Celebrate whisky, books, music and friendship at red-letter library event

Longtime Lynn Valley resident Trish McMordie was well known for her sense of fun, community service, hospitality and love of reading and teaching. So it’s no surprise that all these elements are coming together to create a special event in support of the North Vancouver District Library memorial fund set up in Trish’s name after her passing from a brain tumour in October 2013.

A Whisky Library is a community event (for the over-19s!) taking place in the Lynn Valley Library on Saturday, May 9, from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.

whisky tastingA distinctly festive air will permeate the gathering, which will see five whiskies each represented by a “whisky advocate” in the style of the CBC Canada Reads contest. Tastings will be offered of the five whiskies, each of which will be individually represented by advocates Grant Lawrence (CBC Radio), Mark Forsythe (former host of CBC’s BC Almanac), Catherine Barr, North Vancouver MP Andrew Saxton and Grandy Chu, and North Vancouver District Mayor Richard Walton.

Celtic ceilidh music provided by the Black Bear Rebels,  an auction and refreshments (including a chocolate table!) will ensure that there will be plenty to entertain both whisky aficionados and abstainers alike. The library’s Trish McMordie Memorial Fund has already purchased a sit-and-play snake named “Piper” for the children’s department; funds raised at the Whisky Library will help further Trish’s love of bringing together children and books.


Trish McMordie was an avid member of the JP Fell Pipe Band, along with her husband Allan.

Tickets are $55 for a whisky-tasting ticket (includes five whisky tastings) or $25 for a non-whisky ticket. They can be purchased at any North Van District Library, or online. Trish’s two children, David and Janet, would assure you that there’s no better way to celebrate Mother’s Day 2015 than by buying your mom a ticket and bringing her along to this festive fundraiser.


Celtic spiritual practices introduced at workshops

Lynn Valley is home to nearly a dozen churches and congregations of various types. But in this age that is often described as “spiritual but not religious,” church leaders are increasingly being found outside their buildings, helping people of all backgrounds find the sacred in everyday life.

Lynne McNaughton is the priest at St. Clement’s Anglican Church on Institute Road, and an avid learner and teacher of Celtic spirituality. Lynne, who has a doctorate in spirituality and has led  pilgrimages to several ancient Celtic sites in Europe, is looking forward to introducing interested locals to the tradition of Celtic practices that serve to inject an appreciation of  nature and holiness into the everyday tasks of living.

Everyone is welcome to participate in the hands-on workshops, which will take place at Mollie Nye House, 840 Lynn Valley Road, over a series of Monday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. Topics to be explored include:

Celtic knot.jpgApril 20: Smooring the Fire: Mindfulness in ordinary everyday physical activity

May 11: Illumination: Beauty as spiritual practice

May 25: Celtic Knots as Spiritual Practice: Interweaving life and the sacred

June 8: Holiness of Rocks and Trees, Skies and Seas: Cultivating awe as a spiritual practice (This session will begin with a Celtic dinner at 6 p.m.)

Cost is $10 for each of the first three sessions, $20 for the June dinner session, or $50 for  the whole series. Register by calling 604-988-4418 (St Clement’s Church, where messages are checked frequently) or email at [email protected]. Please inquire about babysitting should that be helpful.

LynnValleyLife recently caught up with Lynne to ask her some more questions about the workshops and her thoughts about Celtic spirituality in general. We’ve shared her answers, below:

What is it about Celtic spirituality that intrigues you? What do you think it has to offer people in the church and in the wider community?

Celtic spirituality has intrigued me for decades, as I have led pilgrimages to ancient Celtic sites in several countries.  Although I am fifth or more generations Canadian, I have Irish, Welsh and Scottish heritage (as you might guess from my last name!)   I see Celtic life as part of my own roots, my aboriginal heritage.    My study of Celtic spirituality deepens my understanding of myself, who am I, how do I relate, and what matters in life.

Lynne McNaughton

I see Celtic spirituality as embodied, that is, having to do with our physical bodies.  Spirit and body are connected, and I think this is something we are reclaiming today; that spirituality is not some separate ethereal thing, but our whole beings.

Celtic spirituality is also very communal.  Our hope with this whole series is to have conversation in our neighbourhood that work against the isolation in our society, or a sense that our spiritual lives are only private and solitary.

What parallels might you suggest between the Celtic culture and ours on the Pacific coast?

I think that we are aware, as we live in the immense beauty of nature around us and at this moment are recoiling in horror at an oil spill, that we all need to reclaim a spirituality of deep connection to Earth;  Celtic spirituality gives us some roots in that, some ways of tending to that.

One of the sessions will be about beauty and spirituality.   Celtic spirituality honours and builds our imaginations.

When I have taught Celtic spirituality in Indigenous communities in Canada, we have talked about how Christianity arrived in Ireland in the fourth century with a much more respectful (less colonial and imperial) stance than it did in our country.

Christianity was strongly influenced by Celtic culture when it blended in to Ireland’s rural life, a life that was far more connected to the earth than early continental and urban Christianity.     Earth and everyday life are, after all,  infused with the sacred.   I am fine if people call me pagan;  it simply means “people of the Earth”  – and aren’t we all!

What will people learn/experience in the workshops? 

These aren’t lectures! I will give an introduction to a spiritual practice, some background and context, but this will be experiential learning.  There will be practice, action, and discussion about how we might adapt these insights from the Celts into our real everyday lives. Be prepared to be playful!

Any hints about what a Celtic dinner might entail? 

We are creating the closing dinner from foods that were traditional and considered sacred to the Celts.  The food will be local, as much as possible – we’re not importing anything.  Is that enough of a hint?  Think apples, for instance!

Are you planning other community workshops in the future?

Yes, we plan to have offer other themes to engage people in developing a healthy spiritual practice. One example is embodied prayer – I know I pray best when I am moving!

TED talks live-streamed at LV library

The entire TED talks conference is being live-streamed, at various North Van libraries at various times. See below for the schedule; we’ve bold-faced those events taking place in the Lynn Valley branch. Learn more about the sessions and the speakers here.

Monday, March 16

Livestreaming Location: Lynn Valley

12:30 – 2:15pm – TED Fellows Talks Session 1
3:00 – 4:30pm – TED Fellows Talks Session 2
6:00 – 8:00pm – Session 1: Opening Gambit

Tuesday, March 17

Livestreaming Locations: Lynn Valley | Capilano

8:30 – 10:15am – Session 2: What Are We Thinking?
11:00 – 12:45pm – Session 3: Machines That Learn
2:15 – 4:00pm – Session 4: Out of This World
5:00 – 6:45pm – Session 5: Life Stories

TED Discussion Lounge:
Capilano Library, 7:00pm – 8:00pm

Wednesday, March 18

Livestreaming Locations: Lynn Valley | Parkgate

8:30 – 10:15am – Session 6: Radical Reframe
11:00 – 12:45pm – Session 7: Creative Ignition
2:15 – 4:00pm – TED University
5:00 – 6:45pm – Session 8: Pop-Up Magazine

TED Discussion Lounge:
Parkgate Library, 7:00pm – 8:00pm

Thursday, March 19

Livestreaming Location: Lynn Valley

10:30 – 12:30pm – Session 9: Just and Unjust
2:15 – 4:00pm – Session 10: Building From Scratch
5:00 – 6:45pm – Session 11: Passion and Consequence

TED Discussion Lounge
Lynn Valley Library, 7:00pm – 8:00pm 

Friday, March 20

Livestreaming Locations: Lynn Valley | Parkgate

Session: 9:30 – 12:00pm – Session 12: Endgame



It takes a village to make LV Day happen!

A year or two ago, Lynn Valley Day was voted the North Shore’s best festival in the North Shore News’ Readers’ Choice Awards. That same year, Lynn Valley was voted the best neighbourhood in which to live. Coincidence? We think not.

The same things that make a great festival make a great hometown. That’s friendly people, an engaged citizenry, a commitment to our shared environment, and lots of volunteer help when it’s needed.


Christmas Magic in Lynn Valley!

We are happy to pass along this press release from the Lynn Valley Community Association, who have once again teamed up with the Lynn Valley Lions to light up the spirit of Christmas in our neighbourhood!

Parade of Christmas Trees Lighting Ceremony

Sunday November 30th
4:30pm in Lynn Valley Village

There are lots of free activities including music, face painting, magic, balloon twisting, storytime and a scavenger hunt. We will be collecting new, unwrapped toys for Lynn Valley Legion’s toy drive, helping make Christmas magical for everyone in our community.

The lights go on at 5 pm, creating a magical forest of decorated Christmas trees!

After the ceremony, you are invited to join us in the Community Room for some seasonal treats at the Lynn Valley Community Association’s Open House.

Parade of Christmas Trees

November 30 to January 2 in Lynn Valley Village

Don’t forget to vote for your favourite tree…. stroll through the trees during the day and at night. Choose your favourite and vote.

Ballots are available at all the merchants in the Village.

christmas tree carousel

Lynn Valley Lions Christmas Tree Sale

For the freshest trees and the best selection, visit the Lions tree lot in the parking lot at Karen Magnussen Rec Centre.

Monday to Friday, noon-8pm
Weekends 9am-9pm

The Lions support many local charities and families in need. Every tree sold helps them with their work. They will also accept non perishable food items for their Christmas Hamper Programme…. another way to bring a little Christmas magic to those in need in our community.

When you buy your tree, ask about the Lions’ new pick-up and chip-up service:

For a minimum $25 donation they will pick up your tree curbside on January 4th.

Christmas Tree Drive-Thru Chip Up

January 3rd and 4th
Noon to 4pm

By donation in the Karen Magnussen Parking Lot.

Merry Christmas from The Lynn Valley Community Association
We hope you enjoy the Christmas Tree Walk
Thank you for supporting the toy drive and hamper programme!

All Hallow’s Eve tips, tricks and treats!

We know there are lots of plans being hatched in the neighbourhood for Halloween block parties, costume extravaganzas and scary movie nights.

HalloweenParty-300x209If you’re looking for some community get-togetherness, Friday Night Live is hosting a Neighbourhood Halloween Party for all comers. Doors open at 6:30 for games (think pin the hat on the witch, eat a donut off the string, etc.!), a children’s art project, close-up magician, treats and a “s’mores-gasbord” (chocolate fountain with mini marshmallows and Graham crackers!) Admission is by donation.

At 7:30 p.m., a Halloween-themed Friday Night Live improv comedy show will kick off  – tix are $10, $5 for those in costume, and kids under 12 are free! And as a special Halloween treat, the show will be followed by a DJ and dancing for all!

Heard of any other community happenings in the works? Send them our way for publication!

Need a reminder on some of the Halloween bylaws and safety tips? Here’s some recent information sent our way by the North Van RCMP:


All firecrackers are prohibited in both the City and District of North Vancouver. Fines for setting off firecrackers in the City range from $500 in the City and $200 in the District.


  • City of North Vancouver prohibits the purchase, possession or discharge of fireworks within the City limits. Fines for contraventions range from $100 – $600.
  • In the District of North Vancouver, you may purchase, possess and discharge fireworks under the following conditions:
  • You must obtain a permit from the vendor or District. [Note: you can do this online right here.]
  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You may not discharge fireworks on public property

diamond_sparklerThe North Vancouver RCMP will have extra patrol officers on the streets throughout the Halloween evening. The following safety tips will help keep youngsters safe this Halloween.


  • Never let children trick-or-treat alone. Always have them walk with an adult or a group of friends.
  • Make sure they can be seen. Dress them in reflective, bright color costumes, or fasten reflective tape to their costume or bag. Avoid masks that restrict their vision.
  • Don’t allow them into a house for treats, always wait outside.
  • Don’t let them eat any treats an adult has not inspected.
  • Ensure safe crossings of roads and intersections


  • Halloween night means there will be more children on the streets. Drivers need to use extra caution. With the excitement Halloween brings, children may forget basic pedestrian safety rules.
  • Drive slowly in residential areas where children are more likely to be trick-or-treating. Reduce your speed and stay alert.

History Centre showcases diverse stories


A press release from the North Vancouver Museum & Archives:

North Vancouver has undergone many changes in recent years. We see this in changing skylines, advertisements about new businesses and festivals, and in the diversity of people now residing within our community.

It is important to recognise and document the multicultural history of our dynamic community. This is being done through the Diversifying History Project, a North Vancouver Museum & Archives’ oral history initiative which documents the arrival stories of new Canadians.


Pumpkin patches to spring up in Lynn Valley

The mist will soon descend and the magic will happen… and Lynn Valley families will wake up to find that two pumpkin patches have taken root right in the heart of this mountain village!

Whether your kids are young or old, they will have a great time at these two side-by-side patches. Lynn Valley Parent Participation Preschool is hosting the Great Pumpkin Patch, aimed at younger children, while neighbouring Lynn Valley Elementary will be entertaining older kids and their families.

Both events take place on Saturday, October 18. See times and other details on the posters below, and please come out to take part in some down-home Halloween fun! We’re proud to be sponsoring the pumpkins at the preschool and the bouncy castle at the elementary school, so between the two events we hope to have the chance to say ‘hi’ to lots of our friends and neighbours!

Pumkin Patch 2014LV Elementary Pumpkin Patch

Cairn dedication marks Canada’s entry to WWI

The Lynn Valley Legion invites residents to mark the historic occasion of the centenary of Canada entering World War One by witnessing the dedication ceremony of a memorial cairn on Monday, August 4:




Exactly 100 years prior Canada became involved in the First World War. Branch #114 is spearheading this memorial cairn dedication ceremony.

This will likely be your only chance in life to witness a cairn dedication and it’s also a great opportunity to pay tribute to those who laid down their lives for the freedoms we enjoy today.

‘At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.’

Witness a part of history as a unique carved jade stone memorial is unveiled; a monument constructed to honour those who’ve given their lives for our freedom.


Experience the Colour Parade, as flags of our nation are marched in tribute. You will hear guest speakers immortalize those who have served by dedicating this sculpture to their memory.


The service will be accompanied music; songs of tribute by a soloist and a North Shore choir.


A light reception will be held outdoors after the ceremony.


Our thanks to the Federal Government, Tsleil-Waututh Nation and District of North Vancouver for their support in making the monument and Dedication Ceremony possible




Bill Calder, President


Bike race, old-fashioned carnival in LV this weekend!

IMG_3463Well, it may not be a long weekend TECHNICALLY (although we suspect a few people might be taking Monday off), but there is sure a lot going down in Lynn Valley on June 28/29! A big splash will be made by the BC Bike Race, which will see 600 bike riders launch their seven-day stage race from Argyle Secondary. Their Lynn Valley route is the first part of a journey that will take them to Vancouver Island, up to Comox and over to Powell River, and eventually to Whistler by Day 7. Here’s a look at their Sunday, June 29th Day 1 North Vancouver route – and if you’d like to see some of the action in person, come out the End of the Line General Store, the designated “cheer zone” at the top of Lynn Valley Road. Kids are invited to take part in a bike race of their own, down at Argyle School field on Saturday the 28th. Registration begins at 10 a.m.; further details are on our Events Calendar.  (A Farmer’s Market will also be on site from 10 to 2!)



For those of us who aren’t the two-wheeler type, head on down to Lynn Valley Village on Saturday for Lynn Valley Legion’s annual community appreciation event – an Old-Fashioned Carnival. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., you can take part in carnival games and goodies, enjoy Smartee Pants the Clown, meet a veteran, learn more about the work of the Legion and other community groups in our neighbourhood, and participate in crafts and storytimes thanks to the library and Karen Magnussen rec centre. Hope to see you out and enjoying the fun!