Local News – Front Porch Blog

Our Neighbourhood News: From the Front Porch of LynnValleyLife

Hi there neighbours, and a very warm welcome to our blog, From the Front Porch of LynnValleyLife.

Why do we call it ‘From the Front Porch’? Because that’s where the real news of a community is shared – on front porches and sidewalks, and in coffee shops and playgrounds. So sit down and stay awhile…. and check back regularly, so we can keep you in the Lynn Valley loop.

Visit here for musings on local life from our neighbourhood observer, Lynn O’Malley, and stories from our editor Robin Thorneycroft. Our realtors Jim Lanctot, Kelly Gardiner & Melanie Butchart bring news from the world of Lynn Valley real estate, and we have a range of guest voices from your local neighbours.

If you have any tidbits of interest, please send them along to our neighbourhood news-gatherer, Robin, at [email protected].  We can’t guarantee we’ll be able to post them all, but we’ll do our best to spread the word on this blog or on our Facebook site!

Black Bear Band hosts Winter Concert

Black Bear Band hosts Winter Concert

The annual Winter Concert put on by our very own Lynn Valley community band takes place on Monday, Dec. 17, at Kay Meek theatre, and it is always a crowd-pleaser (they have good goodies, too!) Admission is by donation. Details here (and if getting out more will be part of ...
Good Neighbour Award nominee: Stephanie Brawn!

Good Neighbour Award nominee: Stephanie Brawn!

We are collecting nominations for Lynn Valley’s Good Neighbour Award until Dec. 19, 2012. We’d love to hear, and share, stories about good-hearted folks who have gone out of their way to help you or their community, in ways large or small.  Nominees don’t have to be your ‘next-door’ neighbour, just a ...
Good Neighbour Award Nominee: Rene Valen!

Good Neighbour Award Nominee: Rene Valen!

We are collecting nominations for Lynn Valley’s Good Neighbour Award until Dec. 19, 2012. We’d love to hear, and share, stories about good-hearted folks who have gone out of their way to help you or their community, in ways large or small.  Nominees don’t have to be your ‘next-door’ neighbour, just a ...
Good Neighbour nominee: Patty Hopper of Vancity!

Good Neighbour nominee: Patty Hopper of Vancity!

We are collecting nominations for Lynn Valley's Good Neighbour Award until Dec. 19, 2012. We'd love to hear, and share, stories about good-hearted folks who have gone out of their way to help you or their community, in ways large or small. They don't have to be your 'next-door' neighbour, ...
Visible walkers get home safely

Visible walkers get home safely

This week a Lynn Valley friend and I were talking about how difficult it can be to see pedestrians on these ever-darker evenings. Unfortunately, we both knew of people in years past who had been killed while out walking in the dark. Even though pedestrians may have the 'walk' light ...
Register schoolkids before Dec. 21!

Register schoolkids before Dec. 21!

Here's an important tip for parents of kids entering school in September 2013 - be sure to do it before Dec. 21st! As long as a child is registered for a school before this date, he or she cannot be denied a placement in the school. However, if a child registers AFTER ...
Lynn Valley runner has a peak experience

Lynn Valley runner has a peak experience

When Lynn Valley's Hilary Ewart successfully tackled her second Knee Knacker Run earlier this year, one might have thought that running up and down our North Shore mountainsides would have been enough of a challenge for one year. Soon, though, she was determined to hit new heights - just a ...
First annual Good Neighbour Award announced!

First annual Good Neighbour Award announced!

LynnValleyLife is delighted to introduce a new, year-end community tradition – the 1st annual Good Neighbour Award! Has someone been a "good neighbour" to you this year? Did a person here in Lynn Valley go out of their way to help you, your family, or our community? Maybe they spent an evening ...
Like to write? New group to meet in Lynn Valley

Like to write? New group to meet in Lynn Valley

Lynn Valley scribe Andrea Winterbottom is inviting other writers to join her in a new group that will meet on two Thursday evenings per month. The first meeting will be held on Thursday, Nov. 15 at 7 p.m. Says Andrea, "I have tentatively named the group 'Write Away,' because writing ...
Young Writers' Club being relaunched!

Young Writers’ Club being relaunched!

Do you know a young writer? The Lynn Valley Literary Society is pleased to announce that the Young Writers' Club, for enthusiastic scribes in Grades 5 through 12, is being re-launched after a one-year hiatus. The popular club met for over five years at Mollie Nye House, and was the only ...
Hoskins home construction well under way

Hoskins home construction well under way

The two new homes being built from the ground up at Hoskins and Dempsey have been the focus of much interest, and one has even been sold already! Whether or not you are currently in the market, it's always interesting to have a peek at the renovations, new landscaping, or ...
Remembrance Day observances planned

Remembrance Day observances planned

Each year, more and more Canadians are marking Remembrance Day at ceremonies and other events across the country. North Vancouver hosts the largest cenotaph gathering in Western Canada, an annual tradition at Victoria Park. People should be in place on Sunday before 10:30 a.m. (allow time to walk a few ...
LV town centre at the preliminary application stage

LV town centre at the preliminary application stage

At LynnValleyLife, our goal is to bring our readers easy-to-understand, but thorough information regarding all the important developments in the implementation of the Lynn Valley Town Centre plans. Last month, we wrote this blog post that provided some context to the preliminary applications submitted to North Van District by Bosa (whose ...
Giants hockey tickets support good cause

Giants hockey tickets support good cause

Lynn Valley's Bob Rasmus is known to many of us for his ongoing community work with the Lions Club and for co-organizing the ever bigger-and-better annual Lynn Valley Day events. (Click here for a profile we wrote about Bob this spring!) Currently Bob is zone chairman for all the North ...
Entertainers sought for Lynn Valley Christmas

Entertainers sought for Lynn Valley Christmas

It may be Halloween outside, but for Lynn Valley Community Association organizers, Christmas is just a hop, skip and jump away. An enthusiastic working group is behind "A Lynn Valley Christmas," a greatly expanded version of last year's Christmas Tree Walk in Lynn Valley Village. Sixty trees - twice last ...
Toy sale supports Lynn Valley community

Toy sale supports Lynn Valley community

We've all seen posters for Lynn Valley's Kids' Toy & Clothing Sale, but did you know that the event is of benefit to everyone in the community, not just families with young children? Read on as organizer Tim Green gives us a behind-the-scenes explanation of this semi-annual event! UPDATE: The ...
North Vancouver RCMP receive Queen's Jubilee medals

North Vancouver RCMP receive Queen’s Jubilee medals

It was slipped into our email inbox like any other press release from the North Van RCMP, but this one - we think - is rather special. Twenty-two of our local RCMP officers, employees, and volunteers were recently awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for significant contributions to ...
Lynn Valley neighbourhood clean up planned

Lynn Valley neighbourhood clean up planned

Lynn Valley litter will be targeted once again after last year's successful Neighbourhood Clean-Up around Argyle School. The theme of the Nov. 3 grassroots gathering is "Our Community, Our Responsibility," and it encourages families to get out with their children to put garbage in its place. "When friends and neighbours ...
Lynn Valley Optometry launches anniversary contest

Lynn Valley Optometry launches anniversary contest

Lynn Valley Optometry is celebrating its 20th anniversary!  And as part of the celebration, the shop is holding a Facebook sweepstakes with some prizes you won't want to miss. Available to be won are an iPad and ten Lynn Valley Optometry gift cards. Five of those gift cards are worth $100 ...
Live Love Dance gala will support North Van mother

Live Love Dance gala will support North Van mother

Many of you by now will have heard about the plight of Chelsea Steyns, a North Vancouver mother who grew up in Lynn Valley and has in the last few years borne not one, but two sets of twins. Having two twin births isn't the only amazing thing Argyle Secondary ...
Lynn Valley Christmas Tree Walk in the works

Lynn Valley Christmas Tree Walk in the works

No, it is NOT too early to start thinking about Christmas - not if you've got some tree-trimming talent or carol-singing skills! Last year's launch of a Christmas Tree Walk in Lynn Valley Village was so successful, it is returning this year in even more festive form, with sixty trees ...
CBC Almanac broadcasts live from Argyle

CBC Almanac broadcasts live from Argyle

Listen up, Lynn Valley! CBC Radio will be broadcasting live from Argyle tomorrow (Wednesday) from noon to 1 p.m. Tune in to AM 690 to hear the Almanac show's forum on the topic "What don't adults get about bullying?" Gloria Macarenko from CBC TV will also be there so you'll ...
Argyle Piper football victory recounted

Argyle Piper football victory recounted

Three hundred fans came out on Saturday afternoon to support the Argyle Pipers Senior Football team at their first home game in 31 years. All this Piper pride paid off as the boys in green racked up their first victory in the season, with a score of 36-0 against Eric ...
Argyle Pipers football team re-christens home field

Argyle Pipers football team re-christens home field

Update, October 13, 2012: Congratulations, Pipers! News just in that this game ended in a  victory for the Pipers, with a score of 36-0 over Eric Hamber.  For the first time in 31 years, Lynn Valley football fans will have the chance to watch a home game on the Argyle ...
Lynn Valley sewer system tested

Lynn Valley sewer system tested

What the heck is a vapour test? And why is there one coming to a sewer near you? Click on this link from North Vancouver District, in which the municipality explains how and why Lynn Valley's storm and sanitary sewers are being vapour tested this month to ensure rainwater is ...
Pumpkin patches spring up soon

Pumpkin patches spring up soon

We're looking forward to seeing a sea of orange on Sunday, Oct. 21, when the parking lots at Lynn Valley Elementary and the L.V. Parent Participation Preschool magically turn into family-friendly pumpkin patches. LynnValleyLife is happy to be sponsoring the preschool pumpkin patch, which will run from 10 a.m. to ...
Lynn Valley town centre plans taking shape

Lynn Valley town centre plans taking shape

For more than five years, North Vancouver District planners have been trying to get into the heads of Lynn Valley residents. They've asked for our views, they've brought in speakers, they've created opportunities for online education and feedback, they've set up shop in the mall, they've gone to our youth, ...
Lynn Valley homes on view this weekend!

Lynn Valley homes on view this weekend!

Thinking about cozying up in a new home before the winter comes? There are a few to check out this weekend, to suit all different needs and budgets. You can view the incredible family home at 2315 Ennerdale Rd., an open sunny cul-de-sac that's an easy walk from Karen Magnussen ...
Lynn Valley students carry Terry's torch

Lynn Valley students carry Terry’s torch

If you see students running from their schools en masse this week, don't worry, it isn't a fire - they're just taking part in the annual Terry Fox School Run. Janet Dunkin, French teacher and organizer of Argyle's run on Thursday, Sept. 27th, says the high school has been participating ...
Caring clown classes commence

Caring clown classes commence

Like to laugh? Meet people? Put more fun in your life? Put fun in others' lives? Maybe try some vol-FUN-teering? Then a new course starting at Mollie Nye House may just be what you're looking for. Unlike most classes, this program not only allows, but encourages, students to clown around ...