LV’s Roger Bassam: DNV council candidate

LynnValleyLife asked each Lynn Valley-residing DNV council candidate to respond to a set of questions designed to help readers become acquainted with their views. Read about candidate Roger Bassam, below, and see our original story for links to all the candidate profiles.

What  prompted you to run for re-election?

Our community faces many challenges and I believe I will be able to contribute greatly to creating the solutions that will help keep the District a great place in which to live, work and play. Key issues I want to address include:

Roger BassamTransportation – The recurring traffic problems at the Second Narrows bridgehead are impacting the entire community and must be addressed.  This requires a major investment in new infrastructure and we have committed to this and begun building elements of phase 1 of the solution.

Housing – The District faces a very real challenge in providing the assortment of housing we will need to meet the needs of our changing and aging population. The issue is not simply the cost of housing but also includes the lack of specialized housing such as housing appropriate for people with disabilities. We also must increase the stock of rental housing as this greatly assists in moderating the price of local housing.  I was pleased to champion a new District policy that sees new Multi-family housing assigned a covenant that prevents the Strata from restricting rentals. This will, over time, add significantly to the rental inventory but it is only one of many tools we can use to help address this issue.

Economic Development – Within the OCP economic development and sustainability are identified as key considerations.  However, we have not focused on this goal and we must re-visit this concept immediately else we will be losing an opportunity to include this component in the emerging Town Centres.  And as part of the financial sustainability of the community and protection of the ratepayers we re-negotiate many of our current shared service agreements.  The potential savings are in the millions of dollars and must be realized before we begin service reductions and cuts that may impact the quality of life for our residents.

What experience do you bring to the job that you believe would be valuable?

For the past six years I have been a Councillor in the District of North Vancouver. I have served three years on the Metro Vancouver Zero Waste Committee and the Board of Directors- NV Chamber of Commerce.

I have management experience in both the retail and IT industries.  For the past 16 years I have been involved in various community groups and served on numerous committees including: Parks and Natural Environment committee, Metro Labour Relations (alternate), President of Millar’s Soccer League, Sports Council, Chair – Field User Capital Fund, JBAC, Joint Use Committee, and the District Advisory Oversight Committee.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and am currently completing my MBA.

What do you appreciate about the manner in which DNV council currently conducts its affairs?

I believe Council has been very productive because while we have routinely disagreed with each other we have done so respectfully. We rely on the collective wisdom of Council to make good decisions for our community. Individual Council members will sometimes find themselves in the minority on a vote, and that’s how a good democracy works.

We also have an excellent senior management team that provides great leadership for the organization.  The District is a routinely cited as a well-run municipality and we are proud of that reputation.

What would you like to see change?

I would like to see more participation from the citizens in all areas of the District.  We need to find new ways to engage our busy population and get their feedback on how they want to see their community evolve and improve.

Lynn Valley’s town planning process was long and, in some respects, divisive. What was your experience with this process, and what did you learn?

The learning lesson here was that by taking our time and thoroughly engaging with the community we can come to a consensus.  People are willing to engage but want to have a comprehensive understanding of the issue before they make a major decision.  In the end it takes longer and may cost some more money but the fulsome engagement allowed for an excellent process and result.

What do you think is the most difficult challenge councillors have to face in their work?

The learning curve is immense.  Councillors deal with an amazingly wide array of subjects and need to be able to quickly understand the issue, discern the options available to us  and make sound decisions.  We cover everything from Police and Fire Services right through dogs of leash and trees.  One truly must be a Jack of all trades to excel in this role.

What do  you appreciate most about the Lynn Valley community?

That Lynn Valley is a COMMUNITY.  I love when we come together for Lynn Valley Days, the concert series or the Olympic festival. There is a strong sense of belonging and fierce desire to protect our natural areas.  It is truly a great place to live and, for me, to raise my children.

What would you like voters to know about you?

I have strong ties to the Lynn Valley community.  My children attend Ross Road Elementary and will soon be in Argyle.  I enjoy meeting my neighbours regularly, often on the soccer field as both a coach and player, and I understand what our community wants.

I share in the frustrations we have felt recently over the traffic problems and delays.  I am committed to keeping our community a great place to live and I specifically am focused on addressing the traffic issue.  I invite you to my website to see some specifics on how we can solve this problem.


Argyle principal thanks community for flood support

In the wake of Monday night/Tuesday morning’s flash flooding that closed Argyle Secondary, required the evacuation of at least 17 Lynn Valley homes, and has left some in our neighbourhood temporarily homeless, school principal Liz Bell sent out this Tuesday late afternoon update. It is reprinted here with her permission:

Hello Argyle Community,

I thought I would take a moment to bring you all up to date on the current condition of our school.  As you know, the banks of Hastings and Fromme Creek could not withstand the tremendous amount of rain last night and resulted in flooding.  I am certainly aware of the damage and devastation for some families in the area and I wish them all the best as they dry out.


All Hallow’s Eve tips, tricks and treats!

We know there are lots of plans being hatched in the neighbourhood for Halloween block parties, costume extravaganzas and scary movie nights.

HalloweenParty-300x209If you’re looking for some community get-togetherness, Friday Night Live is hosting a Neighbourhood Halloween Party for all comers. Doors open at 6:30 for games (think pin the hat on the witch, eat a donut off the string, etc.!), a children’s art project, close-up magician, treats and a “s’mores-gasbord” (chocolate fountain with mini marshmallows and Graham crackers!) Admission is by donation.

At 7:30 p.m., a Halloween-themed Friday Night Live improv comedy show will kick off  – tix are $10, $5 for those in costume, and kids under 12 are free! And as a special Halloween treat, the show will be followed by a DJ and dancing for all!

Heard of any other community happenings in the works? Send them our way for publication!

Need a reminder on some of the Halloween bylaws and safety tips? Here’s some recent information sent our way by the North Van RCMP:


All firecrackers are prohibited in both the City and District of North Vancouver. Fines for setting off firecrackers in the City range from $500 in the City and $200 in the District.


  • City of North Vancouver prohibits the purchase, possession or discharge of fireworks within the City limits. Fines for contraventions range from $100 – $600.
  • In the District of North Vancouver, you may purchase, possess and discharge fireworks under the following conditions:
  • You must obtain a permit from the vendor or District. [Note: you can do this online right here.]
  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You may not discharge fireworks on public property

diamond_sparklerThe North Vancouver RCMP will have extra patrol officers on the streets throughout the Halloween evening. The following safety tips will help keep youngsters safe this Halloween.


  • Never let children trick-or-treat alone. Always have them walk with an adult or a group of friends.
  • Make sure they can be seen. Dress them in reflective, bright color costumes, or fasten reflective tape to their costume or bag. Avoid masks that restrict their vision.
  • Don’t allow them into a house for treats, always wait outside.
  • Don’t let them eat any treats an adult has not inspected.
  • Ensure safe crossings of roads and intersections


  • Halloween night means there will be more children on the streets. Drivers need to use extra caution. With the excitement Halloween brings, children may forget basic pedestrian safety rules.
  • Drive slowly in residential areas where children are more likely to be trick-or-treating. Reduce your speed and stay alert.

History Centre showcases diverse stories


A press release from the North Vancouver Museum & Archives:

North Vancouver has undergone many changes in recent years. We see this in changing skylines, advertisements about new businesses and festivals, and in the diversity of people now residing within our community.

It is important to recognise and document the multicultural history of our dynamic community. This is being done through the Diversifying History Project, a North Vancouver Museum & Archives’ oral history initiative which documents the arrival stories of new Canadians.


Pumpkin patches to spring up in Lynn Valley

The mist will soon descend and the magic will happen… and Lynn Valley families will wake up to find that two pumpkin patches have taken root right in the heart of this mountain village!

Whether your kids are young or old, they will have a great time at these two side-by-side patches. Lynn Valley Parent Participation Preschool is hosting the Great Pumpkin Patch, aimed at younger children, while neighbouring Lynn Valley Elementary will be entertaining older kids and their families.

Both events take place on Saturday, October 18. See times and other details on the posters below, and please come out to take part in some down-home Halloween fun! We’re proud to be sponsoring the pumpkins at the preschool and the bouncy castle at the elementary school, so between the two events we hope to have the chance to say ‘hi’ to lots of our friends and neighbours!

Pumkin Patch 2014LV Elementary Pumpkin Patch

It’s time to find this year’s Good Neighbour!

If you’re tired of reading bad news in the headlines, you’ll love our third annual Good Neighbour Award!

Each year we put out the call for nominations, and every year you send us wonderful stories of the people around you who help the world in ways large and small. We hear about casserole-makers and cookie-bakers; charity organizers and cheerful helpers; faithful housesitters, handyman husbands, animal lovers and more. There is, of course, no way to choose from amongst all these marvellous folks to pick just ONE Good Neighbour of the Year, so we draw one name to represent ALL the good neighbours of Lynn Valley.

Last year, we were proud to present the LynnValleyLife Good Neighbour plaque and a basket of local prizes to Gord Trousdell, who inspired many people on his street with his kindness to all. The year previous, our Good Neighbour award went to Rosemary Postlethwaite of Lynn Valley United Church. Now who will be the LynnValleyLife Good Neighbour for 2014? We’re looking forward to finding out!

Please send us your story about the person in our community who you would love to see recognized for their good-heartedness (it doesn’t have to be one of your next-door neighbours, but it does have to be a Lynn Valley resident!) In the weeks before Christmas, we will share our favourite stories on the website and draw from amongst them the recipient of the 2014 Good Neighbour Award.

While quantities last, everyone who takes the time to nominate a good citizen of Lynn Valley will receive a copy of Wintertide, a collection of stories, memories, recipes and photos celebrating Christmas on the North Shore. It makes for lovely holiday reading – and a great gift!

As always the winner will receive a special plaque and a gift basket of local treats. We always find something to reward the person who nominated them, too!

Please send your story (just a paragraph or two will do, doesn’t have to be fancy) to [email protected]. (Don’t wait too long, either – we hate to say it, but Christmas will be here before you know it!) All entries are due by Friday, December 19. Please include your name and contact information, as well as that of the person you are nominating.

The announcement will be made at a community event in the weeks just preceding Christmas. We look forward to reading your stories over the weeks to come, and learning more about our neighbourhood angels-in-action!

Make good in the ‘hood – join the LV Services Society!

Last time LynnValleyLife put out the call for board members for the LV Services Society, we’re glad to say that at least one of our readers stepped up to add their voice and vision to shaping our neighbourhood. The LVSS has asked us to spread the word again, so if you missed the boat last time, here’s your chance! Here are the details, as provided by the LVSS:

LV Services Society logoThe Lynn Valley Services Society (LVSS) is looking for additional board members.   The LVSS provides social and recreational programming to the community of Lynn Valley and beyond.  It also has a mandate for facility management in Lynn Valley.  Their primary facility is Mollie Nye House, a heritage community building managed for the District of North Vancouver.  LVSS has determined that they will expand their target group, area and range of services within the next two years.

We are looking for board members who:

  • Are enthusiastic and collaborative, with experience in the non-profit sector.
  • Have experience in Multicultural and Diversity concerns, Management, Executive, IT, Finance/Bookkeeping, HR Grant Writing, Volunteer management, Program coordination, Youth Counselling, ESL, social media or website building/maintenance.
  • Can diversify the representation on our board.  We encourage participation from minority groups who are seeking services in Lynn Valley.

Time Commitment: monthly board meeting of 2-3 hours; an additional 6 hours per month following through on action items or working with specific committees of the Board.

Position Term:  Two years

For more information or to apply, please send an email briefly summarising your interest to [email protected]  before Friday, October 17th, 2014. Be sure to include a phone number where we can contact you during the evening and one of our current board members will be in touch.


Online project offers glimpse into Draycott’s war years

Some current-day citizens of Lynn Valley knew Walter Draycott when he was alive. Most of us, however, know Walter as the man sitting on the bench, immortalized in bronze, in Pioneer Park on the corner of Lynn Valley Road and Mountain Highway. Others know him best from the pages of his excellent community history, Early Days in Lynn Valley, a must-have book usually available for purchase at the Community History Centre in the old Lynn Valley school.

Now, however, there is another, more intimate way to get to know him: from the pages of his own diary, in an online chronicle of his years spent as a military sketch artist in World War One. The unique project will unfold, one day at a time, each diary entry posted exactly 100 years after it was written. The North Vancouver Museum and Archives sent out the following press release today, and for a wonderful short video description of the project, click here.


Walter DraycoOn September 13, 2014, the North Vancouver Museum & Archives launched a unique online project documenting and contextualizing one man’s experience of World War I. In commemoration of the centenary of the War, each of Walter Draycott’s war-time diary entries is being posted 100 years from the day it was written. The project, entitled “Walter Draycott’s Great War Chronicle” spans the four years of the War between 1914 and 1918. It will be updated daily between 2014 and 2018, with personal photographs, battlefield drawings, and other materials, complementing Walter’s terse diary entries.

An early settler in Lynn Valley,  Walter Draycott answered the call for men at the start of World War I. By the end of 1914 he was thrust into combat on the Western Front as part of Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry.

Years later, upon his death at the age of 102, Walter left his entire life-time’s set of diaries (1907-1985) to the North Vancouver Museum and Archives (NVMA). According to Archivist Janet Turner, “NVMA staff has long been intrigued with Walter’s life, the documents he left behind, and in particular, the tiny volumes that recorded his years as a soldier and military topographer.”

“The 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the Great War this year provides a perfect opportunity to share these unique materials with Canadians and the world,” Turner explains. “Walter Draycott’s personal records are significant because they provide an entry point into the momentous changes that were taking place at the time.”

Throughout the website, audio, essays, photographs, and other resources help connect Walter’s words to a rapidly shifting political, economic, and cultural landscape. Many of the significant diary entries are brought to life with voice-over readings by North Vancouver actor Gordon Roberts, veteran of the musical Billy Bishop Goes to War.

Yearly essays by BC military historian, David Borys, link Walter’s personal experience as a self-described ‘pawn’ to the unfolding global conflict. Photo albums help visitors envision Walter’s world with personal portraits, battlefield drawings, and images from his original handwritten diaries.

Walter Draycott Statue, Lynn Valley

Walter Draycott’s Great War Chronicle” is presented by the North Vancouver Museum 

& Archives with funding from Veterans Affairs Canada, City of North Vancouver, District of North Vancouver, Friends of the North Vancouver Museum & Archives Society, and the Canada Summer Jobs program. The interactive website can be found at:

Don’t miss Friday Night Live season opener!

We’re super excited that Friday Night Live will soon be back, with its weekly run of musical and comedy improv starting up again on September 26. It’s always good for a laugh – well, many laughs – and FNL’s variety of guest artists gives regular audience members an unparalleled opportunity to experience an amazing cross-section of both seasoned and new Vancouver-area performers from different genres. It’s a cheap, easy and FUN way to get off the couch on a Friday night and expose your kids (and yourself!) to local culture!

AlanAndrewInterviewOct2013-150x150There are free refreshments included with your $10 ticket, and often a no-host wine bar for pre and post-show socializing, so be sure to get there when doors open at 7 for the 7:30 p.m. show. The performance takes place in Lynn Valley United Church at 3201 Mountain Hwy.

The season opener will be a real treat with a Shakespearian twist. Here’s what the Friday Night Live website has to say about it:


We are going to open this season of FNL with an amazing show!  Fresh off their run at Bard on the Beach, the Grand Theft Impro Players will be celebrating Culture Days with FNL, performing their fantastic brand of musical improv – with a Shakespearian twist!  Spin the Wheel of Will to choose the inspiration for the show!

WHEEL-OF-WILL-300x300Ever wondered what it would have been like if William Shakespeare had written Broadway musicals? Well, If the Bard had had the chance to meet Rodgers and Hammerstein, Frank Loesser, or Stephen Sondheim this is the show they would have written!   What you’ll see on September 26th will be performers from Grand Theft Impro creating a completely improvised, never been done before and never to be done again, musical theatre play based on the plots and language of William Shakespeare. A Fringe Festival hit in 2012, running in early September at Bard on the Beach for a limited run, and September 26th at Friday Night Live!

Come celebrate BC Culture Days on September 26th at Friday Night Live for William Shakespeare’s Improv Musical!  Celebrate the journey of being in the moment!   As always, all ages are invited and welcome!


So if you’re looking for a fun night out, a chance to laugh and be socialize, a treat for your Friday night dinner guests, or a place to invite that new neighbour who moved in down the street, Friday Night Live is for you. See you there on the 26th!

Family-babysitter match-making service offered

The uncertainty about the ongoing teachers’ strike has had many Lynn Valley families chewing their nails over potential looming childcare challenges.

But we know that it’s not just during a crisis that a good babysitter can be hard to find. To that end, we asked our Facebook followers if they would like LynnValleyLife to consider providing some form of assistance in matching up families with sitters or other caregivers. And you said YES, PLEASE!!


So we’re happy to help where we can. We obviously aren’t a child-care agency (regardless of how silly Jim and Kelly may be acting in some of our photos!) That being the case, we need you to bring your own sense of due diligence the process. But we are happy to maintain a list of people in the Lynn Valley neighbourhood offering babysitting or other childcare services.

If you are a sitter, please send us your name, year of birth, address and HOME telephone number along with any important info such as first-aid or childminding qualifications.  The list given to potential employers will NOT include your address. We ask for your home telephone number, not your cell, because it is our expectation that if you are a minor, your parents will get looped into the decision as to whether or not you accept any job offers you may receive. Please email [email protected].

If you are a parent looking for a sitter, we ask that you become a member of our LynnValleyLife Network so that we have your name and address on file. Then we’ll be happy to send you our list of babysitters, which will hopefully grow as word spreads.

We hope you find your perfect match!