanctôt, his daughter Katie, and the Rev. Blair Odney of Lynn Valley United Church. Who will win this year’s award, we wonder…?

photo courtesy Linda Mackie

Catch FNL fever before fall season wraps up!

Growing audiences have been delighted with this season’s line-up of guest performers at the weekly musical improv night held at Lynn Valley United Church.

Friday Night Live has welcomed wellknown Vancouver performers, such as Bard on the Beach’s Andrew Wheeler and Phantom of the Opera’s Jeff Hyslop, along with upcoming talent that’s included magicians, singers, composers and more.

The evening is always a remarkable blend of hilarity and talent; the show is anchored each night by Ad Libretto, improv performers who blend brilliant off-the-cuff acting with Matt Grinke’s equally brilliant off-the-cuff piano accompaniment, with amazing results.

You can enjoy a few snacks in the lobby before the 7:30 start time, buy a glass of wine to take into the show with you, and relax and enjoy the performance. Given our dark, fall-weathery evenings, staying close to home for an evening’s entertainment is even more appreciated!

The fall season will wrap up with a final performance on December 6, so be sure to catch an evening or two or three before then. Click here for the guest line-up; this Friday (the 15th) come out and see composer and performer Simon Kendall, formerly of Doug and the Slugs. (Click here to listen to some gorgeous clips from Simon’s new solo piano CD and his other releases.)

A special ‘gallery night’ is being held the following Friday, November 22, when the work of Millenium Ink tattoo artists will be featured. Doors open at 6:30 so you have the chance to see a range of work on a “human gallery” and enjoy light refreshments; the theme of tattoos as means of expressing human rights and other meaningful causes will be discussed during the show.

New this season is support from community sponsors who believe in having quality, family-friendly entertainment in our neighbourhood. Thanks to title sponsors Royal Bank and Grossman and Stanley, business lawyers, and to Zazou Salon and Spa, Save-on-Foods, Westlynn Meats and Seafoods, Len Grinke Photography, Waves Coffee House (for their complimentary beverages!) and of course, to Lynn Valley United Church, whose brainchild this was.

Tickets are $10 at the door. Books of tickets are available for $100, which includes 10 tickets and two complementary tickets (what a great Christmas gift!)  Family rate is $25, and people under 12 are free.  Get tickets in advance if you’d like, by calling 604 987-2114 or emailing [email protected].


Sponsor Christmas tree in LV Village!

This just in from Lynn Valley Community Association…. 

(For more information about adopting a Christmas tree, click here. As of November 6, there are only 13 left, so don’t delay!

We are once again offering
sponsored Christmas trees in 
LynnValley Village this holiday season.

We are planning a family weekend of free entertainment for the whole family on December 21 and 22.  There will also be a Lynn Valley Christmas Grande Finale with music and caroling led bythe United Church Choir and theappearance of a very special guest on the night of the 22!

All trees will be beautiful 6-foot nobles.

You will receive a tree, stand and power.We have 73 trees on a first-come,
first-served basis.
Trees will be available on November 30 at noon.





*$50 from each tree will go towards the

Lions Christmas Hamper program.


Call or email Dave Bruynesteyn at 604-315-3283 or [email protected] to reserve your tree.

Four levels of sponsorship are also available at

$Family, $500,$1000 and $2500

Trees have to be fully decorated by 4 pm on December 1. The mayor will light up all the trees at 5 pm.


Note:  All trees have to be undecorated by January 4.