Local News – Front Porch Blog
Our Neighbourhood News: From the Front Porch of LynnValleyLife
Hi there neighbours, and a very warm welcome to our blog, From the Front Porch of LynnValleyLife.
Why do we call it ‘From the Front Porch’? Because that’s where the real news of a community is shared – on front porches and sidewalks, and in coffee shops and playgrounds. So sit down and stay awhile…. and check back regularly, so we can keep you in the Lynn Valley loop.
Visit here for musings on local life from our neighbourhood observer, Lynn O’Malley, and stories from our editor Robin Thorneycroft. Our realtors Jim Lanctot, Kelly Gardiner & Melanie Butchart bring news from the world of Lynn Valley real estate, and we have a range of guest voices from your local neighbours.
If you have any tidbits of interest, please send them along to our neighbourhood news-gatherer, Robin, at [email protected]. We can’t guarantee we’ll be able to post them all, but we’ll do our best to spread the word on this blog or on our Facebook site!
Book, play to feature Lynn Valley mothers and daughters
Hear it from the Robindells – Kelly & Jim make a great team!
An update from the Harris family
Suspension bridge spans 100 years
Fall program guides at your fingertips
Compost coaches offer free, at-home instruction
Lynn Valley kids blessed with natural playscape
Pre-marketing efforts pay off! Underwood home sells in one day
Lynn Valley property rezoning process explained
Get framed at LV Optometry
LV church offers new programs for all ages and interests
LV trainer publishes first novel
Teen’s injuries caused by drugs, not assault
Best ice cream cake recipe ever
LV pest pros tell you how to bug off
Ass’t Fire Chief seeks seniors for home safety project
Lynn Valley mom itching to share eczema tips
Visit Maplewood Farm online, or for real at Open House
Giving blood is now even easier
New group welcomes ramblers and rovers
Knee Knacker just latest challenge for elite LV runner
Share your favourite walks and hikes
Family needs your help to bring mom back to health
Excellent Canada Day parade photos? Not here.
Think nationally, act neighbourly
Prize-winning temperance essay from 1928 still relevant today
Circling helicopters part of Lynn Valley life
Many a tune to hear in June
100th Lynn Valley Day a sunny success!
Friday Night Live crew celebrate a year of laughs